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'5 . That the Committee shall be chosei * equally from the Westgate and Southover congregations : and that at the close of a year , five of the number who sftall have attended the meetings of the Committee the least number of
times , shall not be re-elected for the ensuing : year . 6 . That the Committee shall meet every six weeks , at four o ' clock on Sunday afternoon , at the West gate
and Southover Meetings , alternately , v * hen every subscriber shull be at liberty to attend ; but that the right of voting shall be confined to the Committee .
7- That an annual General Meeting shall be held on the first Sunday in September , every year , when the Committee shall be named for the ensuing year , the accounts audited , and the report of the Committee read .
8 . That in cases of emergency , the Secretary shall be empowered to call a special meeting of the Committee . Mr . T . FISHER , Treasurer . Rer . T . W . HORSFIELD , Sec Newport , Isle of Wight .
A Meeting was held at the Unitarian Chapel , Newport , Isle of Wight , on Strnday , Sept . 7 , 1817 , immediately after the afternoon service * for the purpose of establishing a Fellowship Ftmd . Thomas Cooke , Sem Esq . was called to the Chair . Severai
resolutions were passed declaratory of the nature and objects of the Society , and stating the rules by which it is to be governed . Thomas Cooke , Sen . Esq . was appointed President of the Society , and Mr . A , Clarke , Treasurer and
Secretary * Every person present joined the Society , and mtfrvy others have given their names as subscribers to thte Fund since the meeting .
Untitled Article
the amount was small , the principte was important ; and , therefore , the person rated as the occupier considered that as the expenses necessary to religious worship equalled the receipts , there was no beneficial occupation ,
and that no rate upon him , in respeet of the Chapel , could legaiJy be mad e * He had therefore applied to " the Society for the Protection of i \^ e Religious Liberty of Dissenters , ' in jLondon , and they had authorized him to appeal against the rate .
When the appeal was called , and Mr . Reader and Mr- Reynolds , who were counsel for the appellant , were proceeding in the appeal , Mr . Tench , on the part of the parish officers , stated that they were convinced the rate could not be sustained , and that he was instructed to consent that the
rate should be quashed , and 151 . paid by them to the appellant for his costs ; and which was accordingly ordered by the Court .
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Intelligence . —D Renting Meeting Hoitse $ * - ~ -Generttl Synod of Ulster . & ®
Domestic -
Mrste te Li , a tf eous . JDtes&ftfiHg Meetiit ( ji Houses . fttiy es V . tke Poor states of Pailton . Wctnviek , July 17 . Trtiis tvas att appeal brought in con-SCcfttfetrce of ah a ** sefcsment lately made < tf a BarptiSt Chapel , erected about font yekrs ago , in the hamlet of Pailfon , in the partah of Monks Kifby . In oftttteittotk to tftfe inclinations of the nAabitahtk of the hriitilet , this Charpel fttd bteeh atottesed to the last fdwr rutes , * 6 f the teiiwai vaite of n . Although
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General Synod of Ulster . At * a meeting of this Presbyterian Assembly , held on Friday , June the 27 th , the Rev . Mr . Carlyle moved for the reading of the report of a deputation to Lord Castlereagh respecting the education of the Protestant
Presbyterian students for the Church . Lord Castlereagh had asked whether this was a matter of discipline , which it certainly was , as * the education included not merely the classic languages , or even theology , but moral education also . He observed , that at Cookstown
an individual , styling himself Lord Castlereagh , stated ^ by verbal messages , that " Government might regard their electing a professor to teach their students in theology as an act of
hostility to them , and they were therefore required to desist . " " Who , or what w " a " s this Lord Castlereagh , that he should send such a message to the Synod of Ulster ? Was he an Eldej 4 ? Had he his credentials with him ?
What right had he to obtrude himself officially on their deliberations ? " The Rev . Mr . C . concluded by proposing a declaratory act , that they considered the educatiou of students as a matter of ecclesiastical discipline , in which they are determined to admit of no interference whatever . Allusions in fhe debate are made to a letter of Ml \ Peel ' s , and to Some other inter-
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 567, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/55/