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ference with the academical institution at Belfast . After long discussion , in whirl ) many of the clergy spoke , the motion was carried by a great majority , and the Synod immediately after elected the Rev . Mr . ties to the vacant Professorship of Divinity .
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Concessions to the Catholics . [ From the Morning- Chronicle , July 10 . ] We have no doubt but thst the liberal part of the community \\ i ) l be surprised , as well as rejoiced , to learn that a liii his pas ¦ ed both Houses of Parliament , which completely does awa y and removes the most obnoxious
incapacities that stood in the way of our Roman Catholic fellow-subjects . A bilf , similar in substance ami effect to that on the pretence of which the Administration of Lord GrenviHe and Lord Grey was put an end to , has passed through both Houses almost sub silent'o : vnd wh ^ t renders the
circumstance more singular is , that it was first introduced into the House of Lords by one of the Regent ' s Ministers , and that it went through all its stages in the hearing of a full bench of Bishops ! It is entitled"An Act to regulate the administration of oaths in certain cases to
officers in his Majesty ' s land and sea forces—Whereas by certain Acts passed in the reign of his Majesty ' s royal predecessors , it was provided , that officers in his Majesty ' s Royal Navy and officers in his Majesty ' s Army shall take certain oaths , and in ; ike and subscribe certain
declarations , before they shall enter upon the offices or places of trust to which they may be appointed : and whereasdoubts have been entertained whether the provisions of the said Acts are still in force in that behalf . & , c . Be it
therefore enacted by the King ' s most excellent Majesty , by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal , and Commons , in this present parliament assembled , and by the authority of the same , that from and after the it shall and may
be lawful to and for his Majesty ' s principal Secretaries of State , the Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland , or the Commissioners for executing the office of Lord High Admiral aforesaid , the Commander in Chief of his
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Majesty ' s Land Forces , the Master General of the Ordnance , and the Secretary at War for the time being , respectively , or any other persons thtreunto lawfully authorized , to
deliver commissions or warrants to any officer or officers in his Majesty ' s Royal Navy , Land Forces , or Royal Marines , without previously requiring such officer or officers to take the said oaths , or make and subscribe the said
declarations ; any thing in any Act or Acts contained to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding . " Provided always , That nothing herein contained shall extend or be construed to extend to any oaths required by any Act or Acts now in
force to be taken , or to any declarations thereby required to be made and subscribed , by such officer or officers as aforesaid , after he or they shall have accepted and received such commissions or warrants as aforesaid . "
By the provisions of this Bill , the great obstacle to the entry of Roman Catholics into the army and navy , and to their advancement to the highest rank in the service , is completely and wisely withdrawn . They are not to be called on to take the
oaths before entering the army or navy ; and we need not tell our constitutional readers , that after they have entered the service , all further obligation of taking the oaths or the sacrament , is done away by the annual Act of Indemnity which is passed at
the beginning of each session . All religious distinction , therefore , is removed as to the military and naval service ; and there can be in future no obstacle to a Roman Catholic rising to the command of an army—or to be the Lord High Admiral of England , if that office should cease to be in
commission . We highly applaud the wisdom and liberality of this Act of grace ; but we cannot help remarking as a curiosity , that the measure should originate with the very ministers who owe their places to the endeavour made by their predecessors to obtain the same boon for their fellow-subjects . That all the bishops should have countenanced the Bill is also
truly creditable to their sense of justice , though , after the misrepresentation of the language of the truly liberal-minded Bishop of Norwich , we own we were not prepared to look for
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668 " Intelligence . — Concessions to the Catholics
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 568, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/56/