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that they are placed in a situation so unnatural , as that even forbearance to what they consider as established error , -would be a formal recantation of opinions which they received on conviction , and which they will only renounce on similar grounds : against the marriage ceremony , then they can but most solemnly protest ,
€ t To Mr , ¦> , commonly called the Rev . — . The undersigned being Protestant Dissenters , present to you the following protest against tiie marriage ceremony , to which , according to the law of the land they are compelled to subscribe . They disclaim all intention of acting disrespectfully to the legislature , or to its civil officer before whom they stand ; they lament
" Because it makes marriage a religious , instead of a civil act . " Because , as Christians and Protestant Dissenters , it is impossible we can allow of the interference of any human institution with matters which concern our faith and consciences .
* ' Because , as knowing nothing of a priesthood in Christianity , the submission to a ceremony performed by a person 'in holy orders , or pretended holy orders , * is painful and humiliating to our feeling's .
' * Because , as servants of Jesus , we worship the one living and true God , his God and our God , his Father and onr Father , and disbelieve and abomiuate the doctrine of the Trinity , in whose name the marriage ceremony is performed . ( Signed ) WM . LAWRENCE ,
JANE CLARK , " Members of the church of God , meeting at the Crescent , Jewin street , known by the name of ' Free Thinking Christians . " Sept . 21 , 1817 .
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Intelligence . —Frankfort , Germany , fyc . —Notices . 371
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NOTICES . In the course of the present month will be published . Part 1 . of an edition of the Hebrew Bible without points , to be completed in four parts j it is uniform to the Hebrew Bible with
poiuts , that was published in May last ; either of these Bibles may be had hiterpaged with English , Greek or Latin . ; and thus conjoined will not , when bound , exceed one inch in thickness , or , as a Hebrew Bible alone , haJf an inch .
Bibliography . — 1 he Secoud Part of Lackington and Go ' s . Catalogue , containing the classes—curious and rare Books , Old Plays , Astrology , Poetry and the Arts , Philosophy , Natural
History , Games and Sports , Sec . is now published . The Third Part , containing Greek and Latin Classics and Books in all foreign languages , wiJl be published in October ; < md the Fourth and last Part at Christmas ,
which will contain a very large collection of Divinity and an Appendix of Additions to all the classes Part the First of English and Foreign History , Voyages , Travels and Miscellanies is recently published .
In the Press and speedily will be published a Reply to the Rev . Mr . Mathias ' s ( of Dublin ) Enquiry into the Doctrines of the Reformation , or a right Convincing and Conclusive Confutation of Calvinism : to which
is subjoined lenopaideia , or the true method of instructing the Clergy of the Established Church , being a wholesome Theological Cathartic to Purge the Church of the Predestinarian Pestilence . By a Clergyman of the Church of England ,
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Germany —The Gazette of Aix la Chapelle announces that the celebrated Madame de Krudener , has cmbraced the Catholic religion . The Leipsic Gazette publishes a
notice from the Saxon Government , purporting that the bodies of individuals committing Suicide through despair , shall be delivered to the Amphitheatres of Anatomy .
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Reformation Pete . The following article from Frankfort shews that the spirit of Luther lives in his countrymen : we fear that a proposal in Scotland to hold a feast in celebration of the memory of John Knox , would not be well received at the present moment : —
" Frankfort , Sept . 15 . —All the Protestant Universities of Germany have-been invited to send , by the end of October , deputations to the Chateau of Wartbourgh , near Lisenach , in the G rand Duchy of Saxe Weimar , where
a grand fete is to be celebrated , in honour of the Reformation . It was in this chateau that Luther resided for several years , under the protection of the Dukes of Saxe , when ordered to be arrested by Charles V .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 571, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/59/