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upon him—First , the office of Privy-Seal , then his JVardenship of the Cinque-Ports ¦ , and lastly , the refusal of being Treasurer" The author adds , f * This man was of subtile and fine
Mfit » of a good proportion , excellent in outward courtship , famous for secret insinuation and fortuning flatteries , and by reason of those qualities , became a fit man for the condition of
these times . * 12 mo . p . & Lord Howard was , in 1606 , one of the Commissioners for the trial of the gunpowder conspirators , and distinguished himself by a speech on the arraignment of Sir Everard Digby . Here , if the well-reputed * historian whom I have just quoted m ^ y be credited , ended all the transactions which
can recommend his memory , even to unscrupulous courtiers . In l 6 ll , the disgusting fondness of King James was lavished on Robert Carr , " a man of mean parentage , inhabiting in a village near Edinburgh , and one of his Majesty ' s Pages in Scotland . " He was now introduced to the King at a tilting .
and attracted him by " a bold disposition , comely visage and proportionable personage , mixed with a courtly presence . " The Earl of Northampton appears to have attached himself to trie rising fortunes of this favourite , who was , at length , created Earl of Somerset , and to have been deeply involved with him and his own niece , the Countess of Essex , in their
criminal intrigues , f Truth , &c . Ch . viii . x . xix- xxv . and Bacon ' s Speech on Somerset ' s Arraignment . ) It must be surprising to a reader of the following letter , that he could address himself , to the favourite , in his
last hours , without aq verting to their participation in those enormities , whicji ended in Overbury ' s murder , but which , were not brought to light till two years after the death of Northampton . That event appears to have
been listened by the discovery of gojne treasonable cotainunicafcion with Papists , apU is thus described fyy the Historian . Having mentioned a speech , made in the Star-chamber , byt my f * ord of Canterbury \ h bbot , ] he
says' * He pulls out a letter , written , by , nay Lord to Cardinal J&ellavmine t to this effect , « That howsoever the condition of tfre times c ^ n ^ p ^ l led him to turn Ftotast ^ nt , yet nevertheless , huj heart stood with the Ynp&faj and U ^
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he would be ready to farther them in any attempt / This an 4 much more being said , about the latter end of Easter-term , in the year 1614 , my Lord being hereat much discouraged , after the court brake up , took his
barge and went to Greenwich , there made his will , wherein he published hjmself to die in the same faith wherein he wqs baptized—retired back to his house at London , and before Midsummer following was dead . Many were the rumours that were raised of this
man after his death , that he was a traitor to the state , and that he was not dead , but carried beyond sea to blind the world , and the reason was , because he would be buried at Dover , and not at London . " Truth , &c . pp . 76 , 77 .
It is remarkable , that if the date be given correctly , the Earl had just discovered his filial piety , by removing his father ' s remains from the chapel of the Tower to Framlingham , in Suffolk , where the Countess of Surry had been
buried , and placing * over their tomb a Latin epitaph , with this conclusion : Henricus Sowardus Conies Northamptonite jilius secundo penitus , hoc supre ~ mum pie tat is inparentes monumentuni posuit . A . D- 1614 . Gibber ' s Lives , I . p . 52 .
The circumstances of this Earl ' s death , which happened June 15 * I 6 l 4 , appear to , have been as ill ascertained as the religious profession of his life . Sir Henry Wotton thus writes to his nephew , Sir Edmund Bacon , the day succeeding thie esrent . € t London , June 16 , 1614 . The Earl of
Northampton having , after a lingering fever , spent more spirits than a younger body could well have borne , by tbe incision of a , wennisb Rumour grown on , his thigh * yesj ^ rxright , betwecu eleven and twelve oft the cJocl ^ ,
departed out of this world : whece , as lie had proved i » uch variety and vicissitude of fprtuae ^ in the course of his life ^ $ p pcradventure he With prevented another change tl ^ ereo ^ Uy the opporcj to
tunity of his ^ ii £ \ referring the Earl ' s sMpgosea connexion ^ i ^ b $ is Charles Corxi ^ a ^ lis , respecting a high dispute between Jfaxn ^ and ^ t ^ ParUar mwt lie ajfjffe , " ¥$ t dfd : fie cUw wy Lqwi of Nof tnamp ^ n towq an ^ n ^ n - n ^ p of 4 nde |^ ij 4 iiag wi ^ hiifr theww , m ? o ^ bis . ^ jjy ^ w , vv incJU jet i ^ nat enoM ^ h . ( a ^ I perceive ; ampng tl \ pfip *
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618 Aceounfof the Earl of Northampton
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 518, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/6/