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Untitled Article
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Untitled Article
Untitled Article
The New Testament , in an Improved Version- By the Unitarian Society . 4 th Edition . Demy Svo . 10 s . 6 d . Super Royal Svo . 11 . 5 s . The Complete Works of Nathaniel Lardner , D . D- in 5 volumes , 4 to . Portrait . 101 . 10 s . boards . Sixteen Unitarian Missionary Discourses . By Richard Wright . 12 ino . 7 a .
Eight Familiar Lectures on Astronomy intended as an Introduction Jio the Science , for the Use of Young- Persons , and others not conversant with the Mathematics : accom panied by Plates , numerous Diagrams , find a copious Index . By William Phillips . 12 / n . o . G ; s . 6 d . A Continuation of the Emerald Isle . By C Phillips , Esq . Barrister at Law . 4 to . 5 s .
Plurality of'Worlds ; or Letters , Notes and Memoranda , Philosophical and Critical , occasioned by Dr . Chalmers's Discourses . 5 s . The Rev . R . HalTs ^ Speech , delivered at tbe Guildhall , Leicester , July 15 , 1817 , at the Sieve nth Anniversary of tlje Leicester Au ^ iUary iBible Society . 6 d .
The Fulfilment of Prophecy fuether illustrated by the Sig-ns of the Times : or , an Attempt to ascertain the probable Issues of the recent Restoration of the old Dynasties ; of the revival of Popery ; and of the pre-• ent mental Ferment in Europe : as likewise , how far Great Britain is likely to share in the Calamities by which Divine Providence will accomplish the final
overthrow of the Kingdoms of tbe Roman Monarchy . By J . Bicheno , UML A . 6 s . 6 d . Dissertations on the Prophecies . By the late D . Levi . Containing" all such Prophecies as are applicable to the qoming * of the Messiah , the Restoration of the Jews , arid the Resurrection of the Dead , whether so applied by Jews or Christians : revised and amended by J . King . 2 vols . 11 . Is .
Sermons On various Subjects . By the late William Bell , D D . Prebendary of St . Peter ' s , Westminster . Published by Joseph Allen , M . A . Prebendary of Westminster . 2 vols . 8 vo . 18 * . On Faith , Doctrines , and Public Duties .
Untitled Article
We have received an elegant and interesting" Memoir of the late truly excellent Dr . l £$ tlin i which will _ appenr in the following Number . We nope to be able to give in the next Number an abstract of the last Report of the Unitarian'Fund . 'The article on Public Atiku * if not came to hand tk i * month , 4 * 1 * U ^ # A ^ 1 *^ 161 ^ absence from town .
Untitled Article
By the Very Rev . William Vincent , D . D . late Dean of Westminster . With a Life of the Author , by the Rev . Robert Nares , Archdeacon of Stafford . 8 vo . 10 s . 6 d . Of the Rev . Sydney Smith , Rector of Foston , Yorkshire . " 2 vols . Svo . 18 s . A Charge delivered toilie CJergy of the Diocese of Rochester , and published at their request . By John Law , D . D . Archdeacon of Rochester . Is . 6 d .
A Visitation Sermon , preached July 1 , 1816 , at Stamford , before the Bishop of Peterborough , and the Clergy of Rutland and part of Northampton . In which are considered some of the most important Qualifications for the Ministry , and in which is 1
especially evinced tbe necessity of Learning to a Theologian , by an examination of the chief Requisites for forming a skilful Interpreter of the Sacred Writings . Illustrated with Notes . By , S . T . ^ lopjmfie . , 3 VI . A . Vicar of Pisbrooke , } n liutl ^ n ^ L ? s .
A Sermon , preached at . Cambridge at the Primary Visitation of the Right Rev . the Lord Bishop of LlanplafF . 5 y the Rer . Henry Scawen P ^ umptre , A . M . Miscellaneous .
Public Education : consisting of Three Tracts , reprinted from the Edinburgh Review , the Classical Journal , and the Pamphleteer ; together with the JDefence of Public Schools . By the late Dean of Westminster . 5 s .
Observations on the ^ Pi ^ eased Manifestations of the Mind , or ^ us ajaity - - ^ y J . G . Spurzheim , M D . Royal 8 vo . 14 s , The Philological and B iographieaiWorks of Charles Butler , Esq . of Lincoln ' s Inn .
5 vols . 8 vo . 31 . 10 s . Observations on the West India Islands , Medical , Political and Miscellaneous . By John Williamson , M . D . 2 vols . 8 vo . 11 . 5 s . Speech of the Right Hon . RobertPeeJe , on Mr . Grattan ' s Motion on the Catholic
Claims . 8 vo . 2 s . Speech of John Leslie Foster , Esq . oh the same . 2 s . Speech of Robert , Lord Bishop of Ossory , on the same * Is . 6 d .
C O R R Es P O N D En C E.
New Publications In Theology And General Literature.
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 572, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/60/