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shall send my spirit out of this transitory tabernacle , with as much comfort and content as the bird flies to the mountain . Dear Lord , my spirits spend and
my strength decays . All that remains is with my dying hand to witness what my living heart did vow when it gave itself to your Lordship , as to the choice friend whom I did love
for his virtues , and not court for his fortune . Farewell , Noble Lord , and the last farewell in the last letter that ever I look to write to any man . I presume confidently of your favour in these poor suits , and will be both living and dying , Your affectionate friend and servant , H . NORTHAMPTON . Tuesday at 2 .
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Mr . Howe on the Opinions on the Trinity . Sir , Bridport , August 8 , 1817 . r' is often asserted by the advocates for the Trinity , that this doctrine
ha $ been professed in the Christian church , from its first formation to the present time . In proof of this position , an appeal is confidently made to the writings of the primitive Fathers . If indeed their decisions be deemed
sacred to establish articles of faith , and the religious sentiments they maintained be taken as the standard of Christian truth , the advocates for the deity of Christ must be allowed to have
the advantage over the Unitarian . To their authority , however , the latter will not submit . He makes his appeal to the New Testament , especially to the first planting of a Christian church recorded in the Acts of the
Apostles , and challenges his opponents to produce in them such language as " the ever-blessed Trinity , the Trinity in Unity , Three Persons in One God , the God-man Christ Jesus , the same in substance with his Father ,
equal in power and glory . " These , Sir , are the inventions of after ages , for the support of metaphysical systems of human device . Though the Unitarian admits that the generality of the ancient fathers did not entertain
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The Bishop of London to the Dutches of Albemarle . Madam , Sept . 25 , [ 1695 . ] I am an humble petitioner to you , that when the election of Harwich is
decided , you would give my Lord Cheyne leave to take the Burrow , in Cornwall , for his option , and that you would give me leave to reconamend another person to your favour .
Were it upon my own account , I should be ashamed to ask this : but it is for the government and churche ' s sake that 1 beg it . For the person I would have in , will be of very great
and important use to serve both , and therefore I am sure you will pardon the importunity . Madam , your Graced most obedient and obliged servant , H . LONDON .
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those opinions respecting the person of Christ , which he conceives to be contained in the sacred Scriptures , yet he can bring strong presumptive proofs of the truth of his sentiments , even
from the writings of the former . Christianity , indeed , was corrupted as early as' the time of the apostles . Some of-its professors called Gnostics entertained the fanciful notion
respecting the person of Jesus Christ , that he was a man in appearance only , not in realit ?/ , and was incapable of suffering and dying . This sentiment , originating in a phantastic species of oriental philosophy , is often referred to , and censured by the apostles in their epistolary writings . Errors of somewhat a different kind from the
reveries of these Phantomists respecting the person of Christ , gained some ground among Christians in the second century . Most of the celebrated fathers had been philosophers , who , when converted to Christianity , corrupted the pure religion of the gospel .
by intermixing with it some of their own philosophical or metaphysical notions . Among these , Justin usually called Martyr ( becausehe nobly yielded up his life in the Christian cause , rather than renounce it ) , a native of Samaria , a learned man and a pious philosopher , makes a distinguished figure .
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520 Mr . Howe on the Opinions on the Trinity .
Miscellaneous Communications.
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Sept. 2, 1817, page 520, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2468/page/8/