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SiRp Bee . 10 , 1817 . - DARE say you have noticed how Igreat and sudden a change of style takes place at the beginning of the 46 th chapter of Jeremiah . Can the author of the former be the author
also of the fatter part of this Book ? This seems to me scarcely possible * There are peculiarities also in the latter part , which seem to me different from . aoy other part of the Old Testament . The style seems quite peculiar . Can any of your Correspondents on Biblical Criticism furnish a solution of this difficulty ? If they can * they will much oblige * Ho
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New Translations of psalm v * 11 , and ex . 3 . Alnwick 9 Si * * November SO , 1817-IN reading the 1 Ith verse of Psalm v . I was much struck with the
prayer which the writer offers to the Deity against those wicked characters whom he had described in the preceding verses . Not believing that a human beings who possessed the feel-Ings of a tnan ? omitting the idea of
inspiration by the gracious spirit of God , could indite such a prayer , I was induced to examine the original . That examination has satisfied me * , that the Psalmist never prayed for their destruction * but merely stated
what would be the consequence of their vicious ftnd impious conduct * Two of the verbs are In the simple active voice , aed the rest in the causal active , but not one of them ( I submit
it to Hebraists ) is in the imperative mood . These things being premised * I shall divide , and translate as foU lows : a > nV& $ cDD'ttmrr
mnnn can » im > a ma , God will ause them to be punished ; They shall fall 'by their . own counsels ; By the greatness of their vices they shall be-cast forth , Because they rebelled ag-ainst thee .
Let any person contrast this emendation with the common version , and ' say * if he lean , that the standard trans * lation'is correct . It is thought by maray * that Psahn
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cso . has a reference to Jesus Cbrist 9 the authority he possesses * and the ultimate success , of his mission . TKe 3 rd verse of this Psalm is rendered thus , ia the common version , thy people shall be willing in the day dfiliypow ^ r 9 in the beauty of holiness from the vpomb of the morning ; thou hast the dew of thy youth . This makes very bad sense , or rather no sense at all ; at least to me it is unintelligible . There
is certainly considerable obscurity in the original , and the learned are ^ divided respecting it ; yet with due deference to the readers of the Monthly Repository , I would divide and translate the passage thus :
—rvzisinv . tinp ; nnrra' ^ Tj . qavx ^ tD D-. inwn amir * I Tm *?» Tby people shall be willing- — In the day ' thou approachest with holy pomp j As the dew at the dawn of morn , ' So shall be thy converts * CAMBER ,
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Biblical € ritieism . ^ The gOtk PsaMo 4 g
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Sir * Chichester ,.. Dec . il 99 1817 * IN your valuable Repository , [ XII . 681 , ] a question occurs concerning the author of the 90 th Psalm . If no better answer be sent , perhaps the following may be inserted . The titles of the Psalms are known to be
of very little authority , and in the present instance every internal mark of time contradicts the title . Verses 7—io clearly point out that the Jews were suffering some national calamity in cotasequence of their sins * and that the calamity would last-70 years , the usual time of the life of man . These
circumstances seem to me clearly to point to the time of the Babylonish captivity , as the period during which the Psalm was written , and I thii ) k the allusions in the 10 th and 13 th verses , render it probable that it was written near the conclusion of the
captivity , by some aged Jew , who had but faint hopes of seeing Jerusalem re-built , as he faacl probably- been one of the persons who was born in Judea , and carried captive to Baby-Ion , ' - . „ ' T . C . H .
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^ Oh . -XX II . II
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1818, page 49, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2472/page/49/