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diversity of aeathoeHt ^ d ^ fcdeaitfee aetWity ? of personal attachment , JL ney « r attempt--® dt either to encourage or to discourage his fxofessioa of Unitarian principles ^ for I was bappyi to see a person of bis rank ?* professing ; witti intelligence ai ^ d with sincerity Christian principies . If any one thinks that an Unitarian is not a
Christian , 1 plainly say . ^ without being myself an Unitarian that I think otherwise " Pp . 46 S 47 , The Dattor published ; another anonymonsi letter ta . the Bhike * in thenewspapers * , protesting against hi * recommendin g * as ^ Chancellor , an obscure country gentleman to represent ' the University in Parliament *
As ; tutor at Triirity College ^ Dt \ Watson : hadi tbe important ^ office of instructing several young nobleoien , amongst whom was ; ILord Granbjr * in whose education he says * ( p . 40 ) , he took singular : pains . A correspondence with . ; his lordship is here preserved ?
which , is , highly creditable to both tutoi ? andlpuLpiL Lord Granby vows eternal attachment to Wh % principles * aecl J&X ; . Watson . - ' charges-Min * itb u bea , Whig in : domesticate well as < political life ,, " adding * that € 6 r the te& %% part of whjgfgism is * that it will neither suffer nor exact dominatiow ^ P . 54 i
In .. November 177 ^ the University of Catnbri ^ e played the ? second ftddie to :- the Tory University of Q x £ ord > " in voting an address to ; the King ^ a ^^ r ^ vingof the America n war . Ort this- occasion . Dr . Watson , who
manfully- ; exerted himself on ^ the side of peace andi liberty ^ received a * letter from the Marquis ; of Roekinghani- ^ which he l ^ a ^ es b ehind : hint : in- this narrative . * as' one proof amongst * a thousand of the ;' Marquis's patriotism and good sense . " The letter is ,
however , the production of a mere politician ; while the JJoctor ' s ansswer is replete with philosophic patriotism * " Let the pensioners and placemen say what they , will , writes Df ? Watson ,, ** Whig and Tory * are ^ as opposite to each other - as Miv Jjoeke ^ and . Sir
JnfrbtortiFihwBri as * Jtfee-soundest sense andi Use profotiodest nonsense ;'• and' /' mitst -aiwapsi conehids thut m 7 mm has lost Ms fabnesty or his inielfeet ? whew lie 1 ( liteniptsit&eaufoundithe idem * * FJ 57 ; Ha concludes his Jeiter wife aipttssa ^ e which he himself puts in italics andoii » wMchUftfr-makes a shbrt comment > . 66 ft- is amiTwfutvMtimi ; indite minutm ^ n $ xt . hi 0 u ^ tmtttei $ & : suppose t $ a £ the
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Hhn $ & of B&urbon , Imwmer qnieseeni and indifferent it mm / appear atpresent ^ wiil not avail itself of our dissensions m every possible way . and' to every ppssihle extent ; and the martient jLm erica
is compelled to open , her ports ~ and tm refuge her distress under foreign pra t £ ction 9 there , will be am end of owf History , " as at great people On this he reraarks ^ * How fully , this ^ predfetioti ^ the of
r ^ spectitjg conduct ttie Houses of Bourbcmv w # s verified by the events every one knows ^ and our ' children will know ? whether the other part of it was a groundless piredictioh . ""P .. & £ iu
Dffo Watson now assumed a decided political character ; of what cast ami with what effect the following lively narrative will shew : ** In > 1776 ^ i t came to roxp turm t& preach the Restoration ajid Accessictn sermons
before ? the UiHversity : I published them ; both 5 calling the fii'st c The . &rinmplmof the- Revolution vindicated ?" " 'This ? -sermon , was written with , great ? caution ^ and at the same time with ^ greats boldness ami respBCfc for tratk . In . London it was repo ^ led ^ . ' ati its first coming * out , : to-
be treasowjblv ; and a friend of mine ^ Mr . Wilga % ( the late judgpe , ) who was * anxious for my safety ^ asked Mr . Dunning ( after * wards- Lord AshbmrtomJ ^ what he- thought of it : who told him , ' that it contained
such treason as ought'to hex preached'once Oi month cti St . James ? s ? It gare great offence to the Court ; and was at thVtinfee ^ and has continued to be an obstacle to r my promation . i 6 I knew nothing of either Lord George Germaine or the ATchbishop of Armagh ; but Mr . CumherJand , Lord Georg-e ' s secretary ^ told Mr . Higgs , one of the Fellows of Trinity College , with a view of what he * said being repeated to me , that thesetwo personages had * intended to propose me to the King , for the Provostship of Dublin University ; I asked what had
made them abandon their intention ? It was answered , your Sermon on the Principles of ' the Revolution . ' I hastily replied ^ 6 Bid Mr . Cumberland iuform his principal , that I will neither ask or ( nor ) accept preferment from Lord Creorge Oermaine , or from any other person to whom these nd
principles ^ have re e re d me obnoxious ^* The" loss of so great a piece of preferment would huve broken the spirit of m&aiy an academic j and the / desire of regaining lost favour-. would , have made Mux a
suppjiasat to the court for life . It had . no such effect on me . The firmness of this , reply was too much for Mr . Cntoberlaud ^ s pol ^ treat virtue ; for he afferwards ^ in ttoo s&vty pamplilet » i shewed" hiinsclf min ^ enem y * I « all themsorrrjpamplilet ^ ; bb-
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Me ^ m . ^^ Lifo ^ ' . MisMap ® f-LandxeffL 55
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1818, page 55, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2472/page/55/