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triom family- of your Hoyal Highness ^ ought to liave been sufficient to secure them as a body from suet * unfounded insianafiOBs . And on mature inquiry we have a confident satisfaction in assuring your Royal Highness , that not an individual ooitrtected with any religious society of the Three Be aomi nations of Dissenters
was in any degree implicated in the disgraceful occurrences so promptly and s © h&ppfly suppressed . In veneration ot tnose principles © t eml and religious liberty 9 which w < $ have ever beets foremost to avow principles wMch seated and maintain the family of jnhm * Koyal Highness on the throne of these United Kingdoms ^ and in zeal ous attachment to the venerated institutions of our country as secured by our invaluable con-5 titutioa we trust we shall steadily per »
severe . To defend the land of our birth against foreign aggression , its tranquillity against the efforts of faction , its institutions against tbe encroachments of power , are our duties as patriots $ to yield a ready submission to the laws and constituted authorities of the
Stalep is the first lesson which we leaf a as subjects 5 to embrace every fit opportunity of expressing our dutiful attachment fo our S ** Fere ? gTir and his family , is our privilege a » Britons . In these characters we now
address your Royal Highness , beseeching * your Boyal Highness to receive our professions of loyaltjr and affection , and our assurances that your Royal Highness will ever find us among the most faithful of his Ufajesty ' s subjects .
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That , from the talents and acquirements © f lifer Jfcoyal Highness , fvom her attachment t& those principles of true freedom civil and religious ^ which irave been the basis of our country's felicity and glory , from the countenance which her public conduct and domestic virtues afforded to
the interests of g-ood morals * , and the exercises of devotion and piety 9 and front lier courteous and condescending ^ maDners we were led to anticipate * , in common witfe tfee country at large , extensive blessings to the community under her rule , if she had lived to fill the throne «> f this United Kingdom ,,
That the Almighty having been pleased , in the course of his Pro-vitJenee , to disappoint our sanguine hopesy by reoionring ber , we trust , to a better watld , we bow in bumble submission beneath bis chastening rod , and fcope and pray , that the Utrirersal Sovereign will cause ^ ood to arise out of this national affliction , and that he may still continue to be a wall of fi * e wmnd
about , and the glory in the midst' * of © ar land . ( Signed ) JOiiN ? MPPON , Ctafattan .
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Ukasef addressed to the Legislative Synod at Mq& > cow $ b ^ Alexander Emperor , of Mussia . Bated from Moscow ^ Oct . 27 y 1 & 17 . © uriwg my late travels through tbe pro . vinees , I was obliged ^ to my no small regret , to listen to speeches pronounced by certain of the Clergy in different parts , which contained unbecoming praises of me .
praises which cat * only be ascribed unto God . And as 1 am convinced , in thedepth of my hearty of the Christian truth s that every Messing * Howeih unto its thretiigh our kordb and Saviour . Jesus Ckrist alone , and that every man , be he who lie i » ay without C * hrist is full only of evil ? , tlierefove to ascribe unto me the g'lory of d « eds in which the hand of God had been so
evidently manifested ? before the whole world is to give unto men that glosy whicli belonge ^ b u nto Almighty God alone . I account it my duty , therefore ^ to forbid all such unbecoming expressions of praise , and recommend to the Holy Synod , to give instructions to all the Diocesan Bishops , that they themselves , and the Clergy under
them , may , on similar occasions ^ in fatnre , rcfr&pn ' from all such ei&preamons of pmise so disagreeable to my ears ; and thai they may render unto the &ord of Hosts * atone , fthanksgiving-s f « twr the blessings bestowed upon u@ and pe&y for then eiitpoiwriirg * of his € » ra € e < upon all of us ; con £ orming themselves in this matter to theswordb of
Sacred Writ , wbicb requires us , to residw U * the King * Eternal , ImjBortal , iava « able ? the only wise € bd ^ bummf- and gl ^ rf' for ever at& « $ ewer * ' . . A'LBlUmBE ^
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f % MeffisUr of Meelesi&stical &&ewment $
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PVilliam $ s Library ^ Red Cross Stree t * December % 1817 . At an Extraordinary Meeting of the Genierat Body of Protestant Dissenting- Ministers of the Three denominations . Resolved unanimousl y . That having so recently been , admitted into the presence of his Royal Highness the Prince Hegen % to
offer our congratulations ? on the auspicious nupiiafs of bis ifcoyal Baug'toer and his Serene Highness Prince Leopold of Saxe Cobourgj aa ^ having had the honour of personalty addressing the Illustrious and Happy Pair on the same event , we cannot but feel most powerfully , the sad reverse of circumstances occasioned by the lamented death , of the Princess Charlotte and
her Son . That though we deem It most expedient and respectable to abstain from suck communications of our condolence s > n the mournful occasion , as might revive the
painful sensations whicll must hav < e agitated the minds of tier Itoyal Parents and bis Serene Highness Prince LeopoMj we dto ^ | ieverihelesei consider it our duty , as a body * to testify our deep sense of the fgte&t mn ^ which the nation lim sustained by that afflictive event .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1818, page 72, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2472/page/72/