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4 • ' fi r r w lN"TSiLEIGiENCE. . ' ; 11111 UTijlj 1 1 n 11 1
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Unitarian Fellowship Ffyyid at St . Thomas ^ s jLondon . Jan . 2 Q j I 81 $ o Sir . Since the appearance in your valuable Miscellany of £ h \ Thomson ' s excellent pJan and regulations of Congregational
FellowshipFtmds , its pages have been occasionally occupied by accounts of the establishment of such Funds in various parts of the country ,, I have mow the gratification of reporting- the formation o ? another of them in the metropolis , in the religious society with > vhich I have the honour of being-
connected , it a general meeting * of the congregation of St . Thomas e s , in the Borough , held yesterday , in the chapel , after she morning * service , it was unanimously resolved , that there shoaid be established , at that place , a Fellowship Fund , to be called « The 81 . Thomas's Unitarian
Fellowship Funcf , " and th < e names of about a hundred subscribers were instantly announced . The regulations 'differ ' 'in no material respect from those of other similar institutions . The monies to be raised are to be applied " lo aid , as occasion : may reqarire , in defraying the expenses of conducting public worship at St . Thomas ' s cb a pel , to furnish
contributions towards the erection or the repairs of other places of worshi ps to assist small and indigent congregations in procuring * religious instruction , to aid in the education of young- men for the ministry , to support the Unitarian Fund , and" any other society instituted for the promotion of Christian truth and piety , and to grant occasional relief in cases of personal distress . "
A subscription of one penny a week , or five shillings annually , to constitute a member ; a payment of three guineas at one time to constitute a member for life 5 and donations of any amount to he received : ¦ j
- For the management of the business ^ a committee of twelve g * entlemera has been appointed , of whom eight have been selected from among the young ; persons in the congregation ; it being thought highly expedient to give this important class in our religious society an interest in such proceedings , and thus to train them up for snore extensive services hereafter in the
advancement of the same great cause . The office of president lias been conferred on-the-minister ' fin *' the , time being " o S . S . Spyring , Esq . of the Borough , has accepted the office of treasurer 3 and Thos . Wood , Esq . of the Kent- Road that of secretary for the present year *
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I am induced to trouble voib vyith thin statement , in order that the subject . £ > f thes « f institutions anay be kept continuall y feefee tlie public mind , and that other cungregsU tions may be stimulated by such examples to adopt thema . There is no calculating oiai their importance were they $ 0 kiecQiQe geA nesal among * us . THOMAS E&E " $ , :
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Kidderminster Fellowship Fund , Sir , ^ Mob . li ;' 1817 . Esteeming * the Fellowship Fund as being well ^ calculated for the important purpose of bringing * Unitarian congregations into greater co operation for ^ serving- the causfe of truth , and benevolence ,: I have been
gratified by seeing the several instances of Its being adapted , as recorded in yoiur useful Bepositoay . And considering it proper , and conducive to its further success , that Unitarians in general should have the means of knowing how extensively this
valuable institution is approved , it appears desirable that every instance of its beift ^ established should be similarly announced , I t&erefore send for insertion in your next if room can be spared 5 a copy of the resolutions of the Fellowship Fund Society lateiy . formed at Kidderminster *
RICHARD FRY . New Meeting Fellowship Fund Societyc At a meeting of the congregation , assembling at the New Meeting-House Kidderminster , held in the Vestry , October 26 , 1817 , tlie following resolutions were unanimously adopted :
Hesolved , I . That in the opinion of tins society , it is desirable that a Fund should be forthwith established , to be called the New-Meeting Fellowship Fund . 2 . That tlie objects of this Fund be , to afford some assistance to such congregations as may stand in need of help for providing places of worship , and fur the snppoai . of the Christian religion—to contribute aid to academical institutions for tlie
education of young men for the ministryto exhibit relief to infirm or incapacitated ministers—and to co-operate with similar societies in such other beneficial purposes as may appear expedient ; all the cases entertained being viewed as consistent witja a strict regard to the Divine Unity . 3 . That tl * e above Fund be formed and
maintained by voluntary donations , and a quarterly contribution of at least one shilling , to be paid in the vestry to the Treasurer or his Deputy , on the Lord's day immediately preceding every quarter day ,
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I 'TS - >
4 • ' Fi R R W Ln"Tsileigience. . ' ; 11111 Utijlj 1 1 N 11 1
4 ' fi r r w lN"TSiLEIGiENCE . . ' ; 11111 UTijlj 1 1 n 11 1
Untitled Article
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1818, page 73, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2472/page/73/