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¦ of which public notice shall be given a week before , together with doitfe statement o > £ the cases to be then proposed to the attention of the society .
4 . That on the days when She quarterly itffesc ^ ip ^ ioidis are paid , sucii occasions as SSijf' i > 6 ciil * for Exhibiting * benefactions , sfgfffeeiibly t 6 the previous notice , are to he stuiin&tefl to tfhe consideration of all the to
^ fescVfbeVs Who unay criobse attend £ M tfe&t too part of this Fund shall be a ^ prtfpri&teo to khy pritrpcJse but with ¦" the approbation and concurrence of those who are |> t £ settt 5 to be decided by a majority of votes , the chamn % n laving" the casting vote .
Ik ; That should any case arise ap $ wearing to / sotae of the hienVbers 6 f this Society such an emergency cfs is worthy of ltd immediate attention a special meeting- of jfche subscribers may be called by the Secretary on any other Lord ' s day , for taking- the saine into their consideration .
- ( fcr That a Treasurer arid Secretary be annually appointed hy the subscribers ; and that , Mr . Watson be now revested to be the Treasurer , and Mr . Fry the Secretory ifox the ! y ^ ar eu stn uf * .
; 7 . That the forpgoiiig * ^ solutions , as qml&iniflg ' ' the-standing rules ' of the New-Meeting- Fellowship Society , foe inserted in a , book to be provided for ifcs use , in which the © antes of the subscribers , and the
accounts of their Firnd shall be regularly entered ,, and which shall be open for their inspection at every meeting-. P . S .. Under a persuasion of the importance of observing- the scriptural rules , 4 i To'do good and to communicate forget ^ oU for \ vith such sacrifices God is well
fjleasedj *" ' and "Bear ye one another ' s burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ /' s $ ljto whom it may appear eligible , without distinction of sex ^ oj- age , are invited to become subscribers to the above institution , which promises-, in conjunction with others of the like nature , to be -extensively
useful ; and the contributions are brought so low a ^ one smiling per quarter that it may inolmle a considerable proportion of thfc congreofation . donations towards the first establishment of tlie fund ; , and for speedily administering * assistance to cases already known , will be received by the Treasurer at any time , and the smallest will % e very acceptable .
Untitled Article
is announcing . We rejoice that-3 schema wiaie'b We were among the first ti > adopt 9 appears likely to be generally adopted ;
because we are persuaded that by the small contribution ! of a penny a week , which scarcely any individual will feel to be an ef 3 Wt , it is calculated to become a very powerful instrument for the promotion of our common cause . We have nfo desire ? to
make an ostentatious display of our own zeal . But now that our scheme has bfe&H in operation a year we think we maybe d ° i n i > good by informing the Unilarian ptitlic of Its progress . It may serve to keep up attention to tlie subje < x % and perhaps encourage and stimulate the exertions of others .
The Penny Subscription ( strictly so called 9 because it has been limited to a penny & week from each subscriber ) has produced ^ in the . year , fourteen pounds , in addition to the money raised in our small congfVeg'a- ' tion for general purposes , siich as the sai ~ Ulster ' s salary , the repairs , the wanning and the lighting- of the chapel , the servants ?
the poor , &c . This contribution has beem perfectly voluntary and cheerful , and is HiTkely to be continued without dimSjmfck > 2 io The fund has been preserved untouched fbr the first year . It will continue to be kept distinct from our other funds , and will be
applied to no private uses of the congregation . At our last quarterly meeting- JDec ^ 31 , some resolutions were passed for commencing- its application to use . Our first resolution was to present two pounds to the New Unitarian Church at Stain forth ; which would be much more than the share
of such a small society as ours towards the liquidation of their debt , if the . scheme were generally adopted , ^ and will be sufiicient we hope , for that purpose , if followed by a proportionate contribution from the other Fellowship Funds ah eady formed .
We next resolved to subscribe a guinea annually to the Western Unitarian Society 5 conceiving- that we should thus be serving two useful purposes , procuring Tracts for circulation at the lowest expense , and at the same time contributing to the support f f that important institution .
We determined also to take in some numbers of the Christian Reformer . The distribution of books t and the assisting of newly formed Unitarian Societies , will he our two principal objects . And we flatter ourselves , that we shall be able
fto . niaife our little fund considerably useful * ancl contribute to put an end to the h * eoj * « venient and unpleasant method fey w ^ ich money has usually been raised for building Dissenting chapels . The intimation whicli jkmi Jm ^ e ..- / given '•» . ifi « . niiiii . < TH r ' - L n -m '' ' i ' ' r tH ' iU -V- 'I ^ L- i id ' -teiiiiaii " ' IrSr - niTi ' - "> ' - ' -- : —"—¦ - * See Mm ^ m $ m . W ' XII * 491 .
Untitled Article
74 Zntelligence *< --State of the fellowship Ftind ^ Swansea * ,
Untitled Article
State of the Petlowsklp jFund ? Swansea . Saftj Swansetx . ) Jan . 13 , 1818 . In the natwe of the Unitarian ^ hwi ' cli 5 tt this placey I e « &ng : ratii 1 ii . t «(; " you and the frienis of the interest hi ^ e ncfa ! , bn fchfc formation .. of nieiv FelloW 5 sllij > Fu ^ lds , wl ^ i ^ fe almost every new utimWr 'Qttlb<e&tfaiwPp
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1818, page 74, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2472/page/74/