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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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1 . T ^ s ^ ectin ^ the sale . of tiie B | onthly RepositoryyTjas not passed unnoticed among- us . It , fa . greatly to b , e regretted , that almost t § e only periodical work wliich is open to me free and impartial discussion of
religious subjects , and wnicp is the only public channel of mutual communication and utmost the only bond of union among" Unitarians , should want support , while other Magazines 9 which are notoriously devoted to toe support of a system ajid a party , are in an unprecedented degree flourishing * * Some pains will be taken here to procure
additional purchasers ( or the Repository and we trust that the general bo < fy of Unitarians will attend to the case , and not suf * ter sq useful a w . ork to languish for want of encouragement . It is at fne request of tlje n > embers of the Swansea Fellowship Fund I make this communication . Tbe only ffesiffft <> f it is to
excite attention to the Fellowship Scheme . We trust yoitt will approve of it , and by g iving it a place in the Repository , and inviting other similar communications , by degrees effect the union of tjie whole body of Unitarians in a method so easy , and at fee same time so effectual ^ of raising the necessary funds for supporting their growing interest ,, H . AWBREY . ¦ illi a ¦ n—lJfcMlliiw ¦ !
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Mr . Moberi IJajbjshir ^ -Fplds , near Bol | on - - - .- ' .- . 1 ' \ ¦ Q William Waljker , Esq . PotU » r newton , ' n . eaiXeed ' s ' - - "' -2 % ' flj . Bfr . John Harfi ^ o n ^ Maacbeste F 1 \ ^ Mr , Samuel Alcock , ditb v L ^ 0 ' Mro Jolm Alcocfej ^ fatley , n ^ ar ^ ¦
ditto . .-.-- ?• . 2 % Q JoKn Wood ^ Esq . Liverpool - "f % 6 Thopias Jevons , Efscj . ditto ^ ' ' % ' g ft Hev . Joseph Brooks ^ ^ 5 yde , jQ ' e ^ f Manchester - - - ' - ' - ' \ \ <| - Kev . J . W . ' ^ Sorrisy Dean-Rpw '' ' . ; " " Sjear Wilinsiow - - •• ' - '" ' - | IS WilUam Mahn ^ Esg . Rochdale % - Q' § fte ^' S . Fawcett ^ Yeovi % " ( by " | lr . ; " Aspland ) / . - . - . ' . • . I . 9 "^! Q 'Ok OEO . WE WOOD ^ Fcy ^ r / M . < vtchesier } Novemb % r 1 . 1 , 817 . - '
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iM ^ hs ^ ^ T ^^ ps ^ np . tim'B- to 4 he . Uiiitmim . € lh ^ e h W ^ #$ W ° f&
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SuBscriftigns Jor the Q h&pel at Tiverton 9 My Mr * Asp land . Robert Waiiiewrig-bt , Esq ., Gray ' s Inxk ..---.-..-- 2 2 . 0 Unitarian Fund - - 5 5 0 ? Jnite * ian Fund * , Plymouth , by the Rev . I . Worsley ¦ -. - 2 0 0 Michael Castle , } Es q . ^ Bristol ^ 2 © 0 Amount already inserted in Mon « Bf epos . w- ^» - -81 2 . 3 98 9 3
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T ( raiicTeester Collegef Y " ork . The following sums have been received on account of the Colieg-e . Benefactions * Bev . Matthew Ansti $ , Bridporf ,, eleventh benefaction - - £ 5 0 # Richard Mall Clarke . Esq .
Brid' >*^ ll-IIottsej , near Co ) Jurop £ o * s IXe voh - ^ - - - ' - - ¦ - 5 5 0 J&h-a DaviB ^ Esq-. fJek ^ l ^ , Sue * sex , ¦ ¦ - ¦ - . - ¦ - ¦ ¦ - - - 2 f # # Ai * lljtt 5 r Palmer , M&q . P » i » fc-Bow , Bristol - - •" - : " - ¦ - ^ - - ¦«! ¦ ¦ # # $ fawAtoftu&l&uo&crij > 0 i <> n 8 . MnyjMwrf | it « Sttdir ' .. ¦ - - ~ t j - #
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Subscription for the Unitarian Maptist M ^ eeting-Hmese at York . By Mr . Baton . ftob ^ i ' t ; Wainewrig-h * , Esq ., Gray ' s Inn - ¦ ¦ -- - ¦ - ¦ - 3 3 #
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The Unitarian ? at Stainforth have verj great pleasure In being able to st ^ t ^ ^ several donations to their chapel have lately ^ een received , tut that it has been 4 ^^ inJ ^ proper not to publish therp at pra ^ e ^ t When the sub ? criptioti ? $ hall be cana ^| xe , 4 as closedj a complete fisi will be ppti ^ l atid attached t © the Monthly BejM ) sitpjrj . J Cf Stainforth , Dec . 15 1817 . By Mr . A $ pljznd . A Friend , Barring-ton , Somerset 5 0 ft Rev . § . Fawcett , Veovil - - 1 0 4 Robert Watnewfightj Esxf ; , Gray ' s Inn - - - - - - - - 2 2 §
P . S . Farther s » bscriptio < ia fa the ® iai ^ forth Chapel will be thankfuijj receiyeJ l ^ y Rey . R . Aspfand ; Mr . O . ' j 3 . Y . ' Beismm 9 Oray ' s Inn Square , L&ndpn " ^ ' 3 re Thomson ^ Leeis ; Rev . P . Wr % ftt , Sh « f-€ eldt an ^ l Rev . ioh-n C 5 aski'Si Tlbriie ^ .
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Subscriptions to the Unitarian &fya $ : < el % Giasg-pw . Additional assistance towards ^ efrajring * the debt upon Union Chapel 1 , Crlasgow , [ See pp . 564 , 635 , Vol . XII . } \ Sums relinquished . Mr . Charles Barring , lExeter , W 0 H Mr . Isaac CoXj , Honiton , - %% 0 H FARTHIEE SPdftCRSPTIQ ?* ^ JBy Rev * W ~ Mine fas-] &r . T . M- Kingrdon , Exetei ^ - 1 # # Mr . James Terrel difct ; o - - - ¦ \ O - O By the Rev . J . Muans ^ Michael & . ing&ford Esa- Canterbury , - ... ¦¦ - ' « ' - " - . 5 P 0 Rer . Sampson Kingsfordi 3 dilto . ^ ' 0 0 Anonymous , — . 7- ^ . -. '" - ' ft i ^ Birx ^ ihgb&m NcwwvM " ^ eetiTbg FeJE- / TowsBt ^ Fn iia , ' ¦ " : i - - - "" § ; 0 *
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1818, page 75, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2472/page/75/