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IJFerance © jf . . thg Macks . However , we l ^ ve eveiy reason to believe , that all the < ef 3 forts ot Spain in most of its colonies will be unavailing : but apprehensions are era-Pertained for the safety of Mina , so that the deliverance of Mexico from the Spanish yoke ma ? still be a work of litne .
The speech of the President of the United ' States is filled with the g-ood news of their prosperity , in which every lover of freedom will rejoice . In that part of the world is an asylum for the oppressed of £ a rope , and it is to be hoped , that these states will continue to cherish the sentiU
meats , of freedom and independence . They have enomgb to do in their own immense territory , which is improving every day and if-they can but abstain from the sin thai bas so jpievously afflicted the old ' world , tbe love of war , this country will be far more distiuouished for all the arts that
improve and embellish life , thara any of the boasted nations of the civilized world . The readers of this Survey may have perhaps , looked for an answer from the writer of it to the letter of our friend BefU
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The Theological and Miscellaneous Works of Joseph Priestley , LL . D . F . R . S . &c , with Notes by the Editor . Vols . \ 1 . and III . [ Vol .-1 . containing * the Life and Correspondence of the Author , to be published hereafter . ] Illustrations of the Divine Government .
By T . S . Smith , M . D . second edition , enlarged . 8 vo . 9 s . boards . Narrative of Proceedings in a late Prosecution against JoThra Wright , on a Charge of Blasphemy . By F . Bo Wright . 9 d . Observations on the Expediency of publishing only Improved Versions of the Bible , for the Continent . By Theopl Abauzit , D . D .
The Evidences of Revealed Religion , on a new and original plan ; being an Appeal to Deists on their own principles of Argument . By S . Thomson . Second edition . 2 s . An Examination of the Vaiiotts Texts q > f
Scripture , adduced by the Rev . Thomas White , to prove the Doctrines of the Trinity and Atonement . By a Member of the Church , Jewin-Street Crescent .
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In the title of the Bsdgraph&cal Article , p . 1 , the date of Mr . Belsham * s Funeral Sermon is wrong ; forNov . !> th read Nov * 22 rc $ ,
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shan * : in , the last Magazine . JBut enouj ^ Ji bas been said ' , and many perhaps will say and with reason , more than enough on the subject , ini discussion . It may well drop . The writer of this Survey d *; es not feel his persona ! regard for our friend Belsham diminish , though he entertains the same
opinion that he has already advanced , namely , that trie custom of babe-sprinkling has no foundation whatsoever in Scripture , is not a Christian rite and is used chiefly by persons who wish to assimilate the kingdom of God to the kingdoms of this world . It is in vain that our fiiend
Belsham attempts to prop up his rotten fabric . i € Non tali auxilio nan defensoribus istis Tempus . eget . " It must be added , that the signature of
Ignotus was taken , without recollection that it had been previously assumed . Should the writer think it necessary to write again under this title , he will add to it Secundus ^ by which he will be sufficiently designated from his predecessors .
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Sermons on the Death of the Princess Charlotte . ( From Vol . XII . pp . 6 $ 6 and 746 . ) The Transitory Glory of the World : at Mill Hill Chapel , Leeds , Nov . 19 . By the Hev . Thomas Jervis . 2 s . In the Tron Church , Glasg-ow Nov . 19 . By Thomas Chalmers , D . D . Is . 6 d .
At the Unitarian Chapel , Sheffield , Nov 19 . By Nathaniel Philipps , B . D . 8 ro Is . At the Old Chapel , Mansfield , Nov . 19 By John Williams . 8 vo . 9 d . At the Baptist Meeting-House , Shrewsbury , Nov . 20 . By John Palmer . Is .
At the Baptist Meeting > -House Leicester . By Robert Hall , M . A . 2 s . The British Empire in Tears ; at the Baptist Meeting-House in Bow , Middlesexo By William Newman , D . JD . The Nation ' s Condolence ; at St . Andrew Undershaft , London , Nov . 19 . By H . J . ICnapp , M . A ., Curate . Is . 6 d .
Atlianasia : a Discourse , inscribed to the Memory , &c . By an Under Graduate of the University of Oxford . 8 vo . 2 s . 6 d .
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$ 0 : New PubiieaiiofUo ¦
New Publications In Theology And General Literature.
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1818, page 80, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2472/page/80/