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in favour of Jifaert ^ q > conscience $ and it may toe assertedlgencraUy , that the ! Independents denied to the magistrate the right of coereionror itfflicti ^ e punishment , in religious matters . ^* Of all Christian sects , ( says Mr . Hdme , ) that of the Independents was the first
which , during its prosperity as well as its adversity , always adopted the principle of toleration . " * This was indeed an illustrious age , and the names of Milton , Selden , Sidney , Marvel ^ t Vane , Ludlow and Whitelocke , come down to us bright with the glory their love of liberty shed around them .
It is almost superflous here to refer to the ardent zeal for liberty , manifested by the Puritans during the interregnum $ yet some * ' would I select from that proud throng * ' whom passion and prej udice , ever ready tc To swallow nonsense , or a lie With greediness and ' gluttony , ** t
have chosen to load with obloquy and reproach , —I mean Hugh Peters , Stephen Marshall and Philip Nye . The former especially has been most industriously , and ( I am persuaded ) most calumniously vilified $ ' \ and I observe the charge most Warmly
insisted on by his adversaries , was his too tolerant spirit . || "Why , why ( he was wont to exclaim ) , cannot men of different religions , like men of different nations , live together in peace ? " " Unity , not uniformify , is the Christian word . " He said * he had
rather live under Gamaliel s government than under the best Presbytery in the world . " He declares he was by no means instrumental in the death of the king , ^[ yet he was punished with the regicides , with every added circumstance of cruelty wfiich his enemies could devise . ** As a
speci-* Jvii # 1644 . -f * See ; especially bis book on " Councils an& Creeds . " t Hudibras . $ Consult " His last Legacy to his Daughter , " 1661 . )) Pryune ' s Sword of the Christian
Magistrate , p ; 98 , and EdwardsV Gangra ? na . H { " I had never any hand in coatriyingor acting in the king ;* * death , tout , on the contrary , I offered m ? thoughts three tltne for his deliverance , last Legacyy p . 103 . ** See foliowWtaf aoteV
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men of the style adopted by the fficay aM $ r&j * against thes" roundheads / V be it allowed ifce tq quoite Sir John . JMr * kenhead's description of Hugh i ^ ter ^ : " The Assembly maii ^ sole comfort
^ that he cannot ont ^ a iilugii Eetefsu Sure as Sataii ^ hath possessed the i ^ a ^ semblie , so Hugh Peters hath pos ^ sessed Satan and is thevDeyirsidevijf . He hath sucked blood ever since he
lay in the but ^ her * s sheets : an 4 now ( like the Sultan ) has a shambles in his countenancje , so crimson and torrid , you inay read f : here hovv St . Laftvrence died , and think the three children were delivered frona his face , ^ hia is St . Hugh who will level ! the As * sembler , or the DevilFs an asse . *
But who can trust to conterapbrary fame ? Of omr Milton hiiriselft in his life-tftrie , it was said , that his " works were printed only for the benefit of chandlers and tobacco men , who arje 1 his stationers , and that there is nothing
but windy foppery from beginning to end - y y f and scarcely had the remains of this " chief of men" been deposited in their hallowed dormitory , ere it was declared that " his fame had gone out like a candle in a snuff , * and his
memory would always stink . " % * Assembly Man , p . 21 , Burnet presumes to say , that Hugh Peters , at the time of his execution , was sunk in spirif , and had neither the honesty to repent nor the strength to suffer , " ( Hist . I . 264 . ) Now if there be any thing great and dignified in the character of man , it was
manifested hy " the regicides , ' * when they were dragged to the scaffold . When Hugh Peters was put into the sledge the ghastly and gory head of Harrison was placed before him , and he was compelled to witness the savag * e horrors of an execution for
treason on his friend Cooke . " Sir , " ( said he to the sheriff , ) a you have here slain one of the servants of the Lord , and made me behold it on purpose to terrify and to discourage me , but the Lord hath made it an ordinance for my strengthening ami encouragement . " * As soon as the
executioner had beheaded and embowel led Cooke , he turned to Mr . Peters , and rubbing- his bloody hands together , asked him how he liked that work . < c I am tinshaken , " " ( said the stout-hearted patriot , ) " do your wtHadL * ' State Trials ., Ludlow , m . al
t Harrington's Cewmre of the ttota . % Winstanlcy ,:.. p . ' wfy' See al « o Hunie , lxii ,., " / :. o "¦ " ¦ •* ¦ ¦ - ¦ "'¦ ¦" ¦ ¦ ¦ . "¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ s ¦"¦ .
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On the Opinions ' of&m ? &ifrUm * . ?^ Wt
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VOL ,. XIII . B .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Feb. 2, 1818, page 121, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2473/page/41/