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bitants of the parish , who ofered to become bail , but by the magistrates themselves . A Jury , after several chal lenges , were sworn : the clerk then ' read over the indictment , containing no lass than eight counts , which charged that
the defendant Twight , on the 17 th of September . last , in the parish church of Whepstead , ** : willingly , and of purpose , maliciously and contemptuously did interrupt and disturb the congregation there assembled . " When the defendant was
asked in common form whether he pleaded guilty or not guilty , no little consternation pervaded the court and auditors , to hear him reply ' * guilty . ' * Mr . Cooper , one of his counsel , immediately arose , and said that the defendant certainly laboured under a misapprehension , and Twight added , he said the words , but pleaded guilty to them as " no crime . " „ ¦
Mr . Storks then addressed the jury : — te After a very anxious attention to this case , and a finn persuasion in my own mind , from the finding , of the grand jury , as to its result , I yield myself reluctantly to the wishes of my client , who has felt it his duty not to have permitted in his church , that which would not have been
permitted in another— -an attempt to disturb a Christian congregation . He has felt for the infatuation of the defendant , and is satisfied with the punishment of the defendant , who has thought proper to lay ( lie ) in gaol ever since the 27 th of September last , which he trusts will be an example to him and to all others . I say , " continued the learned gentleman ,
" that my client , impelled by this Christian spirit of charity , wishes to put an end to this case , and to leave it at this stage of the proceedings , by not producing any evidence . If my learned friends choose to accept this offer , I shall set myself down ; but if it be not accepted , I shall discharge my duty as a zealous advocate in prosecuting this case , and I have no doubt as to its result . "
A pause here ensued . No answer was made by defendant ' s counsel , when the chairman said , as no evidence is brought forward , the jury must find an acquittal , and they instantly returned a verdict of Not guilty . The chairman observed , ** You ought to be' very much obliged , " when Twight said loudly , " I do not feel so at all , " or " I do not thank you for it "
( we could n . ot exactly catch the expression ) . General applause , upon hearing the verdict , immediately ensued , when the chairman , with great warmth , desired the constables to take the offenders into custody , and if they did not do their duty he would do his by apprehending t ] he first man guilty of such behaviour . A correspondent of 'The Huntingdon Gazette observes , that the friends of
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Twight * ara « ony the case ^ vas tiotfpiroceeded in ^ as ; they firmly relied ou l ^ triumphjal * acquittal ?>? for it was ^ with great difficulty the grand jury could fitfa a bill . r fhe result has given great * satisfaction to every friend of civilian do Religious liberty in this Neighbourhood ; for the charitable conduct of this reverend divine , in instituting ^ these proceedings , is universally condemned by ^ 1 !/ parties .
A subscription is set , © n fbott , confining it to the sum of ls . each , to defray the expenses of the trial , and the subscriptions flow in fireetyv The defendant onlylaughed at the proffered mercy , and he intends instituting proceedings against the reverend vicar . . :
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FOREIGN . France . The Two Religions . —During the sitting of the Chamber of Deputies , on Friday the 22 d June , the state 6 i the ^ clergy in
France was made the subject of discussion . The estimates for the Established Clergy of the Church of Rome amounts to 22 , 600 , 000 francs , ( £ 941 , 000 , ) which was granted by the Chamber . The Minister of the Interior then demanded the "
sum of 60 , 000 francs ( J ? 2 , 500 ) for , the Protestant Clergy , and further required , that the estimate should be augmented to the sum of 60 , 000 francs ( jg 2 , 500 ) for the repair of Protestant Churches . He stated that " the Protestant religion is organized in fifty departments of France :
it is celebrated in 200 churches or places of worship , the greater part of which are in want of repair . There are many places where , for want of churches , the service of religion U" celebrated in the open air . " This estimate was granted without the slightest opposition .
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InteUigerkCe .- ~ Poreigni Franm $ ~ / ^ vv V ^ <* f 3 ! r
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The Protestants Qf France propose to publish ^ a collection of Portraits , &c , entitled Mus&e des Protest am Cefeb 'resf % c . " Museum of celebrated Protestants who have appeared from the commencement of the Reformation to the present day . " The work will consist of
lithographic portraits of the earliest Reformers , and others distinguished by their rank , their talents and their sufferings , with short memoirs of their lives ;' and it is . proposed to extend thi £ collection to about 150 portraits . It , will be published at the Protestant Library inK the 'Place du Louvre .
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/ Pwo warriors of the Revolution , Marshals Kellkrman ^ Duke of Vffcjmy , an 4 Lefebvre , Duke of Dantsic , are lately deceased . Kellerniah ' s heart is to be burled at his own request at Valmy , the scene
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Dec. 2, 1820, page 735, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2495/page/47/