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Does aot that make a pretty introitus , Mr . Editor ? Now for a specimen of the gentle spirit with which oar Christian overseer acMt ^ ses ttie vvanderln sheep of ins flock I ; \ *
Haste quando negros mas que ascuros , Catilinas Espanoles , ; hasta , quando yiles , infames , soeces , escarabajos del inferno , diablos majs , que endiabja 4 os , concives conterrarieos nuestros 4 Jiasta quando abusareis de nuestro sufriiriento ?
Ye who are rather black than obsettre , ye Spanish Gatalines , —^ e vile ^ ye infa * mous , ye flirty ones ^ ye be ^ tlesj of hell , ye devils rather than devilized , engendered in . out uatjly ^ ^ q ^ rrb fW- Jong , how long * will ye abuse our forbearance ? . ., ,
This is a ' * ' forbearance" triply edifying , Mr . Editor .
Rogamos < t los senores maestros de primeras y segiindas letras 6 a los de leer , escribir y latinidad , asimismo a los padres de familia si la tifcnen menuda ninos y ninas que quan&o no lean de verbo ad verbum 6 del principio 2 A . fin esta nuestra pastoral ante su ^ discipulos y familiares , por lo menos los instruyan
sucintamente en su sustantia y les exhorten a que andando por los caminos aunque seaii despoblados y estando en sus trabajos entonen como Dios les diere a entender siquiera los reinates de las clausulas maldicientes que aqui iran escritas y sino estas no s 6 si coplas 6 prosas , porque serian lo que saiga y son estas cosas tres :
l a . A todo aquel que persiga Nuestra santa religion Maldigale Dios maldiga Y hasta que asi se consiga Su completa conversion Pen a le de" Dios fatiga Maldicion tras xnaldicion . Amen . 2 a . Los que muerto 6 tal quieran
A nuestro rey buen Senor , No en pecado tanto mueran Pero vivan en dolor : Y para que luego , luego Se muden sus corazones Fuego en ellos fuego , fuego , Maldiciones , maldiciones . Amen
3 . Y si alguno cacarea Conviene ser nuestra Espana Republica ; porque yea Cuanto la ambicion cngana No de su casa amo sea ; Y en ella todos mahdbnes A su antojo sin concierto Lo tengan aun sin calzones De miseria Men cubierto Cubierto de jtnaidiciones Ainsi soit rU » ^ s t ^ e ^ , Amen .
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And we require all schoolmasters of the first aud second classes , and those , who teach reading , writiiig an . d Latin , and all fathers of young families * whether boys or girls , that if they do not read to their scholars and to their household' this our , pastoral epistle de verbo ad verbum >
or from the beginning to the end , that a $ least they instruct them succinctly in its contents and substance ; and exhort them , that when they walk out , even . in unpeopled roads , and while engaged in their daily labours , that they accustom
themselves to utter what God shall give them to understand of the following damnatory verses , at all events the concluding clauses—I hardly know whether to call them couplets or prose ; but they are three , as here written- —rp . 47 :
This shall be each creature's meed Who attacks our holy creed , Be he curs'd and curs'd again , Curs'd with sorrow , curs'd with pain , r rtll converted let God ' s curse Still pursue him , worse and worse , Let his doom be this . Amen .
Those who ever dare to pray For our good King ' s dying day , May they not in misery die—May they live in agony ! Victims of eternal ire—Purging flames their breasts to fill , Flames of fire , of fire , of fire—Curses , curses , curses still . Amen .
And should any dare maintain A Republic ^ fit for Spain , Let him know how sweet a bliss ijnrestrainM ambition is , And be driven from his home-Be H then his destin'd dqopn Others ruling there to see-All expos'd and naked he ! Not a single rag to cover him , Nought but maledictions , over him . Ainsi soit I That means amen ! \
flite is enough fqr onpe , according to the advice of th « $ Ca ^ telliati proverb ; Ob dexar £ con jntel w loatlabio # < y ¦
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1821, page 5, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2496/page/5/