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fttftidftk^foimafiiM. The No ^conformist. No. XXIII.
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On the Attempts that wertf made towards th&Mvforihation of Religion in Italy in the Sixteenth Century /
IT has been dispute * ttetwfeeii the folloWers of Luthfetf ayad of Zwifcglius , to yfrtAch . of those emhierft perfcdiisr ought to be ascribed the Hoiiotnr df originating the great work df jlfifc R 6 r formatlori from Fopeiy . In wKaS £ er € r * way this controversy nitty ' -b& ^ fl&draj&S ; :
it is not possible that the ^ efittiat ! o ^ of either of the illustrious , inawidi ) &lef , whose credit is thought to We ^ & 9 ced upon the issue of it , can ite hi ? all affected . The history of the $ > rtteete&-ings of both , m theii * manly stand against spiritualUsurpation and tyranny , is riott ^ wfcli known ; the valufe
of their services , in their r £ spfc < jtive theatres of ^ ctid > n ^ Is Jfrop erfy understood , and they roeHts a ^ e rightly and folly nppreti&tied By a grateful posterity . It is ^ hf * # ^ rer , due to £ ach of them to b ^ ar in min ; d , ttoi * their lahours ih the Catl 3 e of Christian truth and Kberty cbnam ^ riced about tfee
same period in different countries ; that they were independent actors ; a ? nd hU ( f at fir ^ t , ana for * a conside T rable period , ild knbwledge of eaeh others deSi g tis and prpcee ^ ings in respec ^ to' their common object . It foUovvs , th ! eriefore , from- these facts , that nMtfrer of them can substantiate
a just claim to priority of service ou the score of time , or pretend to the tnerit of having been the first to set the examplfe to the other . But whatdvfc * rtieed of praise itttty be awarded to Luther and to Zttft ^ g * y ^ s , there is gdod Reason to Question the right of eiffief of thetn to b ^ , In stric re ^^
t pr ^ pff ell ^ edr a , s tM ! father ; of the I& | orfflati : on- Long aiitece ^ dently J ; o j ^ py ^ y , w&ifa ilOiida hftd , uv various , Ap ^ ptries of Europe , been arawu to tfcf ?< jO 0 s iteration of the AntKGhristfate spirit of t ^ ?< Jhurch o * Rome ; aodw of the licentioueneBis aikd P ^ ftigacjfi oJK its mtere and ' ministers . v ? ^ t PV& » * t ^ lifet * > mfr M < % mp , ate 6 , App » piiiAftr' laESi mm Ml fe
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object . Iridividuals had , i % 5 ome plafe ^ s , in ^ f ^ eir discourses writings ^ antrtaad ^ rfed won tvhat $ * & £ d ^ en ^ i ^ fe iafte rfpfcthrines and su ^ feTstttfti ^ fttes : whifeti titfeeta had a ^ cfc cta ^ t ^" W ^ bnsixIeY 46 le numbers , f 6 thfe jn » Wcefebt ^ t < i 6 ii of th * ordiiianees o"f ^ eliMcni toon brinciplBs vrtiich they mor ^
d ^ # ^ accordant ^ ith Chrlsti&tt mielfMd ^ dngelWal simpR ^ ity . * Th © Bdmatf ^ dMlffs % kd , in fabt , *> eei * thetiaiel ^^; for s ^ ral a ^ s , giwci ^ Bly pi ' ebaife ^ th (^ iiistrtitrtents \ raich w ^ e to siiliVert tireif ; s ^ ntiayi etpph £ ti ^ iti ^ n ^ e '^ itf thgif e ^ cfess ^ l SSd ^ dHgtet ^^ ki tcf *| pfta ^ d < ^ ifeij ^ « € ^ frfend ^ and \ taiftst ^ ard # Sci ^ tih& had excited an uni # ^^| J tikstik fbir si ) n ^ change liiat should dtfrb "tiiMr t atafeftieti , eflfecft th ^ imtfKb ^ m ^ t *\ i £ Wk # religious orders , relieve from ttfe Mr-**> ¦ - '' ¦
* This statemedt is abund ^ ndy jSi ^ ti- ' fled by what * id detailed in the common compilationsi of l £ <^ lie&ia $ tical History re- ^ afpecfing those numerous and ^ m sorafc instances , discordant sects which < i&&&e
under iihe general name of Albigenses > and which so * frequently exposed' thenn ^ selves ' to thfe thunderbolts pf th 0 V& 4 ca » nv Their heretical opinions were puixpcly condemned so jear ] y as the year ll 7 p hy . a Council held at Albi , in the So ^ th of
France . In ' ll / Sf" they were cruew |> ersecuted by Pope Alexander ; jnt ^ e c ^ Vty I ^ art of the thurteei ^ th century ^ S . crusad ^ was prbclaimed a ]^ ainst thW W Pope Imiotfebt- the Third , wh < 5 se-ftmne- c 6 nZ tained the bitterest satire- ^ cJii his ch& * ractei * , at least in thisj * instance ; aad about this period the infernal tribunal of
the Inftuisition was rerested with an e 2 t ~ press View to , ^ Ujm ^ Pg ^^^([ J ^ rejaujt of the . sp ^ p ^ te ^ f ^ flWg 1 ^) V ^ H / l hav ^ ^ ug ht t | ie ^^ n fjtM l ^^^ M ^ B ministers , how laappropnate A « d wayaU ing s ^ e sqeft ' ^^ WHl ^^ J ^^^^ ray
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.. IIIaX . ^> I rj ^ g- - % v < -f r . 'A ; * , \ T . ¦ t : < t > . * . ! /¦» ti , «^ , ' : ¦ $ ¦• » i . , : ^ - ^ " ' - , J ; ¦ ¦ * . ' ¦ ;" , *¦ ¦ -: ^ » Iv- - . . f ^ V : ¦ . " . JkjHSr ^ T ? . 1 st-MJE-jr *
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Fttftidftk^Foimafiim. The No ^Conformist. No. Xxiii.
fttftidftk ^ foimafiiM . The No ^ conformist . No . XXIII .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1822, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2508/page/1/