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spetxh . Wfeat Maees meAm , We baste no m&a » &f knowing hnt from ike litn ^ ua ^ e fee has used ; > and it is ^ erttih that he hue not gj&ea < the s % hteat intiinaJion tfaa * thie tempter waa saaae
sirpeiior being concealed « fitor the forra of a , s « rpeti £ . Tine teraB Satmn is a mere Hebrew * rord , and signifies an adversary * an eneHay , or accuser : the fir ** time it occurs in the S&bie is 1 Oteoan , xxL 1 , where he is said
to tempt Darid to number the people ; the second and third times are in tise book of J « b £ the / Wr / A time is Psalm cix . 6 , where the eneoaies df tkat prince are represented as saying * €€ Set thou a wicked man over him * and let
Satan" { an adversary ) * ' stand at his right hemdf The only remaining places in which this word occurs in the Old Testament are in the first and « ee © ad verses of the third chapter of the prophocy of Zedhariah * < The late
period in which this ward was used among the Jews , is ; an ai ^ ument against the book of Job being written by Moses ; ajad , m connexion with the manner m which it occurs in the prophecy of Zeebariah , wfeieh woa delLvered after t ^ be re turn of the Jews to
their own laaad , a , pre $ uiaiptive ai ^ u ^ n ent that the s aid < bocik was not written before the Babylon ^ h capti vity , and as it made a part of Ezra ' s canon , the most probable supposition is , that it was produced during that period- ¦
It is , however , iweiy posfiibLe , thai the introductory uwl concluding chapters may tewe been added l > y tsome writer ^ * oon after the relura from thtt Babyloniah caplwifiy , nor duiiag it * tontiiiujaice ; 4 U 3 td that all the vest of this venerable poeai may be as 4 > kl , iM
or evett al < ter ibaa jrfifia ^ e ^ ofosa * . I am not sxi ^^ ienii ^ d ^ quamtftd ivitii the writing * of i \ mrmA Jews to know if any of them hsai » e ftdciptesi / tlwa t * pinion . If yctti ; ahouid m * erto tths ^ m ikxmef
tlion ^ btf m your waUtable wonk , pertap * Bomei of < yo % ur con ^ spoadwts will ^ ndearour ! to itoow Bo a > e H ^ bft upon the siri ] Jec ^ n ^« boii 4 d itlmti he the i ^ ase it will 3 > e mrf aoceptoftteto iif i £ . BiiJTiiHJ ^ Ri
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fW < ft ^ mh ^ ff J Mfhan J ^ 9 ^ . * ! 1
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^ vm ^^ BB ^^ " ^"'' * ' ' ¦ # ¦ ' ' ¦ * . ^** , ¦ ;¦* ' ' , -i * . ; ¦< ¦ ¦ . < < ; . t f * ¦ A LT » CIUiiH I Aittk ( Wtibh wowr ^ L owareiipjondewt . ( K ^ ¥ ii & » fi ^ o 99 , ) that such questions as tta ! sfi ;; fif liberty and Ncowity are not very
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propesr fi « r a pa ^ ulw trork ^ i ipNil * diswd f wtb year peninittion , 'vcNlyg ^ gwt a aic ^ e cof defttidfaff the f&e&hfta jof tkum ^ n « giancy ^ f wMen > ^ if > ino ^ ksofl ^ elusive , is perhaps no * wfeott ? ahswii * L J thkik it ttwty be admitted r tbttT th ^ doctrine of Necessity should not 1 » e affirmed , eiceeiM : its troth ^ oirid '^ be mode absolutely co-tain ; i > ecaaise > 4 t will ^ hardly Ire denied , ^ 3 ak $ bad «©«* sequences mo ^ f be the resuit « rf dt » adiiiission . It is pfatk ^ c ^ otrar ^ to . the l ^ ceiyed opJtnion ^ of mankindpatyd to those opinions which , i thinly tove been tine , basis of the belief of jfll
^ nankmd a ture st » te . The ^ bpsolution of the body of a man was as obvioits to the seases of ail men in ^ 1 ages 9 as it is to us now ; and them could appear tobeao sensible dh % r ence between suck a dissolution ^ and that of the body of any other anjmftL Mow came it then , tkat an xmaveiv
« al belief pervaded ail nations , ages , £ o © # ues aad people , that for matt , and man onl y > there would beafcitui ^ state ? Only , I think , because man was supposed to be the master of ios own actioBia , and tkat \ && condlust ; whether g-ood or fead , ivas t&e residt of avoidable d ^ te ntUBatooBS , Nwr ;
the belief of all fodnkind , ^ aimoevnimr subjects of their otem GomeiousmesB + iM surely entitled to most wei # l * iytCDrai derartioa . Itisisi vain to eoarpare tlu £ opinion to . that & £ men ooitGerritBg tbe ripiHg- ^ aettiog ^ and luotioo e # > lAie 6 Uti aimee that j > oti € m applie * ng ^ t <^ cooeeiousness , anii is a skailar ^ rannr
to that m u tnsui wh& thinks me Area move when he is aw ling dowja a ffii « r , If k slfc 0 aa > W kerettiLer . i > e < fe < a * vered that food does not nourish an&fip 1 stoil thea jthmk that ;» | mtadl « lm « si is fcrund ^ for men h&v& adamfB hslifincd ttot food ttoujrishas ; them ; and « Rbw |
they are found to have errefi it » Aim > 2 \ vill admit tiuit they may iiftiw ^ Kjed kt t < hetr iK » taoou « < rf lil * ertyv < rf ^ wW « fe tiusy lisfcve ever i&afugltf d ^ msdhpeB a « ai 9 Gdotts > fia ^ riiiig » aade $ hatoR > im i » arks , I qatraeeed ito s ^ te ^ hcr ^ Krayriit ^? hieh I tbtok the fmrtdom ^ rf iiamMi
u ^ ttney ^ © iwy ^ te ^ & ^ dcd ^^ aqitt teoiv « u ^ in m iiad ^ ttotJjliiink ilT ^ v ^ aaodidil 4 ^> »« c& a * qttcsti ^ , to drad «» A >^ tel { pr ^ babiUiMrsvocat ^ lim iside ^ ttkcMdhi ^ tbe wet ( mly wkh > eem&ft * ti 6 m awtibmmtktit flid ^ ftem ^ KQ ionfctdeyatioo of ytapfe-J ^ teeottdeqo ^ iiQes . i * ( <( ; <• .-. ,- i rsw *« . > JUutan la x-ancersatttt ri >«^ mtfQi
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1822, page 11, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2508/page/11/