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. Ferha )> s it was not inconsistent in » writer wha could affirm , ( p . 7 , ) that chance appears to be invariably and inconceivably connected with the motet important occurrences , and ( p . 109 ) while we bend to the rod of fate , we must hesitate to what divinity to ascribe tie attributes of ^ wr eon&tence , —to
appear as the eulogist of Heathenism , in Gato ' s self-murder , and to advance the extraordinary , paradoxical and unchristian sentiment—*< The confiscation of a proscribed roan ' s property is absurd ; for there are few who wish to live after being deprived both of their honour and their fortune :
if he be a philosopher and a man of courage he will deprive himself of life * and if a theologian , and not deficient in resolution , he will do the same / ' —P .
369 . We have noticed instances of the most shameful indecency in this volume , which render it totally unfit for the perusal of a virtuous person , and unbecoming' the eye of modesty to behold ; with the references to which we shall not defile our pages .
The author appears as ignorant of theological literature , as of the disposition and mind of a theologian . The confounding of Wollaston with Wooljton , and TVndal with Tindal , ( p . 131 , ) is disgraceful in an English author * We see not how an Unbeliever or an
Atheist can with this author consistently describe Voltaire as " unparalleled / ' nor can ; we conceive , with Duvernet , ( p . 379 , ) why Freethinkers should be delighted at the last words
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Memoirs from 1764 to 1758 . By James Earl Waldegrave , K . G-, one of lus Majesty ' s . Privy Council in the Reign of George II . and Governor to the Prince of Wales , afterwards George flj . London . Murray . 1821 . pp . 2 W . 4 to . Portrait . tM ^ HE price of this book confines it JL to a few readers ; whicTi is much to be regretted , as it gives an amusing aiuj , we believe , faithful account of itk J ? | erior of the Court of Geo , J | . at the close of his reign . The editor , £ vho is aaid to beLoTdliolland ; , would
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of this celebrated g ^ iusi :- " * ' * W ^ ien the Clergymaix aaid , Xta $ ^ aeknowledge the divinity of Jesp Christ ?" a question which we should have used of the divinity of the Gospel ^ Voltaire * eplfi < id , * For the tow w < Se « l do not
mention that mata ' s- nft ^ e ; ' ** the accuracy of which otir author ^ with his prejudices in favour of tfcfe dying poet , admits ; and which , if ^ we truly under stand its import , indicates a temper most dreadful at that tour , mum
every hypothesis of fhtunty . Would that it indicated some feelings of compunction , for the unsatisfactory ani superficial manner , to give it bo harsher title , with which he had treated the Christian religion . We refuse not to Voltaire the credit of much
benevolence of disposition , and we are grateful for his efforts in regard to Toleration ; but we lament his unbelief , which arose from vanity and want of examination - y and think we perceive m him just those follies and vices which the spirit of Jesus would have tended to correct .
We cannot dismiss this volume without acknowledging that the author , in one or two passages of his work , appears to write like a Christian . We wish that the sentiments contained in these may become the real sentiments of his heart ; for if his work should reach a second edition , he has much to change and revise before he can contemplate his undertaking with vir tuous satisfaction . M .
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confer a favour upon the public by p rinting a second edition , in a fonn more accessible to the bulk of political readers . The character of Bail Wajdegme is thus described by the pen of conjugal affection :
" He died of the small-pox , agcd-48-These were hi * yeaKB in mtmber ; ^ wat they were in wWojn , Jbf ^ oly JbptoQ&J time . r rhe universal respect pjwA tpJ ^ while he lived , m& the universal 4 i # iJ ' tation ^ t . hi& de ath s arfe Umpte tesw ni ^^ . 0 $ a i character not * ^^^^ SSH ralleled . He was . fot ^ v ^ wt ^** ®
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f $ Critical Notice * .
Critical Notices Of New Boqks
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1822, page 50, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2508/page/50/