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be preadieflLt ^^ f ^ 1 ^^} ** s anwu ^ sermon at H ( Eirsnaia ^| SD ^^ Afit 8 ik 47 r Prafe- > ing God and fettii ^ g&ft ^ Qiir wifcb ali tbe peo > pie : " a di ^ CQiirae which he likewise deferred at tbQ Gravel-Pit M « e < at ^ -lKHiaey the last Sunday , that lie entered the
pulpit . At MaMstope lie had en ^ fcged to deliver two cbeirity seEmona ( Mi the Sunday immediately ffrHowiagr his decease . On these two setfn ^ ofis were employed the last efforts of h £ » mind * One of them , froai Psalw cxix . 144 , " Give me understanding ami I shall live , " he had compieted ; it contains the following passage :
"If a man-direct bis thoughts to his own wonderful formation- —to the extent and the diversity of the , scene which this earth , presents—and to the vast , the intricate , yet the upewiag process of the
season * and-of vegetation ; ated if from these objects of his more immediate contemplation * he rjiise his thoughts , baifled in their investigations of the smallest por-i tion of tbis gLobfe , to the kindred planets which with this world revoke round the
sua ; - —if , too > be fofget tJae grandeur of this our solar system as he extends his vision to the teed stars , whose immense masses by their incalculable distances are reduced in his sight to twinkling specks ;
—and if here he gather up the whole energy of his amazed and bewildered thoughts to grasp the idea that these wavering particles of light are each a system , each—worlds revolving round their
sun ;—if thus far he carry forth his thoughts , must he not , when he recals them to h £ own nothingness , feel the most awful anxiety to shape his conduct in Btrict subservience to the will of that Being , the effects of whose power he has been contemplating throughout the boundless extent of space ?"
The other charity sermon , from Pro - verbs xi . 24 , " There is that seattereth and yet increased , " was left unfinished ; it terminated abruptly with the ' following sentence r
"Throughout tfee worfcs of God man cannot point to a dingle portion that has aot been formed ta ' prdduce some good . " The following description of a higot is extracte d from a sermon , ( the last ever preached by the deceased , ) frojod 2 Thess . m . 14 aa « i : fe 5 : « A ** 4 if any man obey not
our word * by ttaB eptettey note that wan and haws&ocoaipany with hiin , tha £ &e may > b < $ ashamed * 'Yfcfe emmfc itfra not j * an ^ oeu >> A ' bHtf ad&iantel * rHim . a » a orothej ? , " Af ^ f ^^^^^ oiife the g ^ erat ^ f ^ Uw ^ f huawiity ^ wd love , tjkrough authejiiHl dm 4 && **
^ m rwm the fiap ^ v « bkhrwo hare crow ff ^ m ^ im ^ yi 0 mem ^ i ito wem i ^^^^ -tw ^ c ^^ he ^ fcate to aUow ^^^ ^^ il ^^ fe »» i » o ^ kinder
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erer , be onljr eottv&ced ; of t ^« faet >—vwhere then da we behold ^^ bi ^ i , w ^ distticbai ) the foapyfaesaim im ^^ M ^^ sm-t c < We sv& hkb adv ^ iace wkh the wSin iugs of the apc ^ tle ^ in hi » 'liatid ^ with the doctrines oft the apostles it ^ bis mouth $ but not \ vi \ £ i the spirit of the apostltes itt his heaFt . ... ,.. ' . ¦ * »
" He lays before us the doetrittes of Paid . — < These / he exclakne , ^ « formed the faith and hope of 2 m htspired apostle : they most therefore become your ftfclth and your hope / And he make » this ex * clamation , and mamtains it too ^ without
detgamg to give a thought to that kntet , which the Apostle declares to be greatet than the purest faith and the brightest hope ; i Now abideth faith , hope and love , these three , but the greatest © f these is ibte / . ;
€ t We behold the bigot ferocious ^ ex ^ acting the belief of mankind to the doc trines of James , Peter and John ; but we see him heeding neit $ » er the <^ claratioii of James , that * the wisdom from above is first pure , then peaceable , gentle and
easy to be intreated , ftdl of mercy and good fruits ; ' nor the exhortation of Peter , to * have fervent l&re above all things ; nor the reasoning of John , 'kg that ioveth not , knoweth not God , for God is love . '
t Do we then behold the genuine disciple of Pault James , Peter and John , in this bigot , who , because his fellow-chiistian assigns to the writings of those apostles a sen # e different from himself , count that fellow-christiark as an enemy and adtnonisAes him not as a brother ? Before
we can regard him as the genuine discipie of thpse apostles , he must destroy the purity and benignity of that spirit which pervades all their writings : he must sacrilegiously tear many a passage from out those very epistles for evely tittle of which he avows the ^® &t pious reve re n ce . He enforces his doctrines by the severest threats , and sends us to the ¦ epistles a £ the sources of his doctrines . We read
the epistles , and whether we discern or fail to discern his doctrines , we perue # the clear condemnation of his malevo lence . All the evil that he is willing to heap upon his differing brother , iB seen to recoil upon himself . * He sinks dowtt in the pit that he made ; iftthe ^ net wlkkdH he hid is Ma own foot taken /*'
It was a favourite plaii with him to unite , at some fu tore * ftikft&d , with the profession of the iniiiiatiyi the ocxJupatidn of a public lecturer om ^ Uu 2 ^ lipbU 08 ophy £ And he had already ? tiffent no inconsider
able time in gaining tfie necessaiy intbr- * Daation , and had oeai ^ ly cooipleted a h £ < $ ture on Air , which seems to have \ fflm iutendfcd as an introduction to a cotttse of l ^ lureB on that aid similar subject * . '
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OUttwr £ —Rf > v . Cfe /^ Mmtis . * &T
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y XVII . !
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1822, page 57, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2508/page/57/