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^ social ctede , a ^ dlm thepalplt . - The evidence of it be fell , in himself ,, and saw in every huo * a » Jt > eiBg oil which ; bid eye rested . Of t % abounding goodness of the Creator , a f * 4 , <* f the general and great preponderSUUS $ of happiness over misery , as 6 assured as be
foe wa ^ » Hy was that his senses did not mislead him , when be pej ^ eived that aJll men live as long as they can > aud lore and value life . He thought it a . proof neither of an understanding iniad nor of a generous and grateful heart , to fix upon the exception to the rule as the , rule itself , and because
there are storms ,: to argue that the sun rarely shines , and because there are sorrows , to contend that there is little or uo eojoymen . t .. The earnest and indignant manner in which he opposed every observation and complaint implying the general preponderance of misery , was an
abundant proof of has own cheerful and happy disposition , and of that freshness and ardour which form the great charm of youth , and which few of the aged can contemplate without a sigh that it has passed . from them for ever . The following passage , taken from one of his
discourses , illustrates the manner in which it was his delight to think and speak : " The doubts of the rational and pious man , in proportion as he contemplates the works . pf nature and of Providence *
subside ; and his best feelings are cheered by perceiviqg how totally unfounded are the melancholy inferences of solrne respecting the nature of the Deity . By a candid and careful examination of the world
around him , even without regarding the inestimable gift of the Christian Revelation , he : will be convinced that gloomy notions of the Deity must arise from exaggerations of the misery and from paw tial
views of tjie , . happiness that really exist . The inevitable , result ojf , his contemplation will be , that the creation teaches , nay commands us to cherish the deli ghtful and animating sentiment of the Apostle John , that God is love I "
it was on the evening of Saturday , P ^ c- 1 , 1821 , that he jfirsfc cotnplained of indisposition . The , progress of bis . disT order was extremely rapid , and vvas . atr tended with , ^ ome . anomalous , symptoms which led his medical attendants to suspect th $ t , the cause of if was , not com-^ Pn . Ea , rjy on the . nipming pf the 6 th
* j expired ,, and tbe exaniiruitiqu after , TaI Plpye * *** ' the , / melancholy eyent rJT ii n P ^ dWI » d ^ y . a ^ irqunistauce of pec uliarly , rare Qcscu ^ e ^ ce , ., . A WWTM ***** w ^ h had pirpfeab ly , feeeu inadyejrr vnjiy 8 watto ^ U , Jia 4 i ^ inuaiea itself Un « tft w Wtfw « i mmt&z&fJk * iwteskld m T ®* n ^ WWWltedk ir nj > atiQi > , U Uon S ^ 4 ¥ ^ C ^ i «* PPs « ^^^^^ » ** mm ted ^ pr je ^ di over ; uearlyxho
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whqle alimentary catial . , In the > few similar cases on record , precisely the same appearances presented tlietnselved as in ( he present instance , and like this also , in all of them dqath followed with extreme rapidity .
On Wednesday the 12 th , his remains were consigned to the tomb by Mi * . Gilchrist , who delivered an appropriate address on the occasion . The following Sunday , the 16 th , a funeral sermon was preached at Worship Street , by Mr . David Eaton , to a most numerous and respectable , audience , from Psalm xxxix . 5 : " Behold , thou hast made my days as
an hand-breadth , and mine age is as nothing before thee ;' tbe conclusion of which appeared in the last Number of this Repository . [ XVI , 735—737 . ] Several ministers both in the country and in the metropolis testified their respect to the memory of tbe deceased , by a notice from their pulpits of the awful dispensation which had removed a minister so
young and so promising from his sphere of usefulness . In contemplating the excellencies of the character of the friend we have thus lost , it is impossible not to dwell with satisfaction oh the gentleness and purity of his manners . No expressions ever escaped him unbecoming the modesty of youth , or inconsistent with that govern-1
ment of the thoughts and thatchastity of conversation which Christianity requires . His performance of the social duties was exemplary ; and the remembrance of those virtues which in him appeared to be mixed wiOi almost as few faults as is consistent with the infirmity of human nature , is at once the sorrow and the consolation of his parents , his brothers , and his friends . Hi& death was
m perfect accordance with his life . That was as peaceful as this was pure . A few hours before lie expired , he " called his elder brother to his side , and thanked him and another friend who was standing by , in the most affectionate manner for their kindness : be mentioned by name several friends to whom he was
attached , and desired that they might be told , that even in that hour he did not forget them , but continued to love them with tender affection . He then said , " I die happy . i could have wished to have ived longer . I am conscious I was enoying more than I deserVed . I could * ave wished to have done more for
Christianity ; but I am content . * It is a satisfaction to me that the ? last hours of my life were spent in doi % good /' : He then alluded to another and a glorious meeting witji those frieiijls fr 6 m , whohi He was now called to separate , and intimated that , even in the passage to that brighter and better ( \ vorklV gloomy ate it is geue-
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Obituary . —Rev . Caleb Evan * . ! 59
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1822, page 59, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2508/page/59/