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your reader ^ : more" especially I Would : call upon such of them as are members of the Sbeiety of : Friends , and sincere inquirers after truth , to try all ks doctrines by the Scriptures .
" Vreed , Article First . ' "We have always believed that the Holy Scriptures there written by divine inspiration * £ hat they are able to make wise unto salvation , . through faith which is in Christ Jesus : for as
holy men of God spake as they were rnove ^ by the Holy Ghost , they are , therefore , profitable for doetrine , for reproof , for correction , foirinstruction In righteousness , that the man of God ipay be perfect , thoroughly furnished unto all 'good works- But they are
not > or cannot be subjected to the fal len , corrupt reason of man . We have always asserted our willingness , that all our doctrines be tried by them , and admit as a positive maxim , that whatsoever any do , ( pretending to the spirit , ) which is contrary to the Scriptures , be accounted and judgeid as a ¦
delusion of the devil . « i * . ^ ;'' ¦ Second . We receive , and believe ip , the testimony of the Scriptures , simply as it stands in the text , * There are three that bear record in heaven , the Father , the Word , and the Holy Ghost , and these three are one /
, "Third . We believe in the only wise , omnipotent and everlasting God , the Creator of all things in heaven and earth , and the preserver of all that he hath made , who is God over all , blessed for ever . "
, From hence it is easy to see how little a professed belief in the inspiration of the Holy Scriptures may amount to , when asserted by such as cheery all the " reason of man" as corrupt , except their own , which they are apt to fancy is supernaturally illuminated , without any just ground . In this case , the first-fruits of this
delusion manifestly are to lead them to mistake the most notoriously corrupt text in the New Testament , for genuine , Scripture . Their third article is in substance entirely scriptural , though not expressed in the exact words of the sacred writers . But how it
comports with that which precedes it , or the nine which follow , and are not # * ° r £ luminrius as a whole , thfe compilers have not attempted to shew * and perhaps never considered , unless
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since the Creed . has beOT criticised by the : American periodical press , c The following briefpfitifc pertinent observations on it , by Ae ^ itptstol ^ iii ^ ii ^ versalist Magazine , published in Phila delphia , may have been tboughtsi ^ fre ,
yet they are Well worthy the ; serious attention of its compilers arid patrons * It" contmnfi , " -saythtese Editors , '' some truth , * more error , but most of all ^ that which conveys no definite idea whatever . " I am unable to deny the ?
justice of : these remarks > after maturely considering this very singular production ; and that I may not trespass farther on your readers , I will , for the present at least , add no more , than that I remain , BEREUS .
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Sir , Jan . 5 , 1824 . PERUSAL of the corresjmnd-A ence which has lately takea place on the important question whether or not it be in the power of the
Deity wholly to exclude evil from the universe ^ brought to my reeollectioa the following passagein Dr . Priestley ' s Letters to a Philosophical ; Unbeliever t * As the pains and mortifications olf our infant state are the natural means
of lessening the pains and mortifications of advanced life , so I made it appear to the satisfaction . of Dr . Hartley , in the short correspondence I had with him , that his theory furnishes pretty fair presumptions , that the
pains of this hie may suffice for the whole of our future existence , we having now resources enow for a perpetual increase in happiness , without any assistance from the sensation , of future pain . This speculation will ,
probably , appear before the public in due time , together with other observations relating to the extension and application of this wor ^ derfully simple theory of the mental affections . " * Although it is much ; to be regretted ,
tbat Dr . Priestley ' s design of publisjiing the observations above alluded Jo was frustrated , I feel persuaded , that some of the able men vvhocontribute their profound reflections to the i * eatjers of the Repository , possessing as they do the data on which the Doctor s ' ¦ - i ? . ¦ » . Mr . Rutt's . edition of Priestley ' s Works , IV . 354 ,
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Whether FuturerSuffering be necessary P * W
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1824, page 15, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2520/page/15/