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r Sir Isaac Newton ' s unpublished MSS « ( From Collet ' s " Relics of Literature , " 8 vo . 1823 , pp * 190—194 . *) rjpHE Earl of Portsmouth , at his seat in Hampshire , has a vast bulk of tin-JL published papers of Sir Isaac Newton . After Sir Isaac's death * they were examined by a committee of the Royal Society , and being found to consist for the most part of illustrations of the prophecies , and the book of Revelations ( Ilevelation ) , the productions of his old age , it was determined , ill tenderness to his memory , not to allow any of them to be published . The following is a catalogue of them , as annexed to a bond given by Mr . Conduit to the administrators of Sir Isaac , by which he obliges himself to account for r . uy profit he shall make by any of ' the papers / Dr . Pallet , by agreement of the executors , entered into acts of the Prerogative Court ^ being appointed to peruse all papers , and decide which was proper for the press . Np . L Viaticum Nautai * uiiti ( Nautarum ?) ; by Robert Wright . 2 , Miscellanea : not in Sir Isaac ' s hand-writing . 3
3 / Miscellanea ; part in Sir Isaacs hand . 4 . Trigonometria ^ 9 , bout five sheets . 5 . t > efiriitidris . 6 . Miscellanea ; part in Sir Isaac ' s hand . 7 * Forty sheets in 4 to ., relating to Church History . 8 . i 26 sheets written on one side , being foul draughts of the Prophetic Style . ; 9 . Eighty-eight sheets relating to Church History , 10 . About seventy loose sheets in small 4 to . of Chemical Papers 5 some of which are not in Sir Isaac ' s hand . 11 . About sixty-two ditto , in folio . 12 . About fifteen large sheets , doubled , in 4 to ., Chemical . 13 . About eight sheets ditto , writer * on one side . 14 . About five sheets of foul papers relating to Chemistry . 15 . Twelve half sheets of ditto . 16 . 104 half sheets it ^^ to ., ditto . 17 . About twenty-two sheets in 4 to ., ditto * 18 . Twenty-foi * r sheets ia 4 to . 19 . Twenty-nine Imfcf sheets , being an Answer to Mr * Hooke on Sii Isaacs Theory of Colours * 20 . Eighty-seven half sheets , relating to the Optics ; some of which arc
not in Sir Isaac ' s hand , €€ From No . 1 to 20 , examined on the 20 th May , 1727 , and judged not fit to be printed , "T . PELLET . " No . 21 . 328 half sheets in folio , and sixty-three in small 4 to ., being loose and foul papers , relating to the Revelations ( Revelation ) and Prophecies . 22 . Eight half sheets in small 4 to ., relating to Church Matters . 23 . Twenty-four half sheets in small 4 to . > being a discourse relating to the 2 nd ( book of ) Kings . 24 . 353 half sheets in folio , and fifty-seven in small 4 to ., being foul and loose papers relating to Figures and Mathematics .
25 . 201 half sheets in folio , and twenty-one in small 4 to ., loose and foul papers relating to the Commerciutn Epistolicum . 26 . Ninety-one half sheets in small 4 to ., in Latin , on the Temple of Solomon . 27 . Thirty-seven half sheets in folio , being of the Host of Heaven , the Sanctuary and other Church Matters . 28 . Forty-four half sheets in folio , on ditto . ? The List is printed very incorrectly in Collet : a few obvious corrections are suggested . Ed .
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1824, page 19, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2520/page/19/