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Untitled Article
Mgliatttrei to , indulge in ? i 3 tyle of censure to which he might , jrery rea £ 6 nah \ $ » fee % nml ] ing to affix his name . , u : i Qf uj ^ ft « ijtw& igspeetft * £ the ¦ JBl * starred ,. Wlmi ^ sr ^ ilj-pa ^ roaized , ecBsidn $$ " 30 * , Jfrtestley ' s J Vfflrks /'
this : f * © rifiilitf Subscriber" thus complains : ** I cftu ^ tj ^ iiptpose there are manylikeinys ^ lf worn out by the Very great length to < wl \ ieh the Editor is carryiog it , and which ^ I fear , has in same measure defeated the ends
intended \> y its ; publiceition . " Now , a Princip al m& was to do honpur to Dr . ri ^ tley , by leaving in the world , as an ^ ppr ^ tiate , and ^ perhaps ,, the most fbur % bktx 8 emQrte \ w his talents , and his worthy occupation pf t&ein , a complete , &tid icorrcict edition of his
Theological aii d Miscellaneous Works * WI& such j Notes by the Editor as r ^ igiii ) cOTO €€ t !? aadJillus £ ra * e th e&n .. I fcMe itidt designedly . added a single page tjofserye ; any othst purpose ; and I caii assure €€ - An Original Subs c riber /' , that had I donsulted only niy pecuniary interest , not otie af those
not ^ s , by . " the yety great length" of \ Vliieh ke has be ^ ea " worn but , " would hav < e accompanied the text of Dr . Prtestley . 1 am , indeed , aware , though too late , that , neglecting to consult the experienced * I greatly erred as tb the extent of the works , and the
tmatDidable exposure ta pecuniary loss ^ in editing , on the terms proposed , such large and closely-printed volume ^ espeeisQiy when from , f | ie very marked indifference to the object , generally , though , from iny Inekperiencef , very Mifexpecte&bj ^ discove re d by the more
opulent Unitarians , L could not . ventdre beyond an impression of 250 copies . Nor could I ha ^ ve ventured so far , but for an additional stibscription for & number of copied freely prbfiered to me by aAofKer 7 Oiigkal Subscriber , " ' a Friend 6 f Di * . Pries tlev / ' who
would admit o £ no other designation . ' * An , Origihai StibseriBer" knay ptobably by this time he hhtipfxnd that ; were I hot stilt dfcteirrMned to expend » otoethittg bi ^ idefe feimc * arid attenfiftiii ; aiid thte e ± erti ) on of jany suSt ^ ble talent with vfrhich Pro ^ idehde Jbsa * ifl ^
trusted ua ^ , aaad M " bear u 6 r ; dnd steer right onward' * tow&rd ^ -the . a& cornp \ isliinent bf a vity favourite pror Ject , I also should be ready to conn * plaiii of Vkitig" worn out By tb ^ f verjr
Untitled Article
great length" to which I mm already parried ; mlfafy / tfo spieak ^ r ^ tmvcia& j cannot fail to be a losing dojidem . ^ But " Axi Original SttVscriber /* win whatever style of language he . may allow himself : to ; require the
information * has , uhquestionably , a right to be informed how far I expect Ijret-to travel in this pursuit , skould life and ability be xKintinued ^ that JSlc m aj ^* te * termine whether he isiBjbttoo ^
irrecoverably < c > worn out" to I taccc ^ iiqiany we any furtl ^ r . The Theiol % i € ^ i Works r ( including , VpL I . > ^ farretd foii ? the Life and Correspondence ^ ha ^ e extended to XXI . instead os £ tkfe / pEQ * posed XVIIL Vor ^ mes . The ^ Mistel ^
larteQus Works . , wilL ;©^ cuj > yJH \ yo JVo * lunries beyond tUeTwenty-thir ^ fmi now issuing from tlie ^ jres ^ . 3 ? Q $ dhem w ^ o rjj s I has tily aa 4 very ^ roiieoiialy appropriated gbixiit twd&o | um ^ s oi | l | r > Waving never seen , several oftKe arfi ^
cle § . To the whole Lpropose to asflB & yolumje ^ containing uariotis In dexes ^ any addition ^ or corrections which may have occurred , to me , or which any friend may supply , and , perhaps ; a few short biographical notifies of authors mentioned , but not described in the Works . Thus the volumes witt
unavoidably amount to twenty-six in * stead of the proposed twenty . ^ Afteir receiving such an unsatisfactpry statement as to the c < very great length ^ i ? and no assurance as to time , except that of a determination to devote tdan
object , the accomplkhmeot of . which would yieild a gratification such a ^ wealth is too poor to purchase ^ all the leisure whickvery uncertain health , cei > tain *^ care $ of this world , " arid highly incumbent duties will allow , " Aai
Original Subscriber" may prbbabtl y * re * tract his courteous hint 6 f encotirage ^ ment to " . the Editor , " that by giving the required information , he .. * . * will ^ perhaps , succeed in getting so nfe of theiVoltiEnes taken o 9 the bookseller ' s fC
shop-flooi * . " - Ju £ hvitig , L howavei , i € An Original Subscriber" eitJher quite € * worn out , " or , more happily , convalescent ^ I would respectfully address myself to the subscribers at l&rge , all or whom are
probably to be found among yoftr readers * The vV 6 rks , ih their cbm ^ lfetfon ^ wilt extend-, as now ascertained so &r beyond the original ptoposafS , that ; anysiibscriber , to whom suLclian e ^ -
Untitled Article
Mr ; # ut $ on Pri ^ tlefs IFor / is , fycA U 7
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1824, page 27, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2520/page/27/