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A Friendly Correspondence between an Unitarian and a Calvinist . Sir , FRIEND of mine having fa-A voured me with the perusal of the accompanying correspondence , I was so much pleased with the style ,
( which may well serve as a model to future controversialists , ) the benevolence and strength of argument exhibited by one of the parties to it , as to be induced to take a copy of it . And having subsequently conceived that the communication of it to the public might be attended with beneficial
effeqts to the cause in which you are engaged , now place it at your disposal . It may , perhaps , add to the interest of the subject to inform you , that the writers , though opposed to each other in their existing opinions , were educated in the same faith ; that they are upon cordial terms in the ordinarv intercourse of life ; and that ,
independently of his religious opinions , it would be hard to find a man of more kindly disposition than he that stickles so resolutely , in theory , for the condemnation of his fellow-creatures . ' W .-W . "
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32 A Friendly Xforrespmdencebetween an ^ VnUanmand ' a Calvinist *
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\ $$ to my Redeemer than he is , ^ d that somewhat is , eternal JjI ? e the ftft , ofi God through Jesus Christ !" Ms prelate , indeed , was not one of those " master spirits of the olden time / ' whom the Rev . Eel ward Irving devoutly worships . , His composition has no quaint phrases , no obsolete expressions , which like a painted window in ecclesiastical edifices ,
obscures and mystifies surrounding objects . But his mind was comprehensive , his , attainments multifarious , and his entire soul illuminated as well
as expanded by the rays of Christian charity 1 Here is a model for young divines of every description . I take leave of the far-famed preacher of the Caledonian Church , with all due
respect for his talents and virtues , by declaring that the eloquence of the pulpit is assuredly not the less forcible and persuasive when it is impregnated , nay , I will add sanctified , by the enlarged and liberal spirit of our COM 31 ON Christianity J . EVANS .
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fortiinately , destroyed /) September 20 th , 1823 . Dear N . The only principle upon which I consider . myself at issue with you , i » the right of one man to dictate to another , what he is to believe . . If
, ; •; ; - : * Itom . .,: ' [ The letter to which this is ; an answer , and several others , were ,
tmthxs principle had been uniformly acted upon , the strongest naust always have prescribed faith to others . We should have had no reformation , nor would there be any toleration . I solemnly protest against the right of any man
thus to deal with me , and I hope never to be betrayed into the error of attempting to force my opinions upon others who may happen to be subject to my authority . I am , however , ready to give a reason of the
hope that is in me with meekness and fear ; and I also hold myself subject to instruction and reproof . Even when these may not have been offered ij * the spirit of love , I have frequently felt and acknowledged the force of what has been said , and I trust have
m some measure profited by it . I regret that we shpuld be debarred , by a mutual want of confidence in each other ' s orthodoxy , from conferring with pleasure and profit upon the
most important and delightful af all subjects ; but I see no help for it , so long- as you continue to regard me as disqualified for forming a correct judgment as to the tenor of the Sacred
Scriptures . What you say respecting the case of the Heathen , is conformable to the declarations of St . Paul . You seem to think that I am not aware of the evil of sin , and of the
value of the gospel . It is more than probable that not one of us ( yourself not excepted ) is sufficiently alive to these matters : but I can safely appeal to Him who knows the heart , that I do consider sin as the cause of all the
darkness and misery that exists , or may hereafter exist ; that I feel its bitterness , and , above all things , desire to be delivered from its tyranny ; and that I firmly believe that nothing can be effectual to this end but a
cordial reception of the gospel of Christ ^ that is to say , such a faith in him as . works by love , purifies the hea ^ t * and
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1824, page 32, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2520/page/32/