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overcomes the world . If there be any truth in Scripture , it is , that religion consists in love , and that whatever temper or disposition is contrary to love , is also contrary to the spirit of
the gospel , and < be our profession what it may ) is but as sounding brass or ftti&ldifeg cymbal . . ? The Almighty , in his infinite wisdom and goodness , sees fit to adopt various modes of dealing with liis creatures , vf have been led from a
very teairfy period to feel a deep interest in the happiness of mankind , and the impressions made upon me hav ^ led me to ajv ^ mr ^ l inc ^^ the revealed designs of our heavenly leather . I have my reward in sueh dews of the Divine wisdom and
benevolence as I would not exchange for the empire of the world ; find unless you can Wot out of the Bible all those texts which have been the foundation of : my faith , hope and joy / you nevei : can , rob me of my confidence in the Humph of grace over all ; siti * and in the arrival of a period when God shall be all in all . Christ shall not be
cheated out of the fruits of his labours , but he shall see of the travail of his soul and be satisfied . So long as one sinner remains unrepentant ^ the joy of heaven will be incomplete . What de *
gree of suffering imay be necessary to bring the most stubborn sinner to bow to the authority of Christ , I prjetend not to determine ; it is enough for me to be assured that so long as there exists the relation of Creator
and creature , that saying will be true , that God does not afflict willingly , and has no pleasure in the death of a sinner . I also am certain that he will do all his pleasure 3 and that his counsel shall stand .
You have quoted texts which are easily answered and unquestionably are overborne ( be their precise tneaning what it may ) by plain and numerous passages of a , contrary tendency . If the Almighty had intended us to believe the doctrine of endless misfery , could he not have delivered himself
tn language as plain as that which is used by the advocates of that horrid dogma ? Would he have trifled with uspy holding out expectations of a period when there shall be no more sighing and pain and death , ^ tid all things shall be made new ? WcMiM lie have eoBM&aii < led Us , or could he
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liave obliged w $ ! tt > love # m % lfeE h % oar | heart 3 and understandings ? How is it possible to love a being who has the power to make Ids creatut-es tap - jy and ytet will not exercise the p < toi € jr he possesses ? How can J * e , < Joi |* sistently With common sense , TCqtfire us to be tetter than he is himself ?
You will , pferhapSy say that goodness in God is different in quality from goodness in man , and I will fearlessly answer that if this be the case , I would not . give a year ' s purchase frir the ifi ^ ektan ^ of tfee saints in fight , for if it be not of the same quality it toay b&itf a e ^ triry iaatiire 5 and it ms ^ r theti consist with the goodness oFGtfd to make thoie the most miserable
* vho most confide m hlni . Alas , ttets fijr' indeed , calling- ttitter sweet , find fiv ^ et bitter , putting darkness f 6 r light and light for darkness , making IubII of heaven , and heaven of hell . This , be aasured , will not do , < r God is loVe , says JpltfcL ** Lpve ivori ^ eth tto -. Hi /* says Paul . Once persuade » i 6 tibaf the lo ^ e of Obd can worfc
mW . to man , and you cut away the ground from under my feet , and abolish every stay of the soul . lean scarcely expect to alter your opinions , If they aflford you comfort , and inspire yoii with confidence in
your Maker , you will do well perhaps , to- abide by them , but they will not satisfy me . If God be not good to all , and ^ ^ his tender mercies are not over all his works , if sin is to
superabound over grace , and death is finally to prevail over life , and the Devil to be un overmatch for God , there is an end of the g-ospel . Can Ghristianity by any name you please ,
but b y n& means call it good news . It is , in that case , tidings not of great joy ? but of misery awl despair , of grief and fear , to all people 3 and well would it have been for the world to
have remained under a dispensation which had no other sanction than temporal rewahls arid temporal punishments , though loaded with cumbersome ceremonies . But I have not % t > learned Christ : I shall , therefore ,
be thankful unto him and speak good of his name : feeling assured that iil the dispensation or the fulness of limes he will gather together in orie nil things ; that as in Adani all die , even so ( whatever may be the sense in which men die , whether naturally
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A ' lfy % Mdt y * € fav #£ p ^ '' & # ¦ Wk ^ ari ^^^ a Ctilmntst . ^ 33
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1824, page 33, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2520/page/33/