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Handcuff the l ^ lv intellectual sots - Who have tasted G ^ stalian water , r Plunge sonje ia the dungeon where Pei ^ ico rots , And hurry the others to slaughter - y Has not an asinine Emperou said , That lie looks on ijbe Muses with horror and dread ?
Since your rights are divine , may ye tread in the paths Of the worthy legitimate Omar , And condemn all our books to the heating of baths 5 Beginning ; with Hesiod arid Homer , Till ye leave not a work in our booksellers * shops , But the latest of Southe y's , and allDr . Slop ' s .
Be a curfew ordain * d to extinguish each light Of reason , refigion and learhing '; f Monks , Laureates , hirelings , be cnarter * d to write-Other svorks sent the hangman for burning ; 'Till a new age of darkness envelop our plains In ignorance , sloth s superstition and chains .
May the throne and the altar oppress and defraud , With huge standing armies ta back them , And should subjects still chatter of freedom unaw'd , Burn , sabre , stab , gibbet , and hack them , As yeVe practised in Italy , Portugal , Spain , Till the Holy Alliance unquestion ed shall reign *
Hurra h ! Hurrah ! for the Kings of the earth , Let us tvorsliSp the Holy Alliance ; For the Royal Millenium will , shortly have , -biith , And the Monarchs may hurl a defiance To Liberals , Patriots * S # ges anil all Who ; would Tymx ) &s eontroul , and the world disenthrall
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1823 . Oct . 32 , in London , at the house of his brother , Dr . Wollaston , -of apoplexy , Francis Hyde Woli-aston , B . D ., Archdeacon f Es&fcx ^ : &c . He was educated on the Foundation of the Charter House , from whence he removed ri
to Sidney College , C ^ wabdge , ^ nd v ob « tained the high honour of Senior " Wrangler in the tripos of 1783 . Sqon after , he was appointed lecturer in thai college , and subsequently he became fellow arid tutor of Trinity Hall . He held the office of Moderator in the Seriate House
Examinations , in 1788 and 1789 . In 1792 he was appointed Jacksonran Pjrofessor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy ; which place he held 4 ill ihe year 1 B 13 ; having delivered no less than twenty-oae courses of lectures , tjis ecclesiastical preferments wsre the teefcory jof South
Weald and the vicarage of ColdJNTorton , ( from which the late Francis Stone was ejected , ) in Essex , the rectory of West Denhana , in Norfolk ( the presematioii to which benefice is vested in his family ) ; together with the Archdeaconry of Essex , to which he was collated to Ate . prcfignt
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Bishop of London in 1814 , His invention of the Barometrical Thermometer will be a lasting monument of his skill & applying tp practice previously existing theorems .
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Hov . 20 in ius 75 th year , at Almondale , or Animpnddl , the seat of his late distinguished brQther , ihe Hon . Henry Erskine , Thqmas I ^ orp Erskine . His Lordship was the youngest of three sons . The ^ eldest , the Earl of Buchan , is now the only survivor ; the second son , the Hon . Henry Erskine . long ; the grace and
oi * n # jneiit of society in Edinburgh , and at tlie Scottish Bai ^ died several years ago . ( Mon . Repo » . XII . 626 , 692 , and XIH . 265 $ r i % e father ] eft Lord Buchan with aik oncuinbcred estate ^ on which , to support iiimsalf and complete the eduotj ^ on of hjs two brothers , and , weijelieve , they both owed much to his exertions In their behalf . We have
heard it said , that the net income of Lord Budhan when he succeeded his father * : wfls not mote than ^ 150 a year . Hcs fyvwX } t ng ^ saxy % o lW down a sy « -
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£$ Q b ^^
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1824, page 46, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2520/page/46/