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tiiely destroyed , and the Missionary ( Shrewsbury ) Obliged to fly , with his family , for his > life . Upon this outrage being committed , the Governor , Sir Henry Warde , issued a Proclamation , offering a reward of £ 100 for the conviction of the
offenders . A counter proclamation was sent forth by the incendiaries , or their friends , threatening that persons coming forward to impeach shall receive the punishment which they deserve , and observing that < c the reward is offered on
convictiou , which cannot be effected whilst the people . are firm to themselves . " This document states that the midnight rioters were not the rabble , but that the majority of them were persona of the first respectability .
At Berbice , also , the Missionary Chapel , occupied by Mr . John Wray , from the London Society , was , on the 22 d September , destroyed by tire , but it does not yet appear whether the fire was accidental or wilful . - ¦
The West India Interest at home are very active , and have engaged a part of the daily press in their service . How far they will prevail upon the Government to alter its purpose remains to be seen , but it seems on every account desirable that the hands of his Majesty * s Ministers should be strengthened by the expression of the public feeling by means of respectful and temperate petitions .
The usual arts of misrepresentation have been adopted by the friends of perpetual and unmitigated slavery . It is said , for instance , that the advocates of abolition , contemplate the universal immediate emancipation of the Negroes , but this must be known to every wellinformed man to be entirely false . No such mad project was ever entertained by any one connected with the Society . AH that the most zealous have ever stated
as their wish , is , that means should be taken for eventual abolition , which , they have never forgotten , can be safe only by being gradual . —With as little regard
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Batavian Anthology , or Specimens of the Dutch Poets : with Remarks on the Poetical Literature and Language of the Netherlands to the end of the 17 th Century . By John Bowring , Honorary Correspondent of the Royal Institute of the Netherlands , &c . and Harry S . Van Dyk . Foolscap 8 vo . Matins and Vespers : with Hymns and
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to truth , it U charged upon the abolitionists that they meditate the destruction of the immense mass of West India property , guaranteed by riunieirora ^ fccts ^ of Parliament : for one of tfeechiefarjgo * ments for a gradual and safe abolition is ,
that tinder the present systetti the iralue of property in the Colonies is sinking , and must ultimately be as nothing ; and the abolitionists bring forward s facts to shew , that in all cases free labour is cheaper than compulsory . Whether they be right or wrong in their reasonings * their bitterest adversaries must know and
feel that they A have no evil intentions . And we earnestly hope that the clamours of a body of men , whose falsely-calculated interests are viewed by themselves to be endangered , will not deter the Government from pursuing the great measures of justice and humanity , to which it stands pledged before the world .
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NOTICE . The Annual Sermon for the Relief of the Necessitous Widows and Children of Protestant Dissenting Ministers , will be preached on Wednesday the 7 th of April next , at the Old Jewry Chapel , removed
to Jewin Street , in Aldersgate Street , by the Rev . T . Binney , of Bedford . Service to begin at twelve o'clock at noon precisely . The subscribers and friends to the Society will afterwards dine together at the Albion Tavern , in Aldersgate Street .
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Occasional Devotional Pieces . By John Bowring . 2 nd Edit . Altered and Enlarged . 18 mo . 4 * . 6 d . Civil Disabilities , on Account of Religion , as they exist in England , Scotland and Ireland , considered with Reference to the Christian Dispensation , History and Policy . 2 * . 6 d . An Inquiry into the Doctrine of Origr *
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NewPublication * . 61
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LITERARY . It is proposed to publish by subscription , a volume of Sermons , selected fiom the manuscripts of the late Rev . Dr . Boog , minister of the Abbey Church , Parley : with some account of the ' excellent and
learned author , by Professor Mylne . The Rev . B . Mardoii , of Glasgow , will be happy to receive the names of subscribers .
New Publications In Theology And General Literature.
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1824, page 61, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2520/page/61/