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a * Affaires of \ the tJiift ^ d States AmeuieaJ fcfc \ km Gown of the Net&eitanils . % mi : §* .. ¦ - . ' "¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ - r- - ' LietteES froai the Caucasus and Georgia , lVfei |* mia pate& : 8 v ^ . 15 ^ Journal of Military and Political
&ve « ts in S | khjH dnvimg the liast -Twelve Mouths . By Couafc Peccbio . WithLSOuM Introductory . Iteafanks - on the Present ? Crisis . Bf ^ Edward ^ laquiere , Esq , Svo * hs . Gd .
* Tfce € teptivitji , Sufferings and Escape © f J # rae& Scurryv wfco was detained a Prisoner dicing Ten Years , in the Dow minious of Ryder > Ali and Tippoo Saib , Written by Himselft Portrait . 12 mo .
; : Researches in the South of Ireland , iilustrafive af the Scenery , Architectural Remains , Manners atid Superstitions of ijie FeasEua ^^ Li ; idoni Bei ! sotiaL > Observa-i tioas , Antient Authorities and Original Mamisci 5 pm By " . 17 Crofton -Ciwker . 4 toJ WiMMgr&viJigs * 21 . 2 s .
. Narrative ! rot a Tour : through Part& of the Netherlands , Holland , Germany , Switzerland / Savoy and France , in the the year I 8 & 1-2 . &y Charles Tennant , Esq . 2 ¥ ols . 8 a ? o . the
- & Tourrthi ^ u gh ^ Uppei * . Provinces of Hindostan , between the Yeara 1804 ? &ndul 8 i& , withl Remarks : a » di Anecdotes . To ! which Is annexed ^ a Guide up the River Ganges - With a Map , By E . D . 8 vi > . 9 s . f
British Entomology ; oiv Iilustrations and Oescriptioos of the Genera of Insiects founds ih Great Britain aiid Inland ; eon 4 ? ainiHg Coloured ; Figures * of the most rare and beautiful Species , and of the Pltots upon which L they are foiind ; By Johrv Gurti ^ Wi . 8 ; ; Np . L ( MoyitWy . ) 3 * . 6 d . plain . 4 * . 6 d . coloured .
Encyclopaedia of Antiquities , and Elements of Archaeology , Classical and Medise ^ al . Being the fh * st work of the kind ever edited in England . By the Rev . T . D . Fosbroke , M . A . F . S . A . Vol ; I . 37 ( Monthly Nuinhei ^ with Co pper-Plates and Engravings on Wood , 5 * v )
Scenes otv the Morea ; or , A Sketch of the Life of Demetrius Argyri . 7 s . Sketches in India , contaiuing Observations upon Calcutta , the Form of Government established in Bengal , tk& . &w < By William Huggins , late an Indigo Planter m the Distinct of Tirhdot . 9 * . 6 d .
< Peak Scenery , or Excursions' in Derbyshire ; Illustrated With 2 $ : KMgravings , by Messrs . Gi and W . B . OtokG , to > . from Dravyinge by F . Chan trey , Esq ., R . A . F . R . S ., &bi ' Sfeulptori By E . Rhodesv 2 Vols . Imp . 4 to . 12 £ . Roy ^ l , 61 . 16 ^ i Adventures of Hajji Baba , 3 Vols . Small 8 vo . 1 / . 1 * .
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VJSfc RpHan * s WeA . % ihe Author oC w ^ rfefi p ^ f e . fd ^ i ^ bV .. fp dpg Pbe& on VatrfeOf ?« lyj | c ^ , : ^ ritt < e | i chieifly during jb-e '" S ^ i ^ 9 fi ' ^ ' ^^ T ^ b ^^ . ; ;^^ Nicnol ^ s Strialtt ^ Bi , li Ilu ^ tic J ^ ffieys $ qu . To vyhith is ' preyed a 1 V ^ a ) ( Jir b ^ the ; Autnpi ^ by Hithsglt ! 4 ^ . ' '
The Spirit / of the L ^ ke | ' , or pterus » Abbey , rPoem hi 3 Caitds / ivitfrffete ^ By Miss Luby . \ 0 s . Gd , . / Lorenzb ^ the Outcast Son a TTragic Dfama , founded on Schiller ' s : Rofberi , 3 * - > ,.. ¦ ' " " . ; , " . . ¦ " ' - l" ' . \ Jpsepli . 4 ntf his Brethren : A Scriptural Drama \ h 2 Atts . By ti . L , ^ waxtifc Post &vo . islM .
The Reveries of a Recluse ; or gjcefcfte ^ of Characrers , iParties , Events , ^ rhiuigs . Opinions ., &c . Post 8 vo . 8 * . 6 ^ . ' : ' Baptism . ' ' - '' . A Eat ^ her ^ s Re ^ son ^ fbr not Baptizing
his Cnudren ; : with , some RenwKS on the Subject of Br 4 pt ) s ^ V as aSi ^ bjtMg . ifte'BlatQ of Religious p arties , and Wb Ftiturq Prqsfpecte of the Church . By a La ^ Member of the Church of England ;
2 s ^ 6 d . ; The Argument in Support bf lpf ^ n ^ Baptism , from the Covenant of CiricunM ci ^ iou , examined , and sh ^ wn to be invalid . By Joseph jKinghori ^ . 2 ft Baptisin a Scriptur ^ i and indispensable Qualification , at the Lorct * s Table ; or C | onsiierat J 6 q $ designed to proyO the Impropriety arid Inexpediency of de T
parting : from the Original . C o , n * stitu ^ ioii of the Christi an dhiirch ,, a ^ d . ipi min ^ Open Cbmtnunion Churches , especially in , tho § e NeighbQurhpp 4 s where , Rvangelical Cfiurches already exi ^ t : iii cl iiding Animaflversions ; on the Preface to the Rev . Robert Hallos IjLiply to ip ^ Rev , Joseph KinghornY By Josepli Ivimey .
Infant Baptisin ; or , the Duty ancl Privilege of bringing Infants to Christ : a Discourse delivered- at th& Wesleian Chapel , Weymouth , Nov . 2 , 1823 . By Williaitt Beal . 6 d .
Negro Slavery ^ . An Attempt to strip Negro Emancipa ^ tiori © f its Difficulties , as ' wtell ias its Terrors , &c . 1 * . 6 d . Remarks on the Condition of the Slaves in the Island of Jamaica . Bf WilliantSellSw Member of the Royal
College of Surgeons , London ; and many years Practitioner in the Parish of Clarendon , in the Islandvof Jamaica . 1 « , 6 < f . An Impartial ' Review of the Question between Great Britain aud ^ her Colonies , respecting the Abolition of Negro Sla * . very . R }* a Resident and' Prbprietdrin the West Indiefs . 8 vo , 2 * . 6 « T .
For Yotj&u . A Visit to the Sea Side . 2 * , Gd . haif bound .
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N&b > PublMtfon * . e §
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1824, page 63, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2520/page/63/