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Dr. EVans m \hmm ArRii^ ^|fe^
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jmmrn ,: Sir ; V , ^^^^ f . ^ @ | i 4 , ; M& Nt * ;?* # & ¦ | j ^ ^ -jiij ^ S | p Aji Attenypt 0 M ^^ ^ 0 the Infidelity of M&A&& MbbO ** .
Esq . ** Looking- over its pages , | am surprised to fiod that the causes there assi / mejl are applicable to the , infidelity of Lord Byi ^ p ^ . TJie | fc * t ; # Sii ; aja ^ L % l ^ g were iif M ^ j ^||^| ti similarly circuinstai > ced . TKfcjr J ^| t ei | b £ f on | . qr 1 ^ ^ jr | Hy ^ td a ^ -p early rj ^ o * y they carhe m ctart ^ t with fanaticism and , passing ri ^ eh at tiieir tkng an tb £ Contfneiit , ^ injessed tHe disgusting mummeries gt Pbpeiry . Aa < f alsp | ^
faine ^ viftueb $ as aKsmUj ^ jr jjapxtiftguisK ^ iei It ^| i ^| ^^ # lip passion ; aaicl , by i ^ ni ^ iig : coi ^ ter ^ liP wK $ t thS ^ y 4 e ^ c&e 3 pe reiigwiis pi ^ ^ ill ^ We Af / titntWosf ori ^^^ r fU ^ r irir ^ AV
etl & never-failing means of vi « tfub& their Barnes fo tike € pis M tlie e ^ h . Biit justice demands that I should mention , one trait in Lord By ^ n is noHto Be found in Edwakd Gibbon
—Ha ittfe of dissipation aftd jjr ofli ^ ey . The Historian was a learned recluse , whilst the Pott Was immersed itt nU the licentiousness of tlie fashionable world ; *
"A * Mf peiiod fit his life , CiStM ^ sayi ^ * friend Dallas , his mind was full \ , i Oitter discontent . Already satiated M # th pleasure , and dbgtisted with thosifc companions whb havfe no other
resotil-ee , he had resolved on mastering his appetites * tie broke up his hi ^ airis , and he reduced hi 6 palate to a diet 'flie most simple and abstemious . Bui the passions of the heart were too mighty ; nor did it ever enter
* Loud Bvron was bbaii at Dover , his mother being on the way from France to England ; anrtt , losiog his father soon after , she took her sbri with her to
Aberdeen , in Scotland , Here he passed his boyish days—going thence to Harrow ; whence he withdir ^ w to Cambridge , where commenced his scepticism- —and ^ co ming of age , he plunged into evetfy specie ^ of gratification , even to satiety .
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his mind to ov « rcottie / A ^» . Resent ^ erit , afiger and hatred held fidlBtvay ovrer him , and hjs greatest gratification at that time was in overcharging his pen with pall , which flowed in every direetion—against individuals , his country , the world , the universe , creation an 1 the Creator ! He uaight have becomfe—he ought to have been—a different creature ; and he but too well accounts for the unfortunate bias of
his disposition m the following lines : € ¦ Wm I , least thinking of a thoughtless tKitntg , - ; " ' ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ \ ' ' ... - V '' . " ¦ ' . : ' Just skill'd to know the right and choose . - ' ' tlfe ^ l ^ d ^ -- * ' ' - ¦ . ' ' ¦ .. ' ; ¦*¦' " '¦ : ; ¦ : ; : ¦/ ¦ Freed at that age when < Reason ' s shield is lost , r \
To fight my cdurse through Passicwi ' s . countless host , — Whom every path of Pleasure ' s flowery Has lured in turn , and all have led astray /**
What ^ deplorable picture of a man of the fij ^ t-irate talents , moving in the Anotiier sinaiiiarity may be traced between Gibbon and Byron in the attempts made to recover them from their infidelity . The common benevolence of our natures must excite
pity for their state ; besides the workiftgs of that compassion which is the peculiar offspring of Our htily rieligi (>| i * * Lord Byron at this lime having published his maiden piece , entitled Hmtrs of Idt&tiess , which was roughly handled by tfce Edinburgh Reviewers , amply *
fcsen tied it bv his satire , English Bards and S&citch Reviewers . He , however , mow Went abroad — returned , and published Ms ChUde Haroldy with . the success of which he was intoxicated . Soon after , he contracted his unfortunate marriage ; left the cotlintry for Italy , whence h 6 never meant to come back ; and , finally ,
migrated to Greece , where he died last Easter , in the 37 th year of his age . He was on the ^ ve of achieving deeds of gknty bjr ats 8 isfciug the iioble-iniuded Greeks , engaged in throwing Off the galling and degrading yoke of the Turks , who for centuries past have proved th 6 disgitkre of the Eastern wcfrld .
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VOIi . XX . B
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jfl ^ B ^^ Hv , ^^^ tt ^" ' . ' ^^ tr ?~ - ' ^^^* ¦ J ^^ ' ^^^ ^ ¦ ' ^^ - ' . ' ^^ r'tJ ^^ BP ' '¦ ^^^• 'H ^ ' ^^ BBUL ' ¦¦¦¦¦; ^ t ^ f ^ tftS ^ r ~^ ylr ' ^ ' . ' ^ ' ^ " r # J ^ B ^?' " ¦ * ¦ l *^^^^ ji' iJ ^ P ^^^? ' '~" , t ^ & . i ¦ ' '¦^^* T . ^ * . i ^^~^^^ i' - . ' f ^( r / i % ^^^ ui i £ K (^ Bl £ ' > " ¦ ^^ ' * '* - "**•'• ¦ ' . ''¦/ '" ' -- ' li-t . * - ^ 'k ** * - ^ - ^ ^ *¦*•<¦ ¦ '• - •'• ' > f- '& ^ & ' P .-x . 'JjiZ . ii ' ' ^ T- ^ : 't . ' ^ - >^ -r * . 'T ' . V- ' ' = ' - ;' . ^ ' ; '|'' . y * A- >? ri ^ A . £ ^ ^ £ ^^^ v ^ ¦' .- - : i ^ - ^ " 0 ^ 1 J '' . ; : ? C ^ . ' k ^ 4 : ^' , , "i ^^ -t : ' . l : - ^ i . i
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¦ " •' ¦ ¦ , • , ; * '•'•• ' ;• ¦ - - •¦ . ¦ : *^ - ¦ ¦ . •¦ . ¦ ¦¦ -..-, : ¦ ¦ ¦• - : -, ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ - . v . ' . . ¦¦*¦; ¦ ' - -Wm % -1 & « ' - .: ¦ ; - . ^ V . - ? . - . . t ~*^< y ^ - ; 'j ^ , ^ V > ¦ i ^ -J ^ j > - ^^ . V ^; - " - ' ' - . : . ' 1 .. J' "•¦' .. ' . ' ¦'' ' . ., . ' ¦¦ ¦ - . i ,, -.. .,.. .. i : ¦ ¦ . - .... - - ¦ n ... ¦ - ' : ' ' ' ' ' ,- .. • .
Dr. Evans M \Hmm Arrii^ ^|Fe^
Dr . EVans m \ hmm ArRii ^ ^| fe ^
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1825, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2532/page/1/