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^ Unto ] W a child is ? bornf * i . e > ta our assistance , InMBawel * who&e birria tW prophet * hasd fofretfaMt , efcviL 1 # * and vv ^) i »^ be had called ] tJte Ppe * server of his country , wh « n describm ^ tl ^ e l ^ Gursions of the mt my * Accord * iijg to "' the prophet ^ njapneav he re-I > resents the future as if present before hi $ f view .
" Unta us a \ sq % > isi ' given * who . sh ^ jl w ; ork out cmr deliverance * This repetition of * ths same sentiment is [ h ^ re ] a m ark of exultation .. * . t ^ j / HJL < th $ > gQpgrnment is upon his * slyglqffrt ' : He administers the affaira o £ the state . Pliny employs a similar expression , Pan . TJr ^ j , ch . x <« : " Since
your fatker lias abundantly tried / how - vvejl the aQV&elg ^ ty ; sits ; ii | mL your shoulders / ' Cicero abo ^ in his Oia « tion for FUccua , §¦ 94 , thus addresses the judges } : ; ' € ftin this trial , ( judicio , ) I say , that you support the whole Republic on your shoulders . ' * Others Hi
royal rotig , as iia Jon ^ h 6 ^ ^ r h&fe the \ iw # ni » Hl *! is us ^ of the roy ^ l robe , wopi hyr th ^ k }^ g of AlHSjpriai tfce insignia of royal ] ai ^ thori ^^ woirit about the should « £ s . Gretimi'Wiofa ^ ,, that by } thes ^ wcwd ^ tbfc birth oft a . monarch is signified , who should beftc the royal puiple irpm hfe cyadte > € C \ t 4 n 4 his ncwie shall , be eaU&dJ * or
" Af sh $ U cdll his namef * Ko * hopX ? h rcti ; rot oyapa awrov * is ^^ the r ^ adiRg 1 of tU ^ LXX ^ . " Wonfarftf , " Isais&xxv , K The , abstract for the excrete object of admiration , —Vujg ^ tey Admirabilis ; ,
Aqmla , SiavjJi . a ^ ag / y Symmaehus , Bfa ^ . » p c § o 5 a ^ o ^ derived either from fropat 8 ci £ « yt beyond expectimon , as H ^ sy ^ chiu ^ explains it , or £ froiHi ncxp . & $ oga £ wi , ¦ 4 n l make iUu 0 t 4 ou 3 , gl 0 rious ,-4 ii which sensq the wo ^ d is uaed by those He ^ y ew $ , who liyed among the Greeks , a , 3 ( is evident from 2 Maccab . HL 30 l
The a ^ ellation JFonderful may he a ^ p ) i § 4 tp , this divine hero * both on mqomtf , f > f h& < mirapuloiwi birlh of the vjfgi ^ k ^| 4 » w iiccouDt of the in any iUUfcf ? ¥ >«« vyprks d ^ ne by hiq ^ v [ NiB- ]
Ehe sajuo / e nai ^ e h gi $ m to tto divine IVlefisengpr tuJjiq appewsdi to < Mauoah ^ a ^ 4 44 > v 0 » drpu ^ yv Judg , xiiu 18 , 19 v 4 c QfmrkBGllo * : * Im ^ mting sukt tary couu 6 ol& to ma ^ out w thiB i sto re s ; of
hia owiv wisdom . Some critics , after Theodotip ^ j piir kthh ^^ ithet withr the preceding , thus , Wonderful Counsel-
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lor , &caifACL ? & 4 fiouktbwv i buHh opposition to the genius of the language , which ^ in tbat c ase requires that the order of the words should ' . have been ¦ inii ^ rfcfedi ~ Si 0 © e by the epithet Counsellor the wisdom of Imaiaituel is
denoted , so his p&we ? \ & desoriteed by > the next words nia' ^ ^« f ^ iii the Ei £ - g ^ Ifeh Version ] Migftty God ^ Beusi fortis bero ^—© od , or mighty hero . h& properl y * denotes « mighfp * one * and is applied to Ndfe > iiehadtt € 2 fcaiy who ^ is called the mighty ape of the ^ beathea * But in ^ the verse before us ^
the Supreme Being is to be under * stood , ( Remark . ) See ch . x ; 21 ^ where the same words are manifestly employed in thfe sense ; and ^ by comparing thess two passages , it is known * tbat those two words are noti tovte ?
separated , as > some interpreters ^ have attempted ^ as if they were wriUen , Gtod i mighty ; which is proved by ^ ie-M&soretfe point placed under T «> to deftote that it should be joined to the ^ who
lipJB !^^ - / e ^^^^^ |^^ gtl ^ powers and ^ i ^ l ^ p -Ip iSfr ^ ' ^ 'Ji ^ to ; - # wi ^ : » 8 ^ 1 Sip . xvit 51 ; and is applied to IfeshbiBab , l > eut . x * 1 ?; Zepta ^ m * Vl % Psi xaiv ; 8 ; That € k > 4 > ctethed in
human nature may appear among men , was * the persuasion o £ all anti ~ quity ^ {* y jSee Buet . The Indian Bra&mlfis to'this day tearfi that the ; Deity has been eoncealed ^ in Uie form s of certain great men , and thu 3 held intercourse- with the human race : and
that Vishnu , L e ^ cQtiqmroFy vttc < xTa p + wbo thJBy ^ sayi i& tile ' seeotod person of the three-one - Gad , has already assumed a body nine tiroes , and some-, times ¦ even a human body ; and that the saine vvill yet be dime by him once more . Me maifttBiiiB , that under the
name-of Chrhhimy and the character of a teacher of morals the same has desceiKled to promote the reformati ^ i of men oft vvicked habits . See * the Asiatic Resear he 8 . ~ Tbe divine nature of the great hero aod pr ince
described l > y our proj ) het in tbi « passage , i& ( ksignat ^ ct by the a < Witioma epithot t » j OHi Father , of eternity , ( a y h e . eternal ; forpo&se&sor qfieternity ^ as in 2 Kings i ; 8 , possessor Of hairs , i * e .
hqiry * Nothing is more freqmnt with th ^ Arabs > tlitwi in similar forms of expreBsion to-employ father for possessor * Henc ^ the bafewn ^ tpee i ^ , a * the prcKeut day > , calkd by the iAraibs :
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10 Translationof } Rosmmutt&rrs Notes on Isaiah ix * 5 , @ > mthRemarBl .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1825, page 10, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2532/page/10/