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father of 0 dotirs 5 L s . odordias- * At 01 f ather rof Variegated eoleur , i . e . ^ varfeg ^ tfed , is the « pUUet of a bird af the heron species . It is evident from Job xx . 4 , that the name "ursignifies not
only tilftft . eteufrity which the schools denominate&pQ $ iefiori > but aJmi 4 &rat which is denominated A prfork Trifling is the idea of Abarbanel , who takes the word in the sense of apdll * which the ingtoti denotes , Gen , ? j | Ux > be
27 ; so that He ^ ekiah would called father $ f&pmtsy because the spoils of the Assyrian arm y , miraculously ^ laiji , and of the'Egyptiaus and Arabs whom he had plundered , came into bis possession . Bilt tilsis appellation of $ ht& ? dmer would little eomport with the
other splendid epithets with which the prophet adorns his hero . Lastl y * the appellation aiVw * iw Prince &f Peom * Le . peace-maker , who wul reign over a world to which he has
restored peace ; comp . ver . 7 sfri ! t& ch . xi . 6—8 . Virgil , iu similar language , describes the reign of that illustrious prince of the golden age , in Ms t&& ~ brated Eclogue iv * 16 :
* the mh shall ! && the life of pis , &nat& By gods attil iierbfes sfeto , and gods and ' ¦ "feefttes sfcfc ; The J&ling nations he in peafce sbati biady , And with patemai virtues 3 rule mankind . *'
The Persian kings of the Sassanian rao ^ euUscquently to the time of ositr prophet , assumed to themselves similar lofty title's . A letter seat to tbe king of Armenia speaks of one of them 4 t | ibe following language ;—Ghaeroe ^ , ^^ g [^ f , Mngs ^ sovereign of potentates ^ idrHjoi \ the natiom >
guarman qf pearn 9 &imaur qf men , m the estimation of gode , a man , go 0 d , eternal $ in the « 3 fcimatioR of men , a ^ orf most illustrious ^ m ^^ t&nom ^ eonquerat ± fi&w g Aioith ih ^ sun ^ ana by n % &t j &rvtifitfityT * he em 89 ~ - ^ zt us Ue cautious how we believe that such
proud ttppeUa-Uons as € he Jiaughtmess of the later kingn of Asia Jcjaitned for itsel f were attributetl to any ldn ^ of Jiufc * U , Isr ; ml or Syria , in the simplicity of nhaft . early ag ^ of the prophet . ( )
The epithets used in this and the following vcr ^ e da none of them agree with a man wlio is not God . The ^ e \ ys / lK > w £ ver for the same reason WlucU has induced them to pervert
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lice meaning of the omele registe !^} , eh < ^ la , terfe disturbed the sen fee of the bres ^ Mjprophecy ^ ^ S ^ nle ^ theto , as Jarehi and Kimchi , deny that «!/ these splendid epithets are referable
to the child Mrn ^ JaWd ihe 6 to gfa % * i - They refer , most of Jtti € ? m , to ^ Q dd . ? Fhe last epithet , J * rin € & # f P&me , they apply to the child Who should be bKirii . TThe Wonderful , Gouusellor , 5 The nai # ty Goft , pte Et ^ h ^ l , feM call his name Prince af ^ faeeiffik .
by the latter oiey eoiKiiter Mezekiah to be understood . How fitifely the appellation -pweificator Agrees with 3 iitfr , wfeat is triad &n 2 Kings xviii ^ 8 ^^ will inform us . But 1 regret having related such cBildish interpretatiprts . They fcave been amply ek ^^^ etf W&
refuted by S aubert mm Frtechmath .--- - Bat in applying to the MchildM& &ftg \ & appellation of > Prim ^ af'Peaee ^ tMf follow the Chaldee Snterpr ^ t ^ , vt& % aitkotigh he admits thm the Messiah is announced in this pfas » age , ^ et giv ^ the rfbH « jwing explanation . lite prophet saith to | he house of Dmifty Since a little child hnth been botn to
us , a aaa hath been given to us * ^ iid he hath taken the law upon Mm , to protect it , and his name shall be call- * ed , by thfe Woaderfirl Counsellor , the Mighty Odd , who eitdureth continually , didfcsitahy in whose time pe&efe shall be multiplied upon us . He ^ 0 « i-
slcler ^ , therefore , that the name df Messiah would be given by the "Sitpreme Being to the child that would be born . But it is coatrapy to the tisual mode df Hebrew eKpre ^ idifr , tjjat the word $ his name , iivphras&s < ttf this » ort , should precede the mffierst 5 ) The word name occupies ^ a middle
puite between tbe word expjressmg ^ ie namer and the named ; so that tbte name which follows the wortl y&W # s always attributed to the pemmn<fed , not to the person who ffi ^ s t \ m " ® p ± i « . j- ^ t , j ~ + • • j ~ v y * . ' ^ -k m » ' m -mi
peltetion . See Gen . iii . 20 , iv . S ^ . 15 , xxi . 3 ; Jftuth iv . 1 * 7-5 . 1 Sttm . 1 $ 0 * gee . Besides , the Chalded inter ^ i' ^ tation is opposed to the ptitK ^ uation which the Maaorites liave piteoetted , doubtless received from tkMr ttrfti& $± tots . For if the wokeIs , < F * ith £ r ^ f
Eternity , belcmiged to pad wbo gtort the nam ^ , they would have sepavritfeA them by the proper mark fr 6 to the wowls which follow , mz . Princ ^ pf Peace , [ - 3 Is K *** * > P * &-bable that the prophet , by such * m
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T )^ nslatt <» i Ro&enrmlter \ $ Notes m Isaiah . 6 , 6 , mith ^ etmrks . V
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1825, page 11, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2532/page/11/