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1 deotly drawtn mp&y some arf the lead * ing members of the Society , it is a raoper sublet for animadversion . A tew copies were put h # o circulation , bf some means * mt otter , fafttre $ ke Meeting , and all attempts to buy
them up since , tor the purpose of suppressingthem , ( although avc have understood that the svnnofjivedal * lars has been offered for ** single copy *) have proved ineffectual . But we will keej > the reader do longer in suspense in regard to thrs singular production , which contains seme truth , bus more
e « KMV a » d maost *> f ail , that which conveys wo deftmte idea \ whmteveri /** . i 8 ufcer the preamble , which contakfl Jiothm ^ very obj ection aW e , and 5 in f expression of a firm beiief in the SeHpWets * -wfeiehso far is certainly
vejy good , it adds , * But they are * not aaa cannot be subjected to the fallen , corrupt reason of man . ' Now , what is meant by * falies , tx > rr up * reason' ? Is M ) t the reason of man as good now as it t 6 Ver w&s ? And did m $ t 'God
^ ddrees this reason when said , * Come now , let us reason together , aaith the £ < Qrd . Though your sins be as scarlet , they shall be as white as snow ; and though they be red like crimson , they shall be « s . wool '} J $ a . i . 18 . Here God calk itpcwi sinners ,, whose sins were of the deepest dye , to use their reason ; and on what
subject can they exercise it feetter than in paining a correct understanding of the Scriptures ? But only make mankind believe that their reason is so fallen ,, so depraved , that they are incapable of understanding the Scrip *
tures without supernatural aid 9—^ ou have the hmh oompletety in their nose , and they -can be led obsequiously at your will . It is impossible to corrupt reason , or that reason should b « cor ^ rupted ; for although mankind may exercise a great degree of foolishness j
and call it reason , yet reason , to be reason , must act rationally 5 and when actions are incorrect , it is not reason that acts ., but something else . lt \ therefore , this Creed means tluifr the Scriptures cannot be understood by
the * reason -of mau iji liis present atate , it either mews tliat wliieh is false , or eke it elmrges God with folly , in giving man a ^ iiidct , and callin ^ upon him to exercis e his reason in understanding | t > \ viwn lie knew that this guide was not * aubjoct to
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reason , ' © at sflie * Gm € Si eaysy Af * W # Imve alway ? asserted jdput willingnea ^ tlratali durdoctrines betrfedfry them , ( Hmt is , the Scriptures , ) and artmit ^ t as a positive maKi tn , llmt ^ 4 > atever any fdo , ^ jwetendicrg ^ edbe Spirit ; which is coHterary 10 I ^ e S © rif * til e ^ i be accounted ® o& judged as a delusion efiLeDewl /
^ But how m ^ cothmon mmi to know when doctrines are agreeable to the ScriptureB &c ndt ? His reason fe no guide to him : he must therefore sit in mleneetoxtA hear what spiritual men say on ( lie sufajedt , « md take it for granted * hat wkM ^ k ^^ av Wi * Wei
It iwill be ifeaflfl ^ ^« rc 0 ived > htiwemt ; that upon this principle the Scriptures are of mo use to any except to those \^ m ^ re spiritual 5 ^ d tf 'the « e tfet&ivfe direct xaramanieationB from < 5 od , it seems ; tfe » t the Serif ^ t ^^ might be dispensed with mltogeth ^ r .
- *• The Greed continues , * W ® toceive and feeifevc in the testimony of the Scriptures simply as it stands in the -text "« c Hbere are tbtee tha * b ^ r record in hearen , thfi Ifaflifcr , ih ^ Wopd ^ iaad ihe iHoiy Oteost ^ « i ^ d th e ^ tiiree aite * me « $ It is pfefeumed thftt the Framers fof this -iCrefed wefce ttot
aware that the aho « Je text , oil ^ hi ^ i they have laid so itiueh stress , atul the only one ihey have q ^^ ted ^ orredtly , ( and the only one , except -one , wtiigfi they have ' 'inserted as a f ^ ation from scciptupe , ) is & iliost spunous ifi ^ ei * - polatioi ^ whidi is not to betferofldiii
any Greek MiS . ofthie N ^ w 2 fe ' statneHt written eacrlicor thati the W ^ c ^ itury * If they had IqioWii thte ctecu « i « ta ^ e ^ they would not Jiave attached « o mu ^ h importance to this te&t ; but this ?^ a truth actnovviodged by Thermost lietil-nod , even among nhe IVmitarJans . It is also presumed that tine makers of df the
tins Creed were ^ fnoratit mean - ing of the text itself , even admitting its authority ; for it no jrnore prices that ibe Fathfcr , the Wotd ; ^ aild the Hoaly Ghost , are one baing , than it fe proved ( I that Paul and Apollos are t ) ri * e bein ^ ( Jor . uk 8 ) . ; arid » ny person who lias the loast knowledge of Greek s must know thib .
" * We believe in the oriiy wise , omnipotent and everlasting < 5 od , the Creator of all things m heaven and earth , and the Preserver df all t * iing « that be hath iwftd ^ viflio is 4 * o& 6 mi ull , bles&cd for ever—^ wiro liuth created
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9 A JStri £ ttw ® s * n Affi&rm&k Quaker t 2 v&M .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1825, page 14, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2532/page/14/