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all tmft ^ a etera&l Word and * Soa / Seen f . iBi&rmjIr ^ ttl aiid" Somfr This is . what is calledi believing * iff the testimony of tbe Scriptures siroi *
ply as it ? stands ia the text / Bnl > wherer ^ «« er <^ diin > tfio Scriptures'off vol etermtl SonS The idea is totally absurd . A , son ruusfr be begiottea anck born ( oc elae created as Adain-vvas )* before he * . £$ & « -tes a son ** and ta call is
such at being an etsrnaji betag ^ -aa * absurdity . Bufc the Creed : ( after a * st ^ teaieat to which vve do noti object ^ continues ,, ' Hence he ; ( Christ ) ; is-thes only Mediator between Goct and inan ^ for having been with God from all
eternity being : himself iKad , * * & < & *** c Hawng been , with God ! fno m all eternitycV Here the words of John , frmaj tife begjoning / wMch may / rneaa foam ; the beginnings of the gospel dispensation , but ; , afc ; most ; can mean no mote t < haii > the beginning of creation , tixes&
Creedinaakers have changed into their own wo 3 * d % : ^ % ira ^ But ? _ any thin ^ tksrt was with ; Gael ' fro m alii etormty ^ muati \ m as ; eternal a ^ God ; yet ,, nevertheless , it could ; not ; besthat . God withwhom it ( theWbrd ) if
was ; and tliemfor ^ this : God as > well as that ; , it mates ou ^ two . < xodsi a ^ . clearly as t \ vo and , two make four ; ** Passing ou < in , the > Cm&kj j we ? iio ^ tle «; th ® ci followhig : * God is -wilHhg
to be reconciled to ¦ ua ^ and ! really ta : redout the sins that am : past ; if' wbj repeati ^ ABtaniehifigi Hoavj can . God , wba changeth not v he willing to be ^ oUjerwise than what he i »^ And h-ovvf
oaa vain masi , suppose thitfc any thing which hevcatizcb ^ may ; panoduce a re-I'ouciliajtiou h * < 3 od 3 If God lie \ villirigi to be reconciled ^ isi ba not equally willing taefiect that wiiiofc will make him sol lib © Scriptures do « not tx > 6 *
tiiy of any umrecomciliation ih tlio mind , of God , but £ hafc > * GEodi wasi i » Ghristv recoflcilipp tfte worlds i » il 0-hlaaself ^ ( 2 f Gois . v ^ 1-fi } 5 not suy i «^ thatt he is williiifi ? ta be reconciled" to the world , because this' woni < 4 iniplyi
that he is chan ^^ able , as we 1 Las ttmn . That God f <^ rgiveti » siiw > on repent ^ anc » , we readil y * admit ; but if he for ^ giveth sin . on repentance * now ^ as hef aLvvayfi did , why should it ^ b ^ suj ) posefl that he doth this for the sake or ow
itccount of sometliing elaer vviiich he lias , received as a satasfactiony ia ^ the room and stead of tHat punishment which the sinner isu supposed to have
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deserved i God ahraya did ami always will fei-give -the truly penitent ^ merely because € he delighteth in metcyc i : > - ^? Bnt v . tiie f Greed continues : * 'He ( Christ ^ i ^ bothv the word of faitft and
a ; quickemng spiiit in ; us ^ whereby fie i $ > tibmimmediate ; cause , autlior ,, object ands strength o § 'axurJmAg faith in . Ids name aed powers . and 06 thai wixrk ; of our salvation from sin and the
bondage of . corruption / This ., unless they mean to sp , eak of Christ figumtiVcVy ^ meaning ttereby the doctrine of GhrUti is , wholly unintelligible ; but rf this be their } meaaiwg : ; . why did they BOt use language more deftnite and le » s
liable ta be miaconsjtrued ? Ohe gceat ol ) ject in , having a creed is , la Raving aometting plaiii ^ explicit and easy to be » un ^ flrsto » d , in and through wiich professing , Ghristians may - unite iu a
kind of spiritual and heavenly urvion ^ But as we Have be ^ un to dive into the hidden , mystery of somethingwa profess not to understand , so we must t > mc « e ( b * The Son of God cannot
be divaetori from the least or lowest appearance of his divine Kght odr ? life im m any more than tfae sun from biar > owm Kght / &o « All tMs ^ t ^ men
of , common sewm , is unintelligible Ianguage- ^ af which there was more of the lifcenatune ^ whicli we did not think ito expedient : to quote . TKe abov ^ 3 may suffice as a specimen .
'*** Jm it meant to be understood that tbere is any thing of this ' divkie light oFilifi ^ « fc ^ the Sow of God ' inp efery person ;? I £ sx ^ itP rnake& th ^ salvatteii o £ all as ? secare as th ^ rt ; xy& * theP Soi * < rf € rod / because he * eam ^ t be dividid *
fr © m it ( andiof course they cannot be divided ) tpom ' him ) any mdre * than the sun can be divided from his own lig&u ?' - Btttiif < it b& meant thatf 'the least or lowest appearance of hi 3 dU vine light ami life in us- ' is something aupern » tu < Fa ^ which none bu # thepower f
o& Godcan pirodtic ^ , and none btit Hie gopdncsB of ( Jod can give ; and thatitis given to some while it ; is withheld ik ) in oihers ^* b 0 | Bi tiere is clearly perceived all , the hoirid > part 3 » Hcf of Chfototem , veiled ^ ittd ^ eAy in the * mj ^ rtery of ^ ii ^ i keriani , Dtit tte vvord ^ are so courfb *
ed , ami it > appe « r 8 not without' dfeetg ^ th » t ttiey wiltadfiftit iiet only either of tiKi afewe coratwictiong , birt that ? Of Arminiattiatn 4 Vfbt * derfa \ Greedl to which me& of suoh opp ^^ in ^ sentintettt * might , perlinpSi siife&cribe xvitt ^
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Sirktunefr < m Ame-riccm , W Qmker fhteetL
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1825, page 15, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2532/page/15/