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tlantty is ^ tthfer a reli ff ioti bfeaiftfg tlie indelible st ^ rrfp df eternal tffito , &tffc 3 s a tisgtve bf felsehoo ^ d ^ iid deceit .
Whatever mfcy -be thdu ^ ht - Wfteluded by blbifcal drititfs as too tfofe genuineness of particular tenets % V parts of the Scriptures , the qiiestidh whether the New Testament is dr %
not the Revealed will of God , iiitiist life ^ Vgued on general groiiniJs , and cannot be afifeeted by particular tfifficulties- The Christian religion Ms been , ttvA ia now , Hable to cotfttption . Ttife the firinfest and ferdst emigtatenfcd defenders of our faith are ^ Vet * tli ^ e
Veadiest to allow . So the befet gifts of heaven are capable of abuse frbm th 6 weakness and wickedness # f raaffikin % siad God's " unspeakable g # t" has feeiefi iBjnfed aiid tiiisreptfeseiited tfteoftgli the evil passiotis and % froranfefe tff men . But iif we do not doubt the
existence of the -sun bec&u $ e a passitig dbud . obscures-his beaifas , neither let «¦ doubt thtftthe " sun of i % hte-TMisn ^ ess" will Slihte forth on the
nations , through tlie clouds of errot , infidelity knd superstition , till tM time shall at I ^ fnf iM mrive wheh " tli ^ knowledge df the Lbrd shall cover ihk tarth as the w&iets cover the sea . * M . A . A .
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^ flions ^ whieh a tiufaercMs portion of thein do mt in Irufli fent ^ rtkn ; apa 3 tovie he ^ rd ir ^ ffirittfed tttft fie only ^ int ih W liich t&ey are « eri ^ tfy uiigU
rtimbus is the personal tiMty of the t&eity . This complaint , I * caniibt ftielb thinking , U by iib iheaiis justified m the extent ^ ^ hfch it h xlUrkd * , ifoti , indeed , it sametiraes has the appearance of shtinkifig fr ^) tn an accu ^ atio \ i , flibti ^ h I 3 b iiid t ineah t ^ o ^ s Sert ^ tl ^ t « tfeh te the feet . Ifc ^ e ^ rst pfacfe ,
the doctrine on % M <* ^ h' ^ ^ e taia -to agree is too iride ^ ttite as ^ ' ^ airfe tff distitietiori , erhferaciri ^ ih its application not oily tKdse Wftb Wfere ii § tf . ^ i % c otasitfeted ^ s ^ se dilcp ^ s Wf S ^ ciMs , but al ^ o tlfet 4 ^ fd th fiiati ( i ^
* of Dissenters Mib ttrofe ^ s flje # ^ a& ^ tfets fe ^ pecthig ; We p ^^^ f ^ Cp ^ t . Since « hfe term Sbclrfitin m * Kigfcii ^ carded , Me ^ Fasi bf Glii ^ aiii " WBJ believe ; sblely iti the M % aA 8 Bar ^ ct % r of our Sdviaur , haVe , I ifeli ^ ve , 8 $ 6
tttfcd tio disti ^ tiVe fi ^ lMti ^ fa V ^ a though tli # t bf WiimaMfarmn \ s occ&-sibhally ehi ^ yed , it ^ Idfei % i ^ t £ pfMfr to have bteeii fiied ufidn as ;^ ejBf tfbfcfi trltey ai-e desffe ^ 6 ? bdhg « afi formly designated . Hence it has tfn&Sft ftiat timrt psfeii ^ iife MMH f ^ J g ^ IJy
re $ |>< &iihg UnftSnte ^ mkf , Strifetly speaking , be ^ piJcaDlfe pMy . ft > tlje Afiafi patt of that denohilnatibfn . If this i'epreseritatidii be corlr ^ t , jt SRw& % be netfeisity bf ^ el ^ ctiwg sojfofe dlik ^ ractferfstic 4 ppeMyti (> tt by WHlcK . teiHi Arihfte tM Trihit ^ ri ails hxtcjf adafeS ^
thbs& whose principal t " raet is W& simple hnrnanuj / of biir Lofti : It XvouM hie the uieans of p f ^ eriijilig much effonebus acctte&tibn oh tiKe one side , and triuch UfefeWfes rfedriiiii ^ riatioti oft the other .
Btit still it may be ^ aid- ^ ati 3 , if 1 tiri ^ take not , has been s ^ itf—^ -tH&t miti y opitiiotis are Alleged to Edf ih |>^ rt of the Creed of the Humaiii ^ rijtns , for whidi tlife preachers and \ tyrifers amonj ^ that body at-e dlone respbiiiibl ^ . Ih re-|) ly t ( i this , I Wotild beg K ^ irk tb ^ k , — if we are not tb look to tfli ^ tiilhisters id
of arty religious secf , ^ ^ J tKeir public advocates / for £ t' knbWledg ^ bF their tene ' ts' arid sentimefit& , td vvhoin are w& to hkve recouifse' t 6 t ifym itifotrijatibn' ? If I am desirous of \> &-cottiirig' acquainted vfttifc ii& c ^ SiBp ^ f doctrites noi ^ held by
PdhicdWmp-/ ft /* , ( for ekamf > te , ) I MMW c 6 rtceive that J could not matfe ^ ly ert ^
Untitled Article
^ 22 Propriety of Un itarian * tid $ pti ^ MMe nwre distinctive Appellation .
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On the Propriety of adopting- some more distinctive Appellation amonsf those who are usually styled Unlttirians .
feiR , December 10 , 1824 . IT is a frequent complaint with Unitarians , that they are chatged by their opponents with holding bpi-
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select just what yve happen to like in the gospel , and lay aside all the rest ; to admit , for instance , the moral and preceptive part , and reject all those sublime doctrines which are peculiar to the gospef j and which form the wall of partition between Christianity and what is Called Natural Beligfon . This is assuming a liberty and creating a distinction which wo believer in the divine authority of our Lord can on any ground justify , Christ delivered all his doctrines ia the name of God . He requited that gpfli ; . without exception , should be received . He has given no man a licepse to adopt just ^ s much or as little o ^ the ) tn as lie tlilii K fit . He has authorized no one human b * in # to add theV ^ ti dr dilitfnfeh therefh > m " . —Portenfs Serfitotis , 11 . 314 .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1825, page 22, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2532/page/22/