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Untitled Article
sistance vWi i § feqiiisite , if not fot the ccm ^ uiiariee of its existence , certatniy fbtf rendering its utility coriim £ ri $ irt-afce with the importance of its objects , and the extent of the field
which is now open for its labours . The gentlemen by whom the preceding resolutions wete unanimously passed confidently trust , that to those who set a d&e valu £ upon their principles , and are properly alive to the
htttiortance of tfcefr universal dissemination , this appeal will not be made in vain , and tlrat it will hatfe the dttesired effect of augmenting- the Society ' s available funds , both by donations and byati addition of life and of annual subscribers . * The Society fixes rio sum
as the md&imum of its wants > because it hag opportunities of usefulnesVfully equatf i& any amount that may be placed at its disposal . By the present rale of the Society , the Committee is composed of such Subscribers as intimate to the
Secre-* The payment of ten guineas at one time , inakes a Life Subscriber , and a yearly subscription of one guinea ^ an Annual Meintier .
tafy their wish to be sumnaoned to its Meetings . ^ It has been thought that this rule might now be advantageously changed , by deputing the management of its affairs to a committee of
twelve gentlemen , chosen annually at the Meeting in March . A resolution to this effect has been passed , and the Secretary has been directed to summork a Meeting to be field on
Thursday , thfe 10 th of March next , of all the Subscribers resident within the delivery of the threepenny post , to approve or tfetecind this resolution , and to transact other business .
Communications relative to the Society may be addressed either to the Treasurer , Thomas Gibson , Esq ., No , 1 , Milk Street , Cheapside , or to me , at No . 2 r Kennington Gre ^ n .
THOMAS REES , Secretary .
Untitled Article
excepting that ytfiicii % nishtar Molars with tracts fbV p 6 ru $ si , htxt ^ ic ^ , I conceive , c&niidt "SfiaSt tb ^ rbtfiice beneficial effects .
^ I have not very sanguine expectations of much good resulting from the common routine o £ a mere catechetical system of education , which , without bringing the reasoning pow ^ s of
the pupil into action , simply exercises the memory . Infbrni&ifcionv leatufed by rote , and too often cfthstdered a task , is generally soon forgotten , or aft feast does not store tie mind with useful knowledge iii the degree which ttii ^ ht be anticipated .
Convinced of the efficacy of systems \ tfMcfc , providing fbr the examination Of scholar ^ , require the e ^ b r ^ ssibn t ^ f their ideas as mufch ^ s pp ^ sibldjn thcolr o \ wi lan : gua : ge , I feel grattifiM in beiftg able to inform your readers and M . S . that d well- ^ feher to tite cause of
education amongst the poor , ana an admirer of Sunday Schools , has been lately engaged in the arrange ^ fent < $ a sririaU work cbnipilec ( lipcin this principle , and intended tot the use of Sunday Schools , particularly Unitafiiib
ones $ and that , provided he w ^ s ii £ demhified from the exjpetise of pub r lish ing ^ he would immediately serid it to the press . Its plaii agrees with the sugge ^ ti 6 h of your Correspondent , in furnishing a series of cc copies coiitain r ing moral and religious truths . ^ Only the best writers in the sbhool to be
allowed to copy these selections ; thus , by instituting an honorary privilege inciting emulation . The work woul ( i be divided into two parts ; the fir ^ t , a selection of scriptural passages , forming a regular system of religious truth j the second , a series of moral
precepts , calculated to imbue the ihind with a fund of useful and practical knowledge . To each copy wbiild b ^ annexed questions , the answer to which must be furnished by the pupil from the copy he has written . These questions , it is hoped , would not only assist the teacher in his examination
of the scholars , but would also be of Use , by exercising the abilities of the pupil , from the necessity lie would be uftder of p ^ rfecitly understanding what lie transcribed before he could frame cori : e 9 |)<> n ( iing answers . Conceiving such a work would be of no little service in the cause of education , and of great use in Sunday Schools , and as it would be likewise
Untitled Article
Sunday-jS thobl Books . ^ 3
Untitled Article
vox ,, xx . f
Untitled Article
Sir , IT is with great pleasure that I read the communication of M . S . [ XIX . 730 ] , on Sunday Schools . iThe justness of his remark ^ I can fully corroborate , , having observed the good effects of the plans he has laid down ,
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1825, page 33, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2532/page/33/