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author of that Review , has Indeed furnished Dr . Nares with the fact , which you might not otherwise have known , that in the first edition of the Improved Version , there were many deviations from Newcome ' s translation ; but he has been far from warranting you to asserty
that these deviations were generally of any importance . When censuring the Editors of the Improved Version , for using the name of the Archbishop , in order to mislead the unwary , you ought to have been particularly careful not to expose yourself to a similar censure , by a disingenuous use of the name of a
Unitarian reviewer . The note upon the note in page 57 , is certainly calculated , whatever may have been its design , to mislead your readers , by making them believe that the whole of your assertion is supported by the authority of Dr . Carpenter . I will endeavour to disabuse them , by citing his words on this subject . "
Mr . Wellbeloved , accordingly , makes an extract from the Monthly Repository , IV . p » 216 , and another from Dr . Carpenter ' s Reply to Magee , p . 306 ; both which , quotations completely disprove the statement of Archdeacon W ^ rangbam .
This dignitary further censures the Improved Version for its professing to be by a Society for promoting Christian Knowledge , aad thus attempting to impose upon the unwary the
authority of the Venerable Society , &c . The objection is borrowed from Magee ; but , come from whom it may , nothing of the sort can well be more trifling or more uncandid :
" Is the definite article , " asks Mr . WeJlbeloved , " of such mighty efficacy in the Greek language , as by its presence or its absence in given circumstances , to prove the Deity of Christ ; and is it of
such insignificance in English , as not to be distinguishable from the indefinite ? Are the terms a society and the society equivalent ? If they be , as your accusation of the Improved Version seems to suppose , on what ground have Archbishop
Magee , Dr . Moy&ey and others so severely censured the Editors of the Improved Version , as amongst their numerous artifices , making free with the article , substituting a Son for the Son of God , whenever they find it convenient to do so r *
These are searching questions : nor can they be answered l > y the Archdeacon of Cleveland , and by his colleagues in * ' ttie work of criming
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tion , " in a way that st&U reave them guiltless of the charge of inconsistency , or of something worse . <( As a specimen of no moderate garbling / ' this gentleman refers to t the expulsion of nearly the first two chapters both of Matthew and Luke from the canon of the New
Testament . And he goes on to state , what the Editors of the Improved Version have themselves candidly told their readers , that these passages are found in all MSS . and in all ancient versions . " But / ' adds Mr . Wellbeloved , " these passages , though their
authenticity is disputed , are not expelled * They ^ are found in the Improved Version , nearly word for word as they appear in the Version of the Primate . They are indeed printed in Italics , as an intimation , say the Editors , 5
that they are of doubtful authority . * Archdeacon Wrangham had either seen or not seen , the Improved Version . If he had seen it , how could he permit himself to speak thus of the expulsion of these chapters ? Or if he had not seen it , why did he venture to affirm what he had not and could not
have verified ? - Mr . Wellbeloved proceeds to remind his opponent that Dr . Durell and the late Bishop Stock would have expunged from the canon of the Jewish Scriptures , the one a whole book , the other a long passage , solely on internal evi- < tie nee . —P . 64 .
Dr ., now Archbishop , Laurence had accused the Editors , &c . of having altered the text by critical conjecture , in two very important passages , John i . I , and Rom . ix . 5 . How stands the fact ? The Editors have not in ( s single instance admitted conjectural criticism into the text . Yet
Archdeacon Wrangham , without and against evidence , insinuates the same charge ! By another of his oracles , Dr . Nares , our dignitary is woefully misled . His words are : " So again as to the decisive compellation of Thomas to his Saviour , ( John
xx . 28 , ) we are to conceive it only qn irreverent expression of surprise ! Beza more truly says , ' Verba sunt non tantum admirantis Thoime / &e . And yet the Editors of the Improved Version refer to Beza !"
Our renders will mark Mr . Wellbtloved's answer : ¦ * ' * It is Archbishop Ncwcoiuc who refers
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Review- —Wellbetdved * s Letters to Archdeacon tFrangham . 43
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1825, page 43, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2532/page/43/