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cc Evangelical 95 Declaration of War against Unitarians . The < c Evaugelical Magazine" ushers ia the new year with sounding the warwhoop of bigotry and persecution . For a long time this work represented the Ci Socinians" as dwindled to nothing :
with bat few clrapels , ( places of worship ^ they would hardly be called , ) and those nearly empty . This artifice failing , and in despair of answering Unitarian arguments , ft is now seriously proposed to the Bkmngelicat world to try to rob Unitarians of their meeting-houses !
- The notable project has been started in Lancashire , in the course of a newspaper controversy growing out of the report of proceedings at the dinner given to Mr . Grundy at Manchester . ( See Mon , ilepos . XIX . p . 574 . ) It is taken up
deliberately in the ** Evangelical" for this month , in an article of Intelligence headed ( not Socinian , but ) " Unitarian Chapels , " from which we shair now extract a passage ( pp . 23 , 24 , ) to which we beg the reader ' s attention .
€ i In the mauagement of the controversy , the Orthodox party have wisely abstained from theological discussion , as unsuited to a newspaper . They have confined their attacks principally to two distinct points , shewing by reference to historic facts , first , That Unitarians are not entitled to that claim of candour , of
liberality , and of steadfast adherence to the principles of civil and religous liberty , of which they boast ;—and , secondly , That however respectable they may be in their private commercial concerns , they do , as a body , most flagrantly violate the principles of moral integrity , by the
mal-administration of trusts , appropriating to the support of their own system numerous chapels , with endowments and funds to a vast amount , originally intended for orthodox purposes . In confirmation of tiiis charge , the list of chapels occupied
fey Unitarians in Cheshire , Lancashire , Derbyshire , Nottinghamshire , and the West Biding of Yorkshire , is reported to be eighty : of these stoty-nineviere originally orthodox ; three are doubtful - and eight only of Unitarian origin . € i
Should this controversy hereafter appear in the form of a pamphlet , it will deserve a careful review . It Jjas already , we are informed , produced a very wide and powerful impression ; and , we apprehend , it will ultimately lead to the rescue of property to a considerable amount , from the trust of Unitarians , by
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legal process ; except they adopt the more honourable alternative of voluntarily surrendering it to the purposes for which it was originally intended . Having recorded this specimen of intolerance and persecution , as far as the mind of the conductors of the Evangelical Magazine is concerned , we are contented .
It would be ridiculous to argue against the principle assumed in the menace ; it would be worse than ridiculous to say a word upon the result of the meditated u legal process . " Let the Caiviuists begin their holy war * and they wild then understand iC the signs of the times /*
But the only thing of consequence , at , present , is to set down in print the memorable design Here , ia the 19 th century , in the metropolis of Great Britain * , in a Magazine supported chiefly by Protestant Dissenters , a Magazine too which professes to be by way of distinction ' Evangelical" and to be devoted pecu ^
liarly to vital Christianity ; in this work , at this time of day , it is proposed to drive ; a multitude of Protestant Dissenting congregations ( not less than 70 in one district ) QHit of their places of worship inherited from their fathers , because , it is alleged , they do not believe all tl&t their fathers believed ! It is intended of course that
the emptied chapels shyall be occupied and their endowments be enfeyed ^ here is the temptation ) by the true believers ; for dominion is founded upon grace . The iniquity of the scheme may pass ; but the cool-blooded assurance with which it \ s
announced is instructive . *—This is the (( Evangelical Magazine ; ' * this is the spirit of some Calvinists ; and this we are entitled to consider as the effect of Cat ~ vinism , unless the Dissenting Ministers , whose nances are published as the contributors to the work and the distributors of
its gains , come forward and disavow the Editor ' s-project > of contending with Unitarians by legal proceas , " and of upholding and enriching Calvinism by a sweeping ejectment and spoliation !
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Opening- of the Unitarian Chapel ut JBramfield * Suffolk . The circumstances which led to the opening of this place of worship , arc
briefly these . —Mr . Thomas Latham , who had been for several years settled as the pastor of a Baptist ChurcK at Laxfield , near Halesworth , in Suffolk , having seen reason , from reading the Scriptures , to relinquish the orthodox system , avowed
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1825, page 56, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2532/page/56/