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MISCELLANEOUS . Joseph Lancaster in South America * Whatever may have been the eccentricities of Joseph Lancaster , he must still be regarded as the benefactor of his countr y and species , and the
philanthropist will be anxious to hear of his proceedings . He is now in that land of promise , South America , and the following is an extract of a letter of his , dated La Guaqru , May 26 , 1824 , which has been communicated to us by a friend to whom it principally relates :
" Thy order for 25 / . came most acceptably to handy my apparel needing a new stock , and my remittance from this country having not arrived . We all admire the timing of it as a most providential act , and we feel affectionate regard and obligation to you and other of my kind
friends in England , and especially to my tine and steady friend ***** for so noble a token of his distinguished regard to one so distant from England , and forgot by many . Our passage to this place
from Philadelphia was with head winds , and lasted thirty days ; we bad again to contemplate the wonders of the Lord in the deep , and to feel his hand was guiding us along the pathless ocean . Our vessel bore a new banner—a bloodless
flag , the standard of education—a shield with children with maps and globes ; on the other side , my old and honoured friend George III . standing on a sea-girt rock , leaning his hand on a , trident , with this motto— Columbia , to glory arise 'Thus the standard of peace and
knowledge has waved over the unstable and changing ocean , and we were greeted to these shores with joyful welcome . On our landing , a deputation of the $ rst men in this country waited on me , to welcome us , my only son and only daughter , and to offer us the very same table and
accommodations as are usually placed at the disposal of the chief of the Executive of this Department when present . —Mules are just come down to carry our baggage , with a guide and a companion for us . We have a most noble house , well furnished , which is prepared at the public
expense . And while enjoying all this from foreigners , I have thy son ^ s letter before me , which proposes , on behalf of my professed friends , I should not return to England , or return on conditions : but this party have missed again the golden and glorious opportunity of behaving
nobly ; but they have no nobility in them , or they would long ago have swept a sense of their oppression from my heart , by an act of generosity , which would have atoned , in a small degree , for my sufferings . But now God has raisecl up strangers to do for me and mine what they
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have neglected ; and by God ' s providence , and not their doings , I am placed in comfort , honour and independence , —¦
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Sir Francis Burdett , with his accustomed munificence , has presented the sum of One Thousand Pounds to the London Mechanics' Institution .
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Intelligence . —Joseph Lafccasteiz in South America . —Ireland . 59
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The Royal Tapestries , made by order of Pope Leo X . for our Henry VIII ., from the Cartoons of Raphael , and sold by order of the Commonwealth , in 1 ( j 50 , with the private property of Charles I .,
have recently been recovered by Mr . Tupper , our Consul in Spain , from a palace of the Duke of Alva . There are two subjects not included in the paintings at Hampton Court ; namely , the Conversion of St . PauJ , and Christ giving the Key to St , Peter .
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~——^^^¦»< Ireland . —Until the meeting of Parliament , which is to take place on the 3 rd of next month , things will remain as they were in this country . The com * plexion of parties is upon the whole , perhaps , better . A Grand Jury has ignored the ill-advised bill against Mr . O'Connell . Some Orangemen have been convicted of a riot , on the prosecution
of the Catholic Association ; and a lenient spirit was shewn by the prosecutors and met by corresponding feelings on the other side . This has displeased the bigots of both parties . Let the Law triumph over passion , and politieal and religious animosities will presently subside . — We hear of no more Bible-battles . —The
Catholic rent is coming in regularly ; a few driblets have been sent from England , and amongst these jglO from the Devon County Club , at the head of which is the Duke of Bedford . —Though Mr . O'Connell is at liberty , we have no tidings of the missionaries deputed by the Association to treat us on this side of the water
( and a treat it would be ) with some of the best specimens of Irish Eloquence . — For the first time , the English Catholics , who are uniting every where , have in their central meeting at London declared themselves in alliance with their Irish
brethren , and have expressed unqualified approbation of the character and conduct of the Irish leader , O Conuell . At the meeting alluded to , which consisted of the Catholic nobility , gentry and priesthood , the venerable Charles Butler took part in the proceedings , fn thus
forgetting past differences with a view to further a common object , the Catholics set an example to the Protestant Dissenters , who , if they ever succeed in their claims upon the legislature and the government , will do so only by community of feeling and concentration of exertion .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1825, page 59, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2532/page/59/