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New University . la consequence of the overflow of students at both our Universities , it is in contemplation to found a Third University in the neighbourhood of York , towards which the venerable and excellent Earl Fitzwilliam has promised tti subscribe Fifty Thousand Pounds !
The following is a summary of the Members of all the Colleges at Cambridge , in L 824 : Trinity , 1229 . St . John ' s , 101 & . Queen ' s , 228 . Emmanuel , 218 . Christ ' s , 210 . Jesus , 204 . Cams , 201 St . Peter ' s , 169 . Clare Hall , 139 .
Trinity Hall , 135 . Corpus Christi , 13 ih Pembroke Hall , 125 * Catherine Hall , 118 . King ' s , 108 . Sidney 101 . Magdalene 5 95 * Downing , 53 , University officers , 11—4489 . —Comparative View — 1748 , 1500 . 1813 , 2005 . 1823 , 4277 * —Morn . Chron .
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cal" Mr . » may be able « to s # U ! e with the * ' Evangelical" Dr . ; but how will he answer to the public for taking fthis word has several senses ) a sermon of A ? chbishop Tillptson ' s , and passing it off as his own , and receiving for it praises up < pn I > Js talents , eloquence and piety , from tlje
reviewers Qf his own party ? Tl ? £ sagacious letter-writer , a faithful ottcer of justice , has found and pioved the property upon him . And yet w £ should not wonder if the said " Rev . John . Angell James" had been ere now beard to pronounce Archbishop Tillotson no gospelpreacher !
The other detected frlag&ry is < c £ he Rev . Thomas T . Bid 4 ul £ > h , A . M . Minister of ftt . James ' s , ^ rtgtpi , " who h $ s been long piie of the most active jand zealous members of what fscallsditie ' < iSvangeiical party In the Church of Englanfl , j \ work of " his lately ' pub % liea , under the title of Pivioe Infl ^ en , ce , or the Operation of the Holy Spirit traced from phe
Creation of Man to tfie Consummation of all Things , " has fallen tpder the Dptice pf the last or LXIst No . of j $ p Qifartetfy Review . The reviewer makes some vefV just observations upon the author ' ^ floptrines and crit | cisuis , and then lay ? ppeji the source froai which th £ rererppa writer
has obtained his plan and argum ^ n ^ his names and , what is more sirmng , pne at least of Tiis blundering calumnies , tw writer to wjioin the ** Evaiigepcar * minister is indebted , is tlie latfe Dr . yice ^ iinais Knox , ia his € hris (; ian l ^ iiips (> phy . In vain , says the reviewer ^ b ^ s Jie s 0 u ^ t for some slight confession p £ pbl | gatioi ^ to Dr * . Knox . According to bis ini )| e of
thipking , there is something not quite right in this concealment , and ne quotes the words of Goldsmith , that " a trifling ackupwledgment would have made that lavyful prize , which may now be considered a ^ plun , der / ^—From Dr . Knox , Mr . BidcJuJph has taken passages frpm Paley , Tillotson
and Warburtpn , to shew that these eminent theologians were ignorant pf tbe gospel . Paley and Tillotson are injured by the original and the imitative accqs ^ r only by being quoted loosely in detached passages , which in TillotsQn ' $ huge volumes it would be an qndless task to attempt to verify ; but Warburton i § egregiously and foully misrepresented .
This able writer is charged with a notion which he expressly introduces for the purpose of confuting ! The liptipn attributed to Warburton , to which his name is affixed without more special reference , is this—** Socrates preaching mpral virtue , and dying to bear witness to the
unity of the Godhead , was ma ^ le to the Grecian people wisdom and righteousness ^ not less than Jesus . " These are indeed Warburtpri ' sj words , but in , using tbeiri lie
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60 Intelligence . ^ -QvthodpoD Plagiaries Detecte d *
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LITERARY . Orthodox Plagiaries Detected . Criticism is never more useful or commendable than when it apprehends aud brings to punishment the poachers in the field of letters . Two grave offenders of this description have been lately caughi ,
and the reader will naturally lpq £ for some account of them in the magazines , which are in this respect literary police reports . The religious periodicals are specially bound to give this news frorjj the justice-room of the republic of letters , as the culprits are divines , popular , " Evangelical" divines , wearing the broadest phylacteries of " orthodoxy . "
One of these is " the Rev . John Angell James , minister of Carr ' s Lane Chapel , Birmingham . " This gentleman has been lately engaged in an attack upon stage amusements , which undoubtedly he had a right to attack . But his mode of warfare has been complained of in his own town , as not being quite agreeable to the rules of civilized hostilities . Nor is
this all : a townsman has addressed a letter to him , forming a pamphlet of upwards of 100 pages , entitled , ( by a play upon oneof his own titles , ) " The Plagiary * Warned / " inwhichheconviqts the reverend gentleman of extensive depredations upon the works of others : whole pages
of this serious monitor ' s are tracked by the vigilant letter-writer to a book by Dr . Styles , ouce employed in a contest similar to Mr . James ' s . That they may be followed up yet higher is not here
pretended . In Mr . James ' s works , some of them sermons , the Sorrowed passages ( we inight use another word ) stand without acknowledgment , without even those tmjfjftt indications of dependence , inverted K&fnnixxn . ' This accouut " the " Evaugeli-
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1825, page 60, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2532/page/60/