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is < tespribin& jmd refu ^ ijag ^ rjia ^ h ? < c ^ Jfe Paganized Cfirklittnitj / i . ( Tn £ passage ) s in the 3 rd chap , of t % e ^ rd b 0 i > £ Of Tki ? Doctrine of Grace , m jv&icji book , &ay '| the reviewer , he Jias left # ii § ^ n 4 ^ ence pi ? record : " The redemption ' of nxankind by the death of Chrisjt , and ihe sacrifice oj : himself upon the crtiq& tegetj ^ r with Hg consequent jAocj $ Qfe of j $ st $ je&tia ^ fay te . ith alone , Wefe jtjhe gre ^ t ' gospel princiwa §
ples on whicji P ^ ote ^ tantjSBi fofipded on the first gei ^ ral reparation firom the Chtirch of JSpme . *) TwW ever writer more ginned ^ j&uisf ? The sin is not 6 rigmaILy JVtr . Bi ^ i&jm ' g , tout fre makes it hi $ own % repeating it , &n 4 time of
stands at tl ^ e same convicted the further offence of di ^ ingenupug tf ess with regard both to Knox and his own readers , —The Quarterly JJevfcw Jias , we conceive , done good service in this literary labour . It is always useful to unmask pretenders , and in both these ca ^ es ^ if should he observes , the peccant bopfcs put
in extraordinary claims for spirituality and sanctity of purpose . Th ^ Bristol iniiijstejf not only writes upon " divine influence /* by Which he means a $ qnctU fying power on the heart and life of the Reliever , but it is also implied in tyis boo ^ that he himself is a happy example of u divine influence : * ' now what does this
pretension amount to , When in the very utterance of it the writer not only falls into gross and defamatory errors , hut also does that wbicji the majority of writers , aspiring to no more than a fair character in the world , would deem in the highest degree dishonourable ?
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vptaogs , _ £ ke avpff ^ s pri < £ ^ f ^ fe w § m $ * $ > ° m B aqo m& $ , ifa < z r ^ ge p ^ pe ^ 3 $ s * 4 ^ t jar | &c > n 0 % i ^ e m ) & ^ e giv en wi # e ^ cji mm * $ F *
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I * lt 4 limnw ^ tytm <^ 6 >
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FOREIGN . Statistical Notice of ee ¥ tain Continental Universities , in 1823 . Thp following estimate , of the nupvber of atudeuts will afford some idea of t \ xp comparative reputation of the diffeyej&t Universities of Belgium , Germany , Nqrr way and Russia .
Belgium . —At Louv ^ in there were in 1823 , 309 students ; at Gand , 297 ; Liege , 462 ; Leyden , 382 $ Utrecht , 312 ^ G * oningen , 277 . Germany . —At Gottihgen , 1 ^ 59 7 ' L / el ^ - sick , 16 ^ 5 ; 'rubingen , 795 \ Halle , 1119 .
Heidelberg , 660 ; Wartzbourg , 663 j Boon , 528 ; Berlin , 1241 ); Freyburg , 556 ; and Greifswalde , 127 . Norway * —At Christiana , 211 . Russia , —At Moscow , 695 ; Dorpat , 400 ; apd Charkow , 264 .
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Priirssia—Berlin . — " 1 did no $ expect fp have found the churches so well tjcttenctefl even by the higher classes . In # * e ( Jat ^^ dral I heard the best sermon pi ^ eaupK ^^ which I heard in Germany ; yet tfie pier-
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Mr . La ^ 4 r » s Couen Jjas i ^ the pre ^ a New System of Astrojao i ^ y , ip sfc part $ : coflotprehejadUig the D # sc 0 verv pjf the Grayjltating Power s the $$£ i £ jit
Cause which Actuates the PJatnetary , Spr tern ; ths Causes of the TjAe ^ ; ^ e Ww 9 tbat Cfoyern the Winds , # cr ^ c .: tjve whole 3 ecpujite < J for pn MechaJ » ic 9 j PrJp * - ciples . One vol . iemy fbo .
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Th , e ftev . Dr . Evans , of Jsji ^ gt ^ n , is at lengdi putting to pres ^ ^ Golkctipn of His Tracts , Sej-m ^ ns ^ ijd * Fi ^ ner ^ l Oi ^ - jtions ; including ^ . n Atte mpt to ^ icco ^ iit
for the XpfldeJtoy sf Edward ^^^^^^^ JEsq . ; a Letter $ p Dr . Hawker q& jSener ^ l 1 L # r demption 5 and ISJ ^ morandvins of the General Baptist Ctorch at Barbton iinder the care of Dr . James Foster : with
an Apptindix , containing Biographies , Obituaries aed Miscellanies , which have appeared in periodical publications .
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, flfi ^ a ^ yF ¥ S .- ^ Tfcj ? B ^ Kfi ^ l tf ? ¥ flfld is i it present occupied in the inv ^ tJg ^ iOB of of & l | e $ rew Roll O ( f ure ^ t anticji ^ y , € oun <| in a vessel captured b y the Greeks , wjiiw roll has recently heien brought to this country . The enoruiOfis sum of 1 ^ 50 ^^« i | ds is asked for this relic ; h ^ l . f t | i ^ t ainoimt is said to 1 iia , ve been offered fop it by $ j % ejninent Hebrew C ? a |> itaiist ? Gent , Mag ,
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Juvenile Periodical Literature . In this day of printing wd of making ihe press cheap , nothing scarcely surprises us ; but we confess that j * re were scarcely prepared for ah authentic state ^ nient that is now before us of periodical publications for children . From this it
appears that there are no less than fourteen of these published monthly . Four are sold at 4 d . each ; one at 3 d ; one at 2 d ; and eight at Id . Twelve are in the hands of the parties calling themselves " Evangelical . " Mr . John Campbell , the
African Missionary Traveller , and droll Dissenting Minister > gives his name as Editor of one of the Penny works , which is gravely recommended in advertisements by several of the popular Calvinistic preachers . Some of these cheap magazines are illustrated with cuts .
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Mr . Richard Priestley , cl&ssic ^ l book - so lie r ^ Holborn , has given notice of an Uniform iEdition , by subscription , of the Variorum Greek Classics . The whole collection it i » supposed will form 150
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1825, page 61, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2532/page/61/