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Mg^jl Hti aMy y #tli , dm^m ^ ^kk^mp 9 ^^^^ . ^. ¦ . ^^^^i^^^ ^^^ ^fe ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^i^^BMMB'^^^^^^^^'^'^V^M^PIMIBBfl^kMflMMttl^HB^h^iaM^MBIA^i^^^l^^BAMaH^B^H^^B^M^^^B^B^^M^^^i^^^^^BMM^M^^^MM^H^^ta^M^M^HBfl^MMMB^flHV^ftMn^^BB'Mi^^^BHfb^BHBVIBtfAM^^VNi^^^^^VMW^^^M^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ __
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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c < — -the account of the cure and exajmnation of the blind man , in the hJti&ti Cnjmtf ^ j * of ^ Sfr - * Tfvhu ' s frfmTitf * l ledte on tke part ofjthe historian . " i—
sudden , received the sense of vision , and had received it entire , and
indeed tire and rfcl ^ ef ^ anu profesieuly uy " a , ^^\ M ^ \ M ^ i ^ W ^^^^^ half ; we should not , Tjprestime , be * M ^^^^ im ° mi % lNw&tti " posed that it comes to us ^ ft meent hardly dismiss it w | 9 iquJPS $ jp 0 lnvetthire can be no en& ^ *^ CH 9 BK £ |^^^ , conviction , whether of truth or falsehood . Some men ' s "unbelief has a sort % ) f credulousness : . fqjr he who , without and against testimony , admits vveryL report , and be who admits not sustains , . possess rio very efferent
wanyof discrimination , ^ lie sam e 1121- * ^ im ^^^^ mm ^ **«* $ m * *** . Jja the case which I have been putl | wii < n # | iM ^ aminaticm ? Should we not ask , Who ff
ifm 0 mm m ® m >^ mm > M& $ B - said to have been wrought ? . Whether , in feet , he had W ^ . M < Whether he was blind at the lime when his benefactor met him ; and whether it afterwards appeared that he was , in truth , cured ?* ' Let us pursue these questions : let us
observe whether such , inquiries were made , and how they were answered , in an instance which claims to be
* Serinous by William GilpiiwVol , III , No . i 6 . ¦¦ ¦ * ¦; -0 ' : \
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matter of history , and not of suppdsition . ^ ;
his reason , and a ddnipetent judge of his own situation , and of the questions
j- ' vCs'lV V ^ fklrB nA " \ wlt ' ^^ Fe £ ~ 4 Vw ^ ' ^ W % . £% AfiiV ^ > - * ri ^ % l « % JJMAw' mm v 9 *> # Ev 7 % X ^ JL ^ m Cfc \ y 1 / % r *\}\ smM I ^ Vf J , UL I ^ NBlli jSJ" MHtMtSB * '^ W % " . * " Ann r » 5 it i » Ti'iTitr V » Y 5 iJm ' ifiAfl Titr f'n'ia aTrit £ it — U 11 U CcuCIlllly cJLcllXllIICU U \ tllv «»\ J . VCruiu not Deiieve concerninfir tutu tnai * sigBtp ^ wif liaey cal ^ . # 5 ^^^ JP ^ roMi | ^ ^^^ Sgni Fi ^^^^ parents , however fearnil tttiey wete ot ^ J ^^^^^^^^ 0 ^ ft ^^^ acknowledge any faith of theirs in the MessiahsWp df Jesn ^^^^ m ^ e know that this is our son , ana that he was born blind . " Can evidence be
more decisive as to his identity and his former sitaation ?; For thf rest , ^ they refer the inquirers to their s&tf hiini&lifet ^ ^ ^^ - % 0 l %# / # c Here a third question is suggested :
waPt ^ i i i ^^ ii ^ m ® & mmt when his benefactor is stated to have reJietWMoi : ^ this part of the case overlooked by aa ^^^ iiifs Mm ^ hmmmmfdm&t JM indeea doufctlKiUad any , existence )
unresblved . The chda ^ e in ' this pferson ^ s condition and appearance seems to have excited astonishment : and the bis toriaii tells job * very piiPteMr * n <\ nnAfT ^ mW ^ ' ^^^ W ^^^ W ^^ hm cUlvl UXlCalUI 3 % 71 iCUI V * . ' wuwv tllv UCliill * bours who before had seen the man
that he was blind , said , 'Is not this he who sate and begged ? " * At first , their opinions were rather divided dot this head : some said , "ThiA is Kej * * Vor . 21 t Vcr ^ 13 , &c , 24 , &c ^
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l ^^ Mttrtfti ^^
Mg^Jl Hti Amy Y #Tli , Dm^M ^ ^Kk^Mp 9 ^^^^ . ^. ¦ . ^^^^I^^^ ^^^ ^Fe ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^I^^Bmmb'^^^^^^^^'^'^V^M^Pimibbfl^Kmflmmttl^Hb^H^Iam^Mbia^I^^^L^^Bamah^B^H^^B^M^^^B^B^^M^^^I^^^^^Bmm^M^^^Mm^H^^Ta^M^M^Hbfl^Mmmb^Flhv^Ftmn^^Bb'mi^^^Bhfb^Bhbvibtfam^^Vni^^^^^Vmw^^^M^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ __
Mg ^ jl Hti aMy y # tli , dm ^ m ^ ^ kk ^ mp ^^^^ . ^ . ¦ . ^^^^ i ^^^ ^^^ ^ fe ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i ^^ BMMB' ^^^^^^^^ ' ^ ' ^ V ^ M ^ PIMIBBfl ^ kMflMMttl ^ HB ^ h ^ iaM ^ MBIA ^ i ^^^ l ^^ BAMaH ^ B ^ H ^^ B ^ M ^^^ B ^ B ^^ M ^^^ i ^^^^^ BMM ^ M ^^^ MM ^ H ^^ ta ^ M ^ M ^ HBfl ^ MMMB ^ flHV ^ ftMn ^^ BB'Mi ^^^ BHfb ^ BHBVIBtfAM ^^ VNi ^^^^^ VMW ^^^ M ^^^ H ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ __
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VO L . XXI . B
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1826, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2544/page/1/