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inieht restore tlie text' to 1 &e copies of the New Testament in general , and tjuote it without fear- «> f detection ia favour of orthod&xtf . This was the
opinion of ax least one , ftoy far the tBOst enunenfe atnong them . A vit > - lent dispute thence ensued , in which the . contending parties abused each ^ ther . The individual I allude to ,
towever , prevailed , and triumphantly restored the verse on the authority o £ the © reek manuscripts , laying against -his adversaries the very charge which I point out from their own writings , namely , their excluding the text from theit editions and supplying its place
by a mystification of the eighth verse-* These propositions are so involved in one another , that they cannot he supported by independent evidence in the order here stated , but I hope the arguments which I shall briefly adduce , will be sufficient to satisfy every competent judge of their truth .
8 . The verse with its context is the following : ct And the spirit is that which beareth testimony , because the spirit is the truth : for there are three in heaven which bear testimony , the Father , the Word , and the Holy Spirit 3 and these three are one * And there are three on the earth wto bear
testimony , the Spirit , the Water , and tbeiBlood : and these three agree ia one . " According to the law of Moses two or three witnesses were sufficient to
verify the thing attested by them . In allusion to this maxim , it is here said , that three witnesses in heaven bear testimony , the Father , the Word and the Holy Spirit , and that these three are one . that is , one in testimony
or consent . t , Hie subject of this testimony is , that Jesus is tfye Christ or the Son of God . This indeed is not mentioned , but it is obvious , frora the whole Epistle , where it is repeatedly stated , and stated even ia the verses
preceding- the disputed text . Besides , the subject alluded to must have been frequently discussed by the people to whom John addressed his Epistle , and therefore well known to and understood by them , even in circumstances
where it is not distinctly expressed . Farther , the proposition that Jesus is the Christ , the Apostle grounds on these three testimonies in opposition to the Gnostics , who maintained that Jems was not the Christ ; but that
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the Christ was a Ood , dweHing for & season in the man Jesus , or mt empty phantom assuming the foroi of the tnan Jesus * That men existed in the days of the Apostles and afterwards ,
who pretended to believe these absurd notions , is a fact beyond all controversy ; as the English reader may satisfy himself by consulting the accounts which Mosheira , Lardner and Priestley have given of the Gnostics .
If it be true that the Father , the Word and the Holy Spirit bear their joint testimony , that Jesus is the Christ , or the Son of God , it must be
found in the records of his ministry ; and the truth thus ascertained will go to prove the genuineness of the disputed verse , in which the same truth is asserted . While his forerunner was
proclaiming the approach of the kingdom of heaven ^ when surrounded by an immense concourse from Judea , Jerusalem and all the country round about , many of the Pharisees and Sadducees also being in the number , on
this public occasion Jesus came to be baptized . A scene , solemn , sudden and surprising , ensued . High in the heaven , beyond the reach of all human power or imposture , the clouds , which had hitherto darkened the sky , dispersed : a commission from the
Sovereign of the universe , assuming a visible appearance , descended on the man Jesus , at the same time accompanied with an audible voice , saying , * ' This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased . " Thus it is proved true , that the Father bore testimony in heaven that the man Jesus is the
Son of God . Again , in the beginning of his Gospel , John relates that the Logos of God incorporated with the man Jesus . This Logos , whom God sent , as the Apostle Peter farther says , preached peace through Jesus Christ to the
children of Israel , enabling him to go about doing good , and to heal all manner of diseases among the people , and thus proving him to be the Son of God . Accordingly , the Evangelist , after stating in the commencement
that the Logos became flesh , states also at the close , that his object in writing was to prove Jesus to be the Christ or the Son of God . Finally , Jesus , according to his promise before he yet had suffered , sent the Holy Spirit on his apostles , enabling them
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16 Men David on I Jvhn .- / .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1826, page 16, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2544/page/16/