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of Universal Restoration , Viz , Petitpierre , J . Simpson , Dr . Estlin , Dr . Hartley , &c . The Compiler ' s preliminary attestation-to the value of the doctrine , well deserves a place in the Repository . . " More than thirty years hare passed since my attention " was first attracted to the consideration of Final Universal
Restoration . The firm belief , that this pleasing doctrine is in perfect unison with every thing we find in the Sacred Scriptures , has carried me with more than ordinary composure and
resignation through some of the most trying events of life ; and now in the eighty-second year of my age , has determined me to select and bring together passages from sundry publications , such as . have appeared to me abundantly sufficient to establish it . " I observe that Dr , Carpenter in his third and much improved edition of " Unitarianism the Doctrine of the Gospel , " while of opinion that the Christian revelation was not intended to disclose at first the final issue of all , expresses his conviction , that "it accords best with the nature of
Christianity to suppose that it contains principles undeveloped when first preached , expanding as the minds of men are fitted to receive them . "" Christianity , " says Dr . Chanuing , " has never shrunk a 9 intellect has opened ; but has always kept ; in
advance of men ' s faculties , and unfolded nobler views , in proportion as they have ascended . " : I think it will be found that the late Gilbert Wakefield , in one of his works , advocated the same reasonable opinion . A CATHOLIC .
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i Mr : Manning to M -r . Emlyn , headed €€ A Copy t ) fthe Sum ofmyM&titfn to Mr Emlyny his Letter to me , Dee r . 23 . 1 / 03 . " - •;•• , Sir , '
\ ours I received ; when also tyft Answer to your Enquiry * came to lny hands , which I was willing to see . Some few remarks of mine upon either I would give you , as well as \ no \ v I can . I count that it might have been for the better , if you had reserved to yourself your thoughts coincident with Arius , till drawn out in a defence of
what you first only undertook wbeik put to it . You have now cut but more work for yourself to attend . All your arguments , in the main ,, against the supream deity of Jesus Cliiistj are of force , but ad homines ; they conclude nothing against a Nestorian
( a great part of the Orient ) . You grant to . them the praeexistence and personality of the W ^ ord , the Logos , ' John i ., his distinct , previous filiation , his agency of old , his style of God , his personal omnipotence , viz . his creation of all things , angels and archatfgels ;
yea , and of the H . Ghos t , ( according to you , ) if a person , out of nothing , Col . i . 16 . His being alone with the Father before all worlds , having made or produced no being in nature f by his immediate efficiency , never , save him only his begotten Son . The
hypostatical union of the Logos arid Son of Mary you also own , and that begotten of her to be no person . Now those hold two subsistent nature ' s , i . el persons in a relative unity only , and conjunct energy one Christ so , in a rnetonymical communication of properties ^ ( as the agreement now speaks
too . as to that , ) but refuse the hypostatical union , whence it remains to you distinctly to prove against them , that the Logos or Son of God , a person by himself , as owned with them by you , was not very God , the Son of the Supream Essence , ( supream is
* By Mr . Boyse , with whom Mr . Emlyn had divided the pastoral care of the congregation in Wood Street , Dublin . The Auswer was called a " Vindication of the Deity of Jesus Christ . "" It was published by Mr . Boyse , and presented to the Lord Chifef Justice , while the prosecution was depending ., and the trial expected to come on very hoqiu >' H . R . B .
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Correspondence betwien"Mr . m Emlyna , hdMr . Manning * 33
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Yarmouth , Sir , January 7 , 1826 . DID not find the paper of which I the inclosed is a copy before I had sent you EmlynV Letter of Dec . 23 d ; [ XX . 705—709 . ] If I had , the
inscription at the beginning would have rendered any remarks on the genuineness of that letter unnecessary . —I have now . sent you all the letters of Erulvn which I can find . Those of
April 8 th , 1704 , and of March 21 st , 1705 , form a regular series with the one already published . That of June SttamusV I suppose , have been written after his return to England in * 706 . 11 . R BOWLES . VOL . XXI . P
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1826, page 33, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2544/page/33/