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MISCELLANEOUS ; Intolerance of Irish Presbyterians * ( From aa Irish Correspondent who heads his communication—Auld Lights , 0 / VlsterJ
General Synod at € eleriin 1825 . Overtures ( i . e * Motions / , ? 1 . " Mr . James Elder gave notice ' that he intends to move at the next" General Synod , that subscription to the Westminster Confession of It aith shall be required of all the initiauts into the ministry of
this Church . "—This gen tlemarv belongs to the sect who have fought fiercelyaye , and forcibly too — against PopTsh Creeds and the prelatic TMcty-nine Articles . What is the difference between a creed and a confession h " ~ * J *
3 . Oveitured and jagreed to— " That so soon as the Moderator ; of this Synod shall leaKiv upon any occasion ^ that a Professor is to be chosen in the Belfast Academical Institution-, tee shall immediately advise the several Presbyteries ; and that each Presbytery shall thereupob apto
point a J ^ tfnidter and Elder meet the Moderator i ^ Belfast ; and , after examining their testimonials , to give their opinion respecting the qualifications of candidates , whidh opinion the Moderator shall communicate to the electors , specifying the candidates whom they . consider eligible *"—KUB , Eaith is to be . the principal qualification .
4 ; Overtired and agreed to— €€ That this Synod deeply regret that , by the appointment of some persons holding Arian sentiments to Professorships in the Belfast Academical Institution , a diminution of public confidence in that
Seminary has been produced . " - ^ Untrue m to the effect produced . This Synod direct their Crfmmittee , " That m all cases df elections to Pro
fessorship * in the Belfast Academical I nstitution , they recommend to the attention of the electors none Jmt persons of Orthodox sentiments ; anti dp expect and trust that the managers and visitors of
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111 all cases of electron hold n \ view the opiuipa ^ i ; tl ^ Synod respecting thp ne-£ S $ sitgL p £ electing sueK persons to rjror fesSorships connected with the students of the churcjj ^ ' , . " Tfo&t the Synod dio now appoint a -CotBi&iffcee / to negoc £# ^ W&fcl the prapri * etors of the B . ellast Acadeink ^
Institution respecting the recognition , bf& ^ ylaw of the overture of Synod s relative to ^ lectioi * t& PitofcswrshAps connected wirh the students of this church , J ' I " Overtefres That % b& tf&mes and taestimoaials of , the several candidates for Professorships which may hereafter feecome vacant in the iDstkutioiv , sfialf b ^
submitted to the Moderator ef the General Sy « od i > t 0 l 3 Ee # , G& hfe ajqi ^ ittg'for the same , for th < f pulses mentioned in said overture . " , . T f That \^ hen the oi ^ ectsoi ySA Cotomittee shall have beefr " attained . the # be mittee shall have beetarftiiUe ^ thejp be
authorized to propose ^^ cfyfaldh © f tife advantages of hoine edvrcatibh foi fbe studehts qF this churchy and ; retofeiiieiM the Belfast Academic ^ iiisti % tlcm to th £ favourable considefratfon of , Hi ^ Maje $ fy * $ i Commissioners of Erfucatfon /"
Thiifs ute ihay perceive an attempt w making to pertert a Ane establishment for education into an organ for ecclesiastical tyranuy . Thes # - ^ o ^ th-pf- Irelan d Fresbyteaiaus call themselves a Churcfe ^ ^ nd ^ they are iu ^ on ^ sequ ^ nce a ^) ing , iu their smalt way » tlie lDquisltorial % it& of
a real hierarchy . " This is Antr-rop ^ turned Fope with a verigeance /* Church d 6 n ) ixiatipn claimed by a ri ^ ht froni £ feaveu , as tbtj Papists , claim it ^ is a dreadful engiae : usurped , even agamst the piin ciples of . semi-liberty which they once taught , it is injurious and contemptible or t ^ e Est
in the ep ^ copacy ablished Churchy because it is but a hal f measure : but in a Pfesbyt ^ naa J ^ yuod it takeK fts most odious character— -the preachers of liberty the practisers olf tyranny ! It jfs true , from Charles the First ' s day to t ^ e
present , a vacillating ^ tjiin . e-serving character hung on PreSt > yteria " msin . Thuy were ever " the painters who pleased every ba 4 y ^ nd pleased , nobody } " a « d now , puJt qt the ashes of cpld orthodoxy , half stitfed for years by latitudinarianism , up starts this unfinished phoenix with the " kirk ' s alarm" for his natal liymn :
Ortliodo ^ Orthodox , wha believe iu John Knox , . Let me sound an alarm to your conscience ; Theresa a heretic bltist has been blawn iu the Vltast ,, That vrh& % i » no sense must be nonacubc .
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'JtMriGftW ^ - * ffr
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blished * ' Mfe ^ Mm&&m 0 t * * debt of ^ mf ^ mm ^^^ v ^ mi ^ ^ the Meiife ofth ^^^ iety . Toward ^ the liquidation ^ £ ^^ £ 40 werp collected at ^ ' ^ m mm ^ l ^ of
the wonted Ube ^ alUy the- friends of tt-nth wyien ^ t ^ the sodety to liberate themselves from iheir present encumbrattce * This is tke more to be desired as the enlargeBaent of the-chapel i # con * template ^ its no very distant e ^ ent * > J * R « B »
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1826, page 59, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2544/page/59/