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Inscription in Latin and English on the Foundation Stone of the New Independent College at Highbury . iEdificii . Vsibvs .
Academiae . dim . Hoxtomensis , Cavsa . scilicet . Ivvenvm . pibrvm . atqve . ingenvorum . Qvi . Meliores . Evangelie . sancto . predicando . Inter . Christian os . Indcpendentes . dictoS Adpetant . facvltates . Literis , sacris , hvmanioribvsqve .
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Cambridge , January 6 . —The Hulsean Prize for the last year has been adjudged to Mr . Arthur Tozer Russell , of St . John ' s College , for his Dissertation on the following subject : "In what respect the Law is a Schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ '
The following is the Subject of the Hulsean Prize Essay for the present year : — " A Critical Examination of our Saviour ' s Discourses , with regard to the Evidence which they afford of his Divine Nature , "
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Cambridge , January 20 . —The Prize for the Norrisian Essay , for the year 1825 , has been adjudged to H . Jerejmie , B . A ., and Scholar of Trinity College . The subject : " No valid Argument can be drawn from the Incredulity of the Heathen Philosophers against the Truth of the Christiao Religion . "
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60 InteUigence . LU ' ^ Mtscetfaheou $ . ^ erarjf *
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The ic Home Missionary Society , ' * supported by the Independents , has forty
Missionaries in various parts of England * by whose means new congregations are perpetually rising up in villages where Dissenters were before unknown . A ma * gazine is published monthly under the name and in furtherance of the Qbjects of this Society . The Baptists have an association for the same object . It was
a report of the former of these Societies which threw Dr . Lushington ( generally a friend of liberty ) off his guard in the House of Commons , a year or two ago , and betrayed him into the expression of a wish for legislative measures to restrain fanaticism . Notable project , to bind the human mind with parchment !
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Dr , Mac , Dr , "Mafe , you should stretch on the rafck , To strike evil doers with terror ; To joiii faith and sense upon any pretence Is heretic damnable error . D'ryinple mild , D ' rymple mild , tho' your heart ' s like a child , And your life like the new driven
snaw—Yet that winna save ye , auld Satan must have ye , For preaching that three ' s ane and twa , Calvin ' s sons , Calvin's sons , seize your spiritual guns ,
Ammunition you never can need , &c . &c . I conclude by saying , what will , I think , be generally admitted , that when Protestants , who have dissented from prelacy
that they might be more Protestant , take to themselves that Popish engine , persecution for conscience' sake , they act as inconsistently as did a Whig Minister of a Whig Lord Lieutenant , who prosecuted a set of personal enemies by absolute process , called Ex Officio .
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Ae . Disciplims . - Gratvrto . imbrendoruhi . Conlatis . favtorvm . pecvuiis *
DicatL Haec fvndacaciit&i Thomas Wilson .-Arifrigefr * Aurios . plvsqvam . triginta ; ' f Thesavrarivs . fidelis . patroihfeqve ; mvttl fievs .
Locavit ; , Ivmi . xxvui . a . s . m . dc ££ . xxv 1 Georgio . Qvarto . feliciter . regnante This Foundation Stone Of a building Erected by voluntary contributions For the purposes of An Academy sometime at Hoxton Namely
For affording gratuitous Education In sacred and useful Literature and Science To Young Men Of piety and good talents Who Jdesire to improve their qualifications For Preaching the Gospel Among Christians of The Independent Donomination
Was laid by Thomas Wilson Esqnhte For more than thirty years The faithful Treasurer aud liberal Betie
factor June xxviii . a . s . m . dccc . xxv . In the prosperous Reign of George the Fourth .
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LITERARY , The Greek Professorship at Cambridge has been gained by the Rev . Mr . Scholepi eld , of Trinity College , There were six candidates .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1826, page 60, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2544/page/60/