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France ; and this , too , in a climate which must yield the palm only to that of Madeira . Though I had made my arrangements for wintering at Marseilles , I felt half tempted to change my plans , and to remain where I was ; nor was it a small addition to the inducements already mentioned , that I should here enjoy the society of several pastors and professors , whose sentiments are of the most liberal cast . Living , too , is extremely reasonable . I was offered a furnished room for twenty francs a month , or two on the same floor for thirty , and I have no doubt that a man might live very comfortably , every expense of board and lodging included , for less than £ 5 a month . 27 th . With the assistance of the sexton , I found the grave of poor Mr . Goodier , who died here in July , 1818 , and was interred in the Protestant burying-ground . There is not a stone to tell where he lies , * but my
concluctor said that he was sure of the spot , as he had himself assisted at the interment . It was an affecting incident to visit the grave of so truly pious and valuable a young man , cut off when he was just entering on a bright career of useful exertion . As I gazed on the simple elevation of earth which marks the spot where his remains are deposited , I breathed forth a
fervent prayer that we , who are still left to fulfil our day in this world of uncertainty and temptation , may imitate him in the purity of his heart , iii the gentleness of his temper , in his calm , enlightended resignation , and ardent desire of doing good . God grant that we may endeavour in some degree to supply his place , and , if we have not his talents , that we may , at least , not fall below him in zeal !
Sunday 28 th , attended the service at the principal Protestant church . In Catholic France it was a grand and glorious sight to behold so large an assemblage in a Protestant place of worship . There must have been a thousand persons present , and 1 was assured that this was considered a small congregation , many being at this season in the country . But then there are at Montauban 8 , 000 Protestants , that is , one-third of the whole population . The preacher , who was a young man , the suffragan of one of the pastors , gave us a good moral sermon on the fear of death ; and he did what every preacher ought to do—he addressed his hearers , and not his book , for he had no book before him .
I find that my journal occupies so much more space than I expected , that I must reserve the remainder for another letter . This will give me the opportunity of maturing more carefully some remarks , with which I mean to conclude , on the state of religious opinion and the prospects of the Protestant church in this part of France .
SAMUEL WOOD . * I inquired what would be the expense of laying down a grave-stone , with a short inscription , and found that , including what is paid to the consistory for the permission , it could not be done under £ 12 . It is to be hoped that they who knew and valued Mr . Goodier , will not scruple this sum to provide a suitable memorial of his talents and his virtues .
Untitled Article
Journal of a Tour in the South of France . 11
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1828, page 11, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2556/page/11/