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stinacy , cuffed and tossed in the air , and treated with the utmost contempt . As the spring advances the Carnival begins , a period of forty days of every kind of diversion . With the fine weather come the festivals of numberless saints in the adjacent villages , in which , at Rome , and , I presume , at Naples , horse-races , the playing of beautiful fountains , and exhibitions of fire-works ,
and illuminations , are announced by ecclesiastical authority , along with the masses to be said and sermons to be preached , as forming collectively the business of the day . The summer festival of the Madonna deV Arco , in the vicinity of Naples , is , besides a religious celebration , a complete representation of the ancient Bacchanalian festivals . The very manner in which the eve of a saint ' s day is announced—the letting off of crackers befoTe the door of the church dedicated to him—is a sufficient indication of the nature of the
observance . ¦ We have just passed the general festival of the name of the sovereign , St . Francis , kept with great joy and illuminations in honour of the reigning King , Francis I . Every Saturday morning there is a pleasant walk to be taken to visit the convent of the Madonna di Sant' Ursula , ( on a lofty eminence , ) during the " the twelve holy Saturdays , " between the Festival of the Assumption of the Virgin and the Festival of Christmas . Not a week
passes but the squibs announce a particular , or the deep-mouthed cannon the return of a general , festival . Thus the year goes round in " religious dissipation . " But what has all this to do with the gospel of Christ ? Alas ! the Neapolitan knows not what the gospel is , and has no opportunity of learning . " Ma dite mi un poco , questa Biblia , cosa dice ? " " But tell
me , I pray you , this Bible you talk of , what does it say ? " observed an elderly respectable person with whom I conversed on the subject of religion , and who was fond of reading . " What ! " I replied , " did you never see a copy of it ? " *• No , never . My son , who was very studious , wanted to know what the Bible said , and so he sent to Rome for a licence to read it ; but he never let me see it . "
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No , not the beauty of thy gentle eye , Not the absorbing music of thy voice , Not these , not these—oh , these are not my choice , Not e ' en thy spirit ' s rich variety , Informing , charming , leads my heart to thee :
For thou hast more and better ; yea , the best Of knowledge , beauty , truth s with thee doth rest , Cherished and loved—thy dearest treasury . To the great Fountain Mind thou hast appealed , His light doth guide thy apprehension clear , The universe its wonders hath revealed ,
The deep doth speak a language to thine ear . All things to thee their purest essence yield ; Teach me , like thee , to feel and see and hear ! L . F .
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26 Sonnet
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1828, page 26, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2556/page/26/