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posed between the call of the gospel and the minds of those to whom the gospel is addressed , " and " the effect of man ' s wrath when interposed'between aright and a wrong denomination of Christianity , " and to illustrate these in the
interesting manner , which those who are acquainted with the peculiar style of Dr . Chalmers can well imagine . It would be impossible * in the short space we can aliot to it , rto follow htm through the various topics lie introduced . His opinions -are avowedly Calvinistie , and , as such , there must be much we
cannot agree with ; but we never before met with Calvinism so expounded ; and if we do not yield our judgments on matters 4 > f j dlscussioii , we \ award the . full meed of praise to rthe manner in which his doctrines are enforced 5 asd we recommend the sermon to our Unitarian con * troversiaHsts , iu the hope that they also will learn a lesson df love .
^ We select two passages in continuation , one to shew how he treats doctrinal subjects , the other relating to the treatment of opponents in every controversy but in a peculiar manner applicable to those who are more numerous Or more powerful . He had been stating some reasons for believing that "to honour the Son even as we honour the Father ,
is the soundest { philosophy , as well as the roundest faith . Yet , " lie continues , " with ail these reasons for holding our - selves to -be intellectually right upon this guestioo , there is not one reason why the wrath o £ man should be permitted to mtagte in the < controversy . This , whenever it is admitted , operates not as an ingredient -of strength , but as an iugreilient of < weak » ess . Let truth be shrined
hi -argume&t—for this is its appropriate glory . And it is a ' sore disparagement iadiGted upon it , by the hand of vindictive theologians , wh « B , otastead'Of rthis , it is' 4 iFHi € d in-a « ftthe « ia , orbnandisiied as a . weapon ^ f tiread and of destruction over the heads of < ail who ^ reicoiapelled Co do it . homage , rrheterribledenunciiUioae of Atlrtwiawrtis have not helpedth&yjhave 1 inured tfce cauae . OThe ^ ed * Jiead of-Christ is not thnsftet ( forth in tim > £ Je * v Testament . > it > is 'no < tohvre
ppopoacd- in the * Jiape of < a mete * dictato rial article , or us a ? naked * dogma , > ttor the « nder- » ta » dmg atone . ; and at one place it is introduced as ^ an episode fort Che en * forcemeat of « moral virtue . - In this famous pasaagtt , t ? he vfwactical le » 8 onv « cou > pies the Bt&tibn of 4 > rtocjpal , < as theiuaaln or capital ftgutfe of the pieces and the doctrine on which bo many ^ ouid effervesce all * faeir > aeal , ^ evm * to « atbau » tion ,
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stands to it but in the relation of a subsidiary . The lesson is , * Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory ; but vin lowliness of mind , let each esteem other better than themselves , Look not every man on his own things , but every man also on the things of others / And the doctrine ( here noticed by the apostle , not to the end that he nifty rectify the opinion of his disciples , but primarily
and obviotisly , to the end that he may rectify their conduct , )—the . doctrine for the enforcement of the lesson is , 'Let this mind be in ^ oa , Which was also in Christ Jesus : who , being in the form of Ood , thought It not robbery to be equal with -God , T » t made himself of no reputation , and took upon him the form of a servant , ami was made in the likeness of men ; and ' being found in fashion as a
man , he humbled himself , and became obedientunto death , ieven the death of the cross / In these verses there is a eoBdteral lesson for out faith ; b » t the chief , the direct lesson is a lesson of charity , which is greater than faith . And would the heart of the Trinitarian be but as obediently schooled as his head , by this passage ; 'would Orthodoxy , iastead of the
strife and the vainglory which have given her so revolting an aspect , iboth of pride and ste * miess , but put on her bowels of mercy , and to her truth add tenderness ; would the champions of a Saviour ' s dignity ? but learn of his meekness $ ttd lowliness , and , while theyjassert him to be God manifest in the flesh , meet the perversity of gainsayers in the very spirit of
gentleness that he did , —this were the way by which the church militarit might be borne onwardly and upwardly to the station of titte church triumphant in the world . This fe the way to which , by the 'inectetnistti of o « r moral nature , to obtain ascendancy over the tiearts of men . ^ FfiHih will be indebted for her best victories , ndt to the overthrow of
heresy , discomfited on the ; field of argumetit , ; but to the surrender of heresy , disarmed of that in wMch her strength andibet- fltttbitJty i Mei- ^ of her passionate , foeca « s # provokc& , wilfutoese . Charity will doWbutireason cannot do . It will take fctoiltwbteti letteth out of the way—even thftt WfaUi of man , whlcli worketh nei * 0 heri « fee truth nor the righteousness of God .
"< &ttt our time does not permit of any farther Iflnstration ^ -else we might have fehevni at greater 'length how , by the Wersipt 'fcf thi ? s gre ^ t priticiple , the caused bOtlr'of truth utid 6 f righteousness foaB l been i * npedefd in the woi-ld . Theotogians ^ have fofgottenltfti their contro l
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50 Critical Nitiiceg .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1828, page 50, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2556/page/50/