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Mn .. Barbauld > $ MS& T&tMe Editor . IK the "' Critical Notices" of your last number , I observe a sentence conveyiug an imputation which it seems incumbent on me to disclaim . It is the Allowing : < c Having named . Mrs ; Barbauld , we must say , that her papers are not in good custody t whilst such as some of those found in this year ' s 4 > Amulet ' are suffered to come abroad . ' * ( P . 924 . )
Now , Sir , it can be better known to no one than to the . Conductors and readers of the Monthly Repository , * that the papers of this distinguished writer and most * respectable woman , are in the ** custod y * ' of her tfwn family , andesnecialiv of Mi * . C . R . Aikin , her nephew and executor ; and I trust that the Collection of her Works , edited by me , with his concurrence , will be confessed to
have been made under the guidance of principles , both moral and literary , very different from those which have now exposed , to the public eye some juvenile ** Bonts-rmez /* and' "An Impromptu wrttteu in a Post ^ -Chaise . " Perhaps , therefore , it would have evinced more discernment , as well as candour , to have ascribed : the publication of these . ' trifles to any ; hands rather than the almost filial ones on . which she had ; herself
devolved the sacred trust of her literary re-Mfcs and' surviving ; fame . In feet , it is totally unknown to the members , of her famil ^ by who m the very gross impropriety of giving them uf > tot publication lias been committed ; for that of receiving them , the Editor of the Amulet will be accountable ; LJ 5 CV AHftN . Bampstead , Dec : 6 .
( jl&waa fM twmqixxmtentwut m Urn Critical ! NiO / tice oft the Anxttlet ^ to / say ? any tbimg 0 ffen »\ m <* £ the . later M # a * BarlmuiuVs telationm , VKe meant , ontyy to express aiur regcot that any pieces ) of fchftfc . taty ' s 8 boj ) ld > find their way to , the public , which wetwejje auwt ; ske wouM oott ^ rs ^ lfbare printed under tJm sanction of bfijc high name ;< and to-inornate that papers which « onbi tftuB « issue froob the- press , warei not iaj aafticustody . In Urn vjpw o £ tfa&caae * Jftias- Mkln ^ iu th « concluflioi > jofi hen noto , aocm » pantiji t © goiicuiu , lifmti . ^ * Soofltp ; Aikiw ^ lKit ^ er , Vol . Lp . 47 fr .
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6 . & 5 >
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Fx 6 ben ? & G < mmqntom /( on > theiBiblfo , Siav . I HAMBi latelfi met with a voluminous Coinineatepy on the Moly Sorijituiw ^ published , by tiie celebcatpd pointen ; Jiohn Frdbeo ^ at ); Ulaale ^ iu 150 i , whioh . appean ^ especially / inj die preseuti age oi cputvo * versy ^ to deeenvei som ^ atteutiou * r Fhe Latin Vulgate occupies- the midtUe ^ pant
of each * page j ia / adai ^ er oha « act 6 n , wttH short notes above each line ; ou . ooe ^ siUe iBi & seljeotioa t > 6 noted' from , the ) Fafthars , chiefly Jepome ait < i Augratine ; i wiiilwac the' bottom ) ofr the page , od atsth © other side , atetteposii / fa of Nicttolan db ^ y «« i ^ av FtAnoiscaui Friar , whoj taught at ? Pavib ioi the beginning of the ft * m « w ? ejJtft oeu * tuityow These poStylu ooumiuedi His * ejeplftv natloi * of tihv paieage ^ ami t \ w moral
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TheEbrlyFathers , Sir > Moms than one , I believe , oftymir , coin , respondents have suggested ? that the time * is come for a more acourate inquiry into ) the works and opinionsr of the early Christians than has at piiasent beeuexecutedv Allow me to suggesttto any young
scholar among u * ,, that au abundant fielcl of this , sort is open ^ . which , ( though requiring a great deal of labour and exerr tioa ) would nobly reward the pains taken both by the classical , and theological proficiency which' such a < work would produce , and ; by the reputation which its successful execution ! musfr confer * What
L would propone ,, ( perhaps . in my : ignorance of the extent of the task L am pco «» pounding , more than : I have any idea : of , ) is a complete , impartial , and careful analysis of all the extant writings of theearly Fathersiup to a giveu , period , with ample quotations on all important ? topics ^ ac ^ companied by litei ^ ai translations > thug , in a- limited number of . voltumes ^ witbin the ! compass of aa ordinary slqdenl 59 course ? o& readiogi , fiirniehing a fair ajfr
stmctoof the whole ? bady > ofi those most importaut writings . Dr . , Kaye ' s . plan ^ ol classifying : and- arranging am author ' s works acoording } to . the topicss to . whioh passages » overspreading those works ran late , is one of convenience , bnt . is Itablo to much abuse and mistake ; and , after all , cannot convey , such an accurate impression of the character and scope of the works ^ as a- faithful following of the author ' s order and ; succession of thought must exhibit . Bv O .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1828, page 55, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2556/page/55/